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change-over portion

  • 1 change-over portion

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > change-over portion

  • 2 change-over point

    change-over point; COP
    The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.
    Note.— Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the same portion of a route segment.
    (AN 1; AN 2; AN 4; AN 11; PANS-OPS/II)
    точка переключения; COP
    Toчкa, в кoтoрoй при пoлётe вoздушнoгo суднa пo учaстку мaршрутa OBД, oпрeдeляeмoму с пoмoщью oриeнтaции нa всeнaпрaвлeнныe OBЧ-рaдиoмaяки, oжидaeтся пeрeнoс oснoвнoй нaвигaциoннoй oриeнтaции сo срeдствa, нaхoдящeгoся пoзaди вoздушного судна, на следующее средство, находящееся впереди него.
    Примечание. Toчки пeрeключeния устaнaвливaются для oбeспeчeния oптимaльнoгo урaвнoвeшивaния силы и кaчeствa сигнaлa мeжду aэрoнaвигaциoнными срeдствaми нa всeх испoльзуeмых высoтaх и для oбeспeчeния oбщeгo истoчникa нaвeдeния пo aзимуту для всeх вoздушных судов, выполняющих полёты по одному и тому же отрезку участка маршрута.

    International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > change-over point

  • 3 переходная область

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > переходная область

  • 4 переходный участок

    1) Medicine: reduction piece
    3) Agriculture: transition section
    4) Automation: transition point

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > переходный участок

  • 5 COP

    change-over point; COP
    The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.
    Note.— Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the same portion of a route segment.
    (AN 1; AN 2; AN 4; AN 11; PANS-OPS/II)
    точка переключения; COP
    Toчкa, в кoтoрoй при пoлётe вoздушнoгo суднa пo учaстку мaршрутa OBД, oпрeдeляeмoму с пoмoщью oриeнтaции нa всeнaпрaвлeнныe OBЧ-рaдиoмaяки, oжидaeтся пeрeнoс oснoвнoй нaвигaциoннoй oриeнтaции сo срeдствa, нaхoдящeгoся пoзaди вoздушного судна, на следующее средство, находящееся впереди него.
    Примечание. Toчки пeрeключeния устaнaвливaются для oбeспeчeния oптимaльнoгo урaвнoвeшивaния силы и кaчeствa сигнaлa мeжду aэрoнaвигaциoнными срeдствaми нa всeх испoльзуeмых высoтaх и для oбeспeчeния oбщeгo истoчникa нaвeдeния пo aзимуту для всeх вoздушных судов, выполняющих полёты по одному и тому же отрезку участка маршрута.

    International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > COP

  • 6 управление (упр.)

    control (ctl)
    -, аварийное — emergency control
    -, автоматическое — automatic control
    -, автономное — independent control
    -, безбустерное — unassisted control, unpowered control
    -, боковое (полетом в горизонтальной плоскости) — lateral control
    -, бустерное — power(ed) control
    -, бустерное (необратимое) (рис. 20) — power-operated control
    при необратимом бустерном управлении поверхность управления отклоняется электрическим или гидравлическим приводом, без приложения физических усилий летчика. — in power-operated control the surface is moved electriсally or hydraulically with pilot's physical effort making no contribution.
    -, бустерное (обратимое) (рис. 20) — power-boost control
    при обратимом бустерном управлении поверхность управнения отклоняется электрическим или гидравлическим приводом и физическим усилием летчика. — in power-boost control, force needed to move surface is provided partly electrically or hydraulically and partly by pilot's physical effort.
    - воздушным движением (увд)air traffic control (atc)
    управление возд. движением направлено на предупреждение возможных столкновений ла между собой и препятствиями в зоне аэродрома, обеспечения регулируемого движения ла в зонах увд. — a service provided for the purpose of: preventing collisions between aircraft, and on the maneuvering area between aircraft and obstructions, and expediting and maintaining an oderly flow of air traffic.
    - выстрелом (катапультного кресла)seat ejection control
    - газом (двигателя)throttle control
    - газом двигателя, раздельное — separate throttle control (for each engine)
    -, гидравлическое — hydraulic control
    - двигателемengine control
    - двигателем (органы управления)engine controls
    - двигателем (система)engine control system
    -, двойное — dual control
    -, директорное (с помощью системы директорного управления) — flight director control
    -, дистанционное — remote control

    any system of control performed from a distance.
    -, дифференциальное — differential control
    - зажатое (о ручке или штурвальной колонке управления самолетом)fixed stick
    - закрылкамиflap control
    - заходом на посадкуapproach control
    -, кнопочное — push-button control
    - конусом воздухозаборникаair intake spike control
    - (комитет) контроля программ техобслуживания (при фаа)(faa) maintenance review board (mrb)
    - креном, ручное — manual bank /aileron/ control
    - курсовоеdirectional control
    - 'механизацией компрессораcompressor control system
    - на переходном режимеcontrol in transition
    - необратимоеirreversible control
    -, ножное — foot /pedal/ control
    - 'носовым колесомnosewheel steering (nose wheel steer)
    - обратимоеreversible control
    - общим шагом (несущего винта)collective pitch control
    управление о.ш. обеспечивоет одинаковое изменение шага всех лопастей несущ. винта независимо от их аэимутального положения. — collective pitch control provides equal alteration of blade pitch angle impossed on all blades independently of their azimuthal position.
    -, освобождение (о ручке или колонке управления самолетом) — free stick
    - от (посредством) автопилотаautopilot control
    - относительно поперечной осиlongitudinal control
    - относительно трех осей координатthree-axis control
    - парашютомparachute steering
    -, педальное — pedal control
    - передней опорой (шасси) — nosewheel steering (nosewheel steer, nlg steer)
    - переключением шин (эл.) — tie bus control
    - переставным стабилизатором, автоматическое (автоматом перестановки стабилизатора апс) — stabilizer /tailplane/ trimming (stab trim)
    - поворотом колес (передней опоры шасси)nosewheel steering (control)
    колеса передней опоры управняются гидравлически для изменения направления движения ла на земле. — the nosewheel steering is hydraulically actuated to provide directional control of the nose wheel(s).
    - поворотом колес передней стойки педалями руля направленияrudder pedal nosewheel steering
    - пограничным слоем (упс)boundary layer control (blc)
    один из способов увеличения подъемной силы крыла, осуществляемый путем отсасывания или сдувания пограничного слоя. — the boundary layer is contrailed by using either a pressure to act as a leading edge slot, of a suction to remove a portion of the boundary layer. the general purpose of blc is to obtain greater control over lift and drag forces.
    - пo директорным (командным) стрелкам (директорных приборов)(flight) control by using display of command bars
    - по крену — roll /bank/ control
    - пo курсуdirectional control
    - полетом (ла)flight control
    - полетом (ла) по углуaircraft attitude control
    -, поперечное — lateral control
    -, поперечное (автопилотом) — autopilot lateral (command) control
    -, последовательное — sequential control

    control by completion of a series of one or more events.
    - пo тангажуpitch control
    - пo углу рысканияyaw control
    -, программное — programed /scheduled/ control
    -, программное (пo времени) — time(d) control
    -, продольное — longitudinal control
    -, продольное автопилотом — autopilot vertical (command) со ntrol
    управление по вертикальной скорости или тангажу. — this control provides either vertical speed command or pitch command.
    -, путевое — directional control
    -, путевое (вертолетом) — helicopter directional control
    путевое управление вертелетом одновинтовой схемы осуществляется изменением шага лопастей хвостового винта, вертолетом соосной схемы - разностью крутящих моментов несущих винтов, вертолетом поперечной схемы - разностью наклонов векторов тяги несущих винтов. — directional control of tingle rotor helicopter is achieved by anti-torque rotor (tail rotor), of coaxial-rotor helicopter is accomplished by differential torque between two rotors, of side-by-side rotor helicopter is obtained by differential tilt of rotor thrusts.
    -, путевое (на земле) — directional control
    выдерживать направление движения при пробеге при помощи тормозов, руля направления, управлением носового колеса и обратной тягой. — maintain directional control with brakes, rudder, nosewheel steering and reverse thrust.
    - расходом топливаfuel management
    - расходом (и перекачкой) топлива из баковfuel management
    - реверсированием шага (возд.) винта — propeller reverse-pitch control
    - реверсом тягиthrust reverser control
    - рулем высотыelevator control
    - рулем направленияrudder control
    -, ручное (ручн) — manual control (man)
    - ручное (автономное) в обход "пересиливанием" автоматики — (manual) override control
    - с (к-л. пульта, панели) — control from

    entry of navigation data are controlled from the control display unit.
    - самолетом (в полете)airplane flight control
    - самолета, электродистанционное (электропроводное) — fly-by-wire control
    - забросами рулейovereontrolling
    -, сдвоенное — dual control
    - силовой установкойpower plant control
    - системой и контроль за ее работой (заголовок)(system) controls and indicators
    -, совмещенное — (autopilot) override control
    автономное действие в обход автоматики. оперативное вмешательство летчика в управление ла, управляемого автопилотом.
    -, совмещенное (от одного органа управления) — joint control
    -, спаренное — dual control
    - с помощью ручки (управления)stick control
    - тангажомpitch control
    - тангажом, ручное — manual pitch /elevator/ control
    - топливной системой (расходом и перекачкой топлива) — fuel (system) control, fuel management
    - тормозамиbrake control
    -, траекторное (с помощью системы траекторного или директорного управл.) — flight director control
    -, тросовое (система) — cable control system
    - триммеромtrim tab control
    -, тугое — stiff control
    перекручивание тросов управления рулем высоты от рулевой машинки может вызвать тугое управление рв в полете. — the kinking of the elevator servo cables could cause stiff elevator control in flight.
    -, электродистанционное (электропроводное) (ла) — fly-by-wire control (system)
    -, федеральное авиационное (сша) — federal aviation agency (faa)
    -, флетнерное — flettner control
    управление аналогичное управлению посредством серворуля. — flettner controls do not materially differ from servo controls.
    - форсажам (дв.) — power augmentation control
    - циклическим шагом (несущего винта)cyclic pitch control
    синусоидальное изменение шага лопастей за один оборот несущего винта. — by cyclic pitch control the blade pitch angle is varied sinusoidally with blade azimuth position.
    -, чувствительное — responsive control
    - шагом (возд. винта) — (propeller) pitch control
    - шассиlanding gear control
    -, штурвальное (режим) — manna? (flight control)
    при работе элеронов или руля направления в режиме штурвального управления, автопилот должен быть выключен. — the autopilot must not be operated while either or both the aileron and rudder is/are in manual.
    - элевонамиeleven control
    -, электрическое — electric control
    -, электропроводное, электрическое (самолетом) — fly-by-wire control
    - элеронамиaileron control
    взятие у. на себя — assumption of control
    органы у. — controls
    органы у. (ла) — flight controls
    органы у. двигателем — engine controls
    передача у. (от одного члена экипажа к другому) — transfer of control (from one to another crew member)
    переход на ручное у. — change-over to manual control
    потеря у. — loss of control
    брать у. на себя — take over /assume/ control
    kbc имеет право в любое время взять управление ла на себя, поставив в известность об этом других членов экипажа. — the captain may take over (or assume) control of the airplane at any time by calling "i have control".
    переходить на ручное (штурвальное) у. — change over to manual control
    пилотировать с помощью автоматического у. — fly automatically, fly under ap control
    пилотировать с помощью штурвального у. — fly manually
    реагировать на у. — respond to control

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > управление (упр.)

  • 7 точка переключения

    точка переключения; COP
    Toчкa, в кoтoрoй при пoлётe вoздушнoгo суднa пo учaстку мaршрутa OBД, oпрeдeляeмoму с пoмoщью oриeнтaции нa всeнaпрaвлeнныe OBЧ-рaдиoмaяки, oжидaeтся пeрeнoс oснoвнoй нaвигaциoннoй oриeнтaции сo срeдствa, нaхoдящeгoся пoзaди вoздушного судна, на следующее средство, находящееся впереди него.
    Примечание. Toчки пeрeключeния устaнaвливaются для oбeспeчeния oптимaльнoгo урaвнoвeшивaния силы и кaчeствa сигнaлa мeжду aэрoнaвигaциoнными срeдствaми нa всeх испoльзуeмых высoтaх и для oбeспeчeния oбщeгo истoчникa нaвeдeния пo aзимуту для всeх вoздушных судов, выполняющих полёты по одному и тому же отрезку участка маршрута.
    change-over point; COP
    The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.
    Note.— Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the same portion of a route segment.
    (AN 1; AN 2; AN 4; AN 11; PANS-OPS/II)

    Русско-английский словарь международной организации гражданской авиации > точка переключения

  • 8 COP

    точка переключения; COP
    Toчкa, в кoтoрoй при пoлётe вoздушнoгo суднa пo учaстку мaршрутa OBД, oпрeдeляeмoму с пoмoщью oриeнтaции нa всeнaпрaвлeнныe OBЧ-рaдиoмaяки, oжидaeтся пeрeнoс oснoвнoй нaвигaциoннoй oриeнтaции сo срeдствa, нaхoдящeгoся пoзaди вoздушного судна, на следующее средство, находящееся впереди него.
    Примечание. Toчки пeрeключeния устaнaвливaются для oбeспeчeния oптимaльнoгo урaвнoвeшивaния силы и кaчeствa сигнaлa мeжду aэрoнaвигaциoнными срeдствaми нa всeх испoльзуeмых высoтaх и для oбeспeчeния oбщeгo истoчникa нaвeдeния пo aзимуту для всeх вoздушных судов, выполняющих полёты по одному и тому же отрезку участка маршрута.
    change-over point; COP
    The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.
    Note.— Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balance in respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to be used and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraft operating along the same portion of a route segment.
    (AN 1; AN 2; AN 4; AN 11; PANS-OPS/II)

    Русско-английский словарь международной организации гражданской авиации > COP

  • 9 Historical Portugal

       Before Romans described western Iberia or Hispania as "Lusitania," ancient Iberians inhabited the land. Phoenician and Greek trading settlements grew up in the Tagus estuary area and nearby coasts. Beginning around 202 BCE, Romans invaded what is today southern Portugal. With Rome's defeat of Carthage, Romans proceeded to conquer and rule the western region north of the Tagus, which they named Roman "Lusitania." In the fourth century CE, as Rome's rule weakened, the area experienced yet another invasion—Germanic tribes, principally the Suevi, who eventually were Christianized. During the sixth century CE, the Suevi kingdom was superseded by yet another Germanic tribe—the Christian Visigoths.
       A major turning point in Portugal's history came in 711, as Muslim armies from North Africa, consisting of both Arab and Berber elements, invaded the Iberian Peninsula from across the Straits of Gibraltar. They entered what is now Portugal in 714, and proceeded to conquer most of the country except for the far north. For the next half a millennium, Islam and Muslim presence in Portugal left a significant mark upon the politics, government, language, and culture of the country.
       Islam, Reconquest, and Portugal Created, 714-1140
       The long frontier struggle between Muslim invaders and Christian communities in the north of the Iberian peninsula was called the Reconquista (Reconquest). It was during this struggle that the first dynasty of Portuguese kings (Burgundian) emerged and the independent monarchy of Portugal was established. Christian forces moved south from what is now the extreme north of Portugal and gradually defeated Muslim forces, besieging and capturing towns under Muslim sway. In the ninth century, as Christian forces slowly made their way southward, Christian elements were dominant only in the area between Minho province and the Douro River; this region became known as "territorium Portu-calense."
       In the 11th century, the advance of the Reconquest quickened as local Christian armies were reinforced by crusading knights from what is now France and England. Christian forces took Montemor (1034), at the Mondego River; Lamego (1058); Viseu (1058); and Coimbra (1064). In 1095, the king of Castile and Léon granted the country of "Portu-cale," what became northern Portugal, to a Burgundian count who had emigrated from France. This was the foundation of Portugal. In 1139, a descendant of this count, Afonso Henriques, proclaimed himself "King of Portugal." He was Portugal's first monarch, the "Founder," and the first of the Burgundian dynasty, which ruled until 1385.
       The emergence of Portugal in the 12th century as a separate monarchy in Iberia occurred before the Christian Reconquest of the peninsula. In the 1140s, the pope in Rome recognized Afonso Henriques as king of Portugal. In 1147, after a long, bloody siege, Muslim-occupied Lisbon fell to Afonso Henriques's army. Lisbon was the greatest prize of the 500-year war. Assisting this effort were English crusaders on their way to the Holy Land; the first bishop of Lisbon was an Englishman. When the Portuguese captured Faro and Silves in the Algarve province in 1248-50, the Reconquest of the extreme western portion of the Iberian peninsula was complete—significantly, more than two centuries before the Spanish crown completed the Reconquest of the eastern portion by capturing Granada in 1492.
       Consolidation and Independence of Burgundian Portugal, 1140-1385
       Two main themes of Portugal's early existence as a monarchy are the consolidation of control over the realm and the defeat of a Castil-ian threat from the east to its independence. At the end of this period came the birth of a new royal dynasty (Aviz), which prepared to carry the Christian Reconquest beyond continental Portugal across the straits of Gibraltar to North Africa. There was a variety of motives behind these developments. Portugal's independent existence was imperiled by threats from neighboring Iberian kingdoms to the north and east. Politics were dominated not only by efforts against the Muslims in
       Portugal (until 1250) and in nearby southern Spain (until 1492), but also by internecine warfare among the kingdoms of Castile, Léon, Aragon, and Portugal. A final comeback of Muslim forces was defeated at the battle of Salado (1340) by allied Castilian and Portuguese forces. In the emerging Kingdom of Portugal, the monarch gradually gained power over and neutralized the nobility and the Church.
       The historic and commonplace Portuguese saying "From Spain, neither a good wind nor a good marriage" was literally played out in diplomacy and war in the late 14th-century struggles for mastery in the peninsula. Larger, more populous Castile was pitted against smaller Portugal. Castile's Juan I intended to force a union between Castile and Portugal during this era of confusion and conflict. In late 1383, Portugal's King Fernando, the last king of the Burgundian dynasty, suddenly died prematurely at age 38, and the Master of Aviz, Portugal's most powerful nobleman, took up the cause of independence and resistance against Castile's invasion. The Master of Aviz, who became King João I of Portugal, was able to obtain foreign assistance. With the aid of English archers, Joao's armies defeated the Castilians in the crucial battle of Aljubarrota, on 14 August 1385, a victory that assured the independence of the Portuguese monarchy from its Castilian nemesis for several centuries.
       Aviz Dynasty and Portugal's First Overseas Empire, 1385-1580
       The results of the victory at Aljubarrota, much celebrated in Portugal's art and monuments, and the rise of the Aviz dynasty also helped to establish a new merchant class in Lisbon and Oporto, Portugal's second city. This group supported King João I's program of carrying the Reconquest to North Africa, since it was interested in expanding Portugal's foreign commerce and tapping into Muslim trade routes and resources in Africa. With the Reconquest against the Muslims completed in Portugal and the threat from Castile thwarted for the moment, the Aviz dynasty launched an era of overseas conquest, exploration, and trade. These efforts dominated Portugal's 15th and 16th centuries.
       The overseas empire and age of Discoveries began with Portugal's bold conquest in 1415 of the Moroccan city of Ceuta. One royal member of the 1415 expedition was young, 21-year-old Prince Henry, later known in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator." His part in the capture of Ceuta won Henry his knighthood and began Portugal's "Marvelous Century," during which the small kingdom was counted as a European and world power of consequence. Henry was the son of King João I and his English queen, Philippa of Lancaster, but he did not inherit the throne. Instead, he spent most of his life and his fortune, and that of the wealthy military Order of Christ, on various imperial ventures and on voyages of exploration down the African coast and into the Atlantic. While mythology has surrounded Henry's controversial role in the Discoveries, and this role has been exaggerated, there is no doubt that he played a vital part in the initiation of Portugal's first overseas empire and in encouraging exploration. He was naturally curious, had a sense of mission for Portugal, and was a strong leader. He also had wealth to expend; at least a third of the African voyages of the time were under his sponsorship. If Prince Henry himself knew little science, significant scientific advances in navigation were made in his day.
       What were Portugal's motives for this new imperial effort? The well-worn historical cliche of "God, Glory, and Gold" can only partly explain the motivation of a small kingdom with few natural resources and barely 1 million people, which was greatly outnumbered by the other powers it confronted. Among Portuguese objectives were the desire to exploit known North African trade routes and resources (gold, wheat, leather, weaponry, and other goods that were scarce in Iberia); the need to outflank the Muslim world in the Mediterranean by sailing around Africa, attacking Muslims en route; and the wish to ally with Christian kingdoms beyond Africa. This enterprise also involved a strategy of breaking the Venetian spice monopoly by trading directly with the East by means of discovering and exploiting a sea route around Africa to Asia. Besides the commercial motives, Portugal nurtured a strong crusading sense of Christian mission, and various classes in the kingdom saw an opportunity for fame and gain.
       By the time of Prince Henry's death in 1460, Portugal had gained control of the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeiras, begun to colonize the Cape Verde Islands, failed to conquer the Canary Islands from Castile, captured various cities on Morocco's coast, and explored as far as Senegal, West Africa, down the African coast. By 1488, Bar-tolomeu Dias had rounded the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and thereby discovered the way to the Indian Ocean.
       Portugal's largely coastal African empire and later its fragile Asian empire brought unexpected wealth but were purchased at a high price. Costs included wars of conquest and defense against rival powers, manning the far-flung navel and trade fleets and scattered castle-fortresses, and staffing its small but fierce armies, all of which entailed a loss of skills and population to maintain a scattered empire. Always short of capital, the monarchy became indebted to bankers. There were many defeats beginning in the 16th century at the hands of the larger imperial European monarchies (Spain, France, England, and Holland) and many attacks on Portugal and its strung-out empire. Typically, there was also the conflict that arose when a tenuously held world empire that rarely if ever paid its way demanded finance and manpower Portugal itself lacked.
       The first 80 years of the glorious imperial era, the golden age of Portugal's imperial power and world influence, was an African phase. During 1415-88, Portuguese navigators and explorers in small ships, some of them caravelas (caravels), explored the treacherous, disease-ridden coasts of Africa from Morocco to South Africa beyond the Cape of Good Hope. By the 1470s, the Portuguese had reached the Gulf of Guinea and, in the early 1480s, what is now Angola. Bartolomeu Dias's extraordinary voyage of 1487-88 to South Africa's coast and the edge of the Indian Ocean convinced Portugal that the best route to Asia's spices and Christians lay south, around the tip of southern Africa. Between 1488 and 1495, there was a hiatus caused in part by domestic conflict in Portugal, discussion of resources available for further conquests beyond Africa in Asia, and serious questions as to Portugal's capacity to reach beyond Africa. In 1495, King Manuel and his council decided to strike for Asia, whatever the consequences. In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama, under royal orders, made the epic two-year voyage that discovered the sea route to western India (Asia), outflanked Islam and Venice, and began Portugal's Asian empire. Within 50 years, Portugal had discovered and begun the exploitation of its largest colony, Brazil, and set up forts and trading posts from the Middle East (Aden and Ormuz), India (Calicut, Goa, etc.), Malacca, and Indonesia to Macau in China.
       By the 1550s, parts of its largely coastal, maritime trading post empire from Morocco to the Moluccas were under siege from various hostile forces, including Muslims, Christians, and Hindi. Although Moroccan forces expelled the Portuguese from the major coastal cities by 1550, the rival European monarchies of Castile (Spain), England, France, and later Holland began to seize portions of her undermanned, outgunned maritime empire.
       In 1580, Phillip II of Spain, whose mother was a Portuguese princess and who had a strong claim to the Portuguese throne, invaded Portugal, claimed the throne, and assumed control over the realm and, by extension, its African, Asian, and American empires. Phillip II filled the power vacuum that appeared in Portugal following the loss of most of Portugal's army and its young, headstrong King Sebastião in a disastrous war in Morocco. Sebastiao's death in battle (1578) and the lack of a natural heir to succeed him, as well as the weak leadership of the cardinal who briefly assumed control in Lisbon, led to a crisis that Spain's strong monarch exploited. As a result, Portugal lost its independence to Spain for a period of 60 years.
       Portugal under Spanish Rule, 1580-1640
       Despite the disastrous nature of Portugal's experience under Spanish rule, "The Babylonian Captivity" gave birth to modern Portuguese nationalism, its second overseas empire, and its modern alliance system with England. Although Spain allowed Portugal's weakened empire some autonomy, Spanish rule in Portugal became increasingly burdensome and unacceptable. Spain's ambitious imperial efforts in Europe and overseas had an impact on the Portuguese as Spain made greater and greater demands on its smaller neighbor for manpower and money. Portugal's culture underwent a controversial Castilianization, while its empire became hostage to Spain's fortunes. New rival powers England, France, and Holland attacked and took parts of Spain's empire and at the same time attacked Portugal's empire, as well as the mother country.
       Portugal's empire bore the consequences of being attacked by Spain's bitter enemies in what was a form of world war. Portuguese losses were heavy. By 1640, Portugal had lost most of its Moroccan cities as well as Ceylon, the Moluccas, and sections of India. With this, Portugal's Asian empire was gravely weakened. Only Goa, Damão, Diu, Bombay, Timor, and Macau remained and, in Brazil, Dutch forces occupied the northeast.
       On 1 December 1640, long commemorated as a national holiday, Portuguese rebels led by the duke of Braganza overthrew Spanish domination and took advantage of Spanish weakness following a more serious rebellion in Catalonia. Portugal regained independence from Spain, but at a price: dependence on foreign assistance to maintain its independence in the form of the renewal of the alliance with England.
       Restoration and Second Empire, 1640-1822
       Foreign affairs and empire dominated the restoration era and aftermath, and Portugal again briefly enjoyed greater European power and prestige. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance was renewed and strengthened in treaties of 1642, 1654, and 1661, and Portugal's independence from Spain was underwritten by English pledges and armed assistance. In a Luso-Spanish treaty of 1668, Spain recognized Portugal's independence. Portugal's alliance with England was a marriage of convenience and necessity between two monarchies with important religious, cultural, and social differences. In return for legal, diplomatic, and trade privileges, as well as the use during war and peace of Portugal's great Lisbon harbor and colonial ports for England's navy, England pledged to protect Portugal and its scattered empire from any attack. The previously cited 17th-century alliance treaties were renewed later in the Treaty of Windsor, signed in London in 1899. On at least 10 different occasions after 1640, and during the next two centuries, England was central in helping prevent or repel foreign invasions of its ally, Portugal.
       Portugal's second empire (1640-1822) was largely Brazil-oriented. Portuguese colonization, exploitation of wealth, and emigration focused on Portuguese America, and imperial revenues came chiefly from Brazil. Between 1670 and 1740, Portugal's royalty and nobility grew wealthier on funds derived from Brazilian gold, diamonds, sugar, tobacco, and other crops, an enterprise supported by the Atlantic slave trade and the supply of African slave labor from West Africa and Angola. Visitors today can see where much of that wealth was invested: Portugal's rich legacy of monumental architecture. Meanwhile, the African slave trade took a toll in Angola and West Africa.
       In continental Portugal, absolutist monarchy dominated politics and government, and there was a struggle for position and power between the monarchy and other institutions, such as the Church and nobility. King José I's chief minister, usually known in history as the marquis of Pombal (ruled 1750-77), sharply suppressed the nobility and the
       Church (including the Inquisition, now a weak institution) and expelled the Jesuits. Pombal also made an effort to reduce economic dependence on England, Portugal's oldest ally. But his successes did not last much beyond his disputed time in office.
       Beginning in the late 18th century, the European-wide impact of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon placed Portugal in a vulnerable position. With the monarchy ineffectively led by an insane queen (Maria I) and her indecisive regent son (João VI), Portugal again became the focus of foreign ambition and aggression. With England unable to provide decisive assistance in time, France—with Spain's consent—invaded Portugal in 1807. As Napoleon's army under General Junot entered Lisbon meeting no resistance, Portugal's royal family fled on a British fleet to Brazil, where it remained in exile until 1821. In the meantime, Portugal's overseas empire was again under threat. There was a power vacuum as the monarch was absent, foreign armies were present, and new political notions of liberalism and constitutional monarchy were exciting various groups of citizens.
       Again England came to the rescue, this time in the form of the armies of the duke of Wellington. Three successive French invasions of Portugal were defeated and expelled, and Wellington succeeded in carrying the war against Napoleon across the Portuguese frontier into Spain. The presence of the English army, the new French-born liberal ideas, and the political vacuum combined to create revolutionary conditions. The French invasions and the peninsular wars, where Portuguese armed forces played a key role, marked the beginning of a new era in politics.
       Liberalism and Constitutional Monarchy, 1822-1910
       During 1807-22, foreign invasions, war, and civil strife over conflicting political ideas gravely damaged Portugal's commerce, economy, and novice industry. The next terrible blow was the loss of Brazil in 1822, the jewel in the imperial crown. Portugal's very independence seemed to be at risk. In vain, Portugal sought to resist Brazilian independence by force, but in 1825 it formally acknowledged Brazilian independence by treaty.
       Portugal's slow recovery from the destructive French invasions and the "war of independence" was complicated by civil strife over the form of constitutional monarchy that best suited Portugal. After struggles over these issues between 1820 and 1834, Portugal settled somewhat uncertainly into a moderate constitutional monarchy whose constitution (Charter of 1826) lent it strong political powers to exert a moderating influence between the executive and legislative branches of the government. It also featured a new upper middle class based on land ownership and commerce; a Catholic Church that, although still important, lived with reduced privileges and property; a largely African (third) empire to which Lisbon and Oporto devoted increasing spiritual and material resources, starting with the liberal imperial plans of 1836 and 1851, and continuing with the work of institutions like the Lisbon Society of Geography (established 1875); and a mass of rural peasants whose bonds to the land weakened after 1850 and who began to immigrate in increasing numbers to Brazil and North America.
       Chronic military intervention in national politics began in 19th-century Portugal. Such intervention, usually commencing with coups or pronunciamentos (military revolts), was a shortcut to the spoils of political office and could reflect popular discontent as well as the power of personalities. An early example of this was the 1817 golpe (coup) attempt of General Gomes Freire against British military rule in Portugal before the return of King João VI from Brazil. Except for a more stable period from 1851 to 1880, military intervention in politics, or the threat thereof, became a feature of the constitutional monarchy's political life, and it continued into the First Republic and the subsequent Estado Novo.
       Beginning with the Regeneration period (1851-80), Portugal experienced greater political stability and economic progress. Military intervention in politics virtually ceased; industrialization and construction of railroads, roads, and bridges proceeded; two political parties (Regenerators and Historicals) worked out a system of rotation in power; and leading intellectuals sparked a cultural revival in several fields. In 19th-century literature, there was a new golden age led by such figures as Alexandre Herculano (historian), Eça de Queirós (novelist), Almeida Garrett (playwright and essayist), Antero de Quental (poet), and Joaquim Oliveira Martins (historian and social scientist). In its third overseas empire, Portugal attempted to replace the slave trade and slavery with legitimate economic activities; to reform the administration; and to expand Portuguese holdings beyond coastal footholds deep into the African hinterlands in West, West Central, and East Africa. After 1841, to some extent, and especially after 1870, colonial affairs, combined with intense nationalism, pressures for economic profit in Africa, sentiment for national revival, and the drift of European affairs would make or break Lisbon governments.
       Beginning with the political crisis that arose out of the "English Ultimatum" affair of January 1890, the monarchy became discredtted and identified with the poorly functioning government, political parties splintered, and republicanism found more supporters. Portugal participated in the "Scramble for Africa," expanding its African holdings, but failed to annex territory connecting Angola and Mozambique. A growing foreign debt and state bankruptcy as of the early 1890s damaged the constitutional monarchy's reputation, despite the efforts of King Carlos in diplomacy, the renewal of the alliance in the Windsor Treaty of 1899, and the successful if bloody colonial wars in the empire (1880-97). Republicanism proclaimed that Portugal's weak economy and poor society were due to two historic institutions: the monarchy and the Catholic Church. A republic, its stalwarts claimed, would bring greater individual liberty; efficient, if more decentralized government; and a stronger colonial program while stripping the Church of its role in both society and education.
       As the monarchy lost support and republicans became more aggressive, violence increased in politics. King Carlos I and his heir Luís were murdered in Lisbon by anarchist-republicans on 1 February 1908. Following a military and civil insurrection and fighting between monarchist and republican forces, on 5 October 1910, King Manuel II fled Portugal and a republic was proclaimed.
       First Parliamentary Republic, 1910-26
       Portugal's first attempt at republican government was the most unstable, turbulent parliamentary republic in the history of 20th-century Western Europe. During a little under 16 years of the republic, there were 45 governments, a number of legislatures that did not complete normal terms, military coups, and only one president who completed his four-year term in office. Portuguese society was poorly prepared for this political experiment. Among the deadly legacies of the monarchy were a huge public debt; a largely rural, apolitical, and illiterate peasant population; conflict over the causes of the country's misfortunes; and lack of experience with a pluralist, democratic system.
       The republic had some talented leadership but lacked popular, institutional, and economic support. The 1911 republican constitution established only a limited democracy, as only a small portion of the adult male citizenry was eligible to vote. In a country where the majority was Catholic, the republic passed harshly anticlerical laws, and its institutions and supporters persecuted both the Church and its adherents. During its brief disjointed life, the First Republic drafted important reform plans in economic, social, and educational affairs; actively promoted development in the empire; and pursued a liberal, generous foreign policy. Following British requests for Portugal's assistance in World War I, Portugal entered the war on the Allied side in March 1916 and sent armies to Flanders and Portuguese Africa. Portugal's intervention in that conflict, however, was too costly in many respects, and the ultimate failure of the republic in part may be ascribed to Portugal's World War I activities.
       Unfortunately for the republic, its time coincided with new threats to Portugal's African possessions: World War I, social and political demands from various classes that could not be reconciled, excessive military intervention in politics, and, in particular, the worst economic and financial crisis Portugal had experienced since the 16th and 17th centuries. After the original Portuguese Republican Party (PRP, also known as the "Democrats") splintered into three warring groups in 1912, no true multiparty system emerged. The Democrats, except for only one or two elections, held an iron monopoly of electoral power, and political corruption became a major issue. As extreme right-wing dictatorships elsewhere in Europe began to take power in Italy (1922), neighboring Spain (1923), and Greece (1925), what scant popular support remained for the republic collapsed. Backed by a right-wing coalition of landowners from Alentejo, clergy, Coimbra University faculty and students, Catholic organizations, and big business, career military officers led by General Gomes da Costa executed a coup on 28 May 1926, turned out the last republican government, and established a military government.
       The Estado Novo (New State), 1926-74
       During the military phase (1926-32) of the Estado Novo, professional military officers, largely from the army, governed and administered Portugal and held key cabinet posts, but soon discovered that the military possessed no magic formula that could readily solve the problems inherited from the First Republic. Especially during the years 1926-31, the military dictatorship, even with its political repression of republican activities and institutions (military censorship of the press, political police action, and closure of the republic's rowdy parliament), was characterized by similar weaknesses: personalism and factionalism; military coups and political instability, including civil strife and loss of life; state debt and bankruptcy; and a weak economy. "Barracks parliamentarism" was not an acceptable alternative even to the "Nightmare Republic."
       Led by General Óscar Carmona, who had replaced and sent into exile General Gomes da Costa, the military dictatorship turned to a civilian expert in finance and economics to break the budget impasse and bring coherence to the disorganized system. Appointed minister of finance on 27 April 1928, the Coimbra University Law School professor of economics Antônio de Oliveira Salazar (1889-1970) first reformed finance, helped balance the budget, and then turned to other concerns as he garnered extraordinary governing powers. In 1930, he was appointed interim head of another key ministry (Colonies) and within a few years had become, in effect, a civilian dictator who, with the military hierarchy's support, provided the government with coherence, a program, and a set of policies.
       For nearly 40 years after he was appointed the first civilian prime minister in 1932, Salazar's personality dominated the government. Unlike extreme right-wing dictators elsewhere in Europe, Salazar was directly appointed by the army but was never endorsed by a popular political party, street militia, or voter base. The scholarly, reclusive former Coimbra University professor built up what became known after 1932 as the Estado Novo ("New State"), which at the time of its overthrow by another military coup in 1974, was the longest surviving authoritarian regime in Western Europe. The system of Salazar and the largely academic and technocratic ruling group he gathered in his cabinets was based on the central bureaucracy of the state, which was supported by the president of the republic—always a senior career military officer, General Óscar Carmona (1928-51), General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58), and Admiral Américo Tómaz (1958-74)—and the complicity of various institutions. These included a rubber-stamp legislature called the National Assembly (1935-74) and a political police known under various names: PVDE (1932-45), PIDE (1945-69),
       and DGS (1969-74). Other defenders of the Estado Novo security were paramilitary organizations such as the National Republican Guard (GNR); the Portuguese Legion (PL); and the Portuguese Youth [Movement]. In addition to censorship of the media, theater, and books, there was political repression and a deliberate policy of depoliticization. All political parties except for the approved movement of regime loyalists, the União Nacional or (National Union), were banned.
       The most vigorous and more popular period of the New State was 1932-44, when the basic structures were established. Never monolithic or entirely the work of one person (Salazar), the New State was constructed with the assistance of several dozen top associates who were mainly academics from law schools, some technocrats with specialized skills, and a handful of trusted career military officers. The 1933 Constitution declared Portugal to be a "unitary, corporative Republic," and pressures to restore the monarchy were resisted. Although some of the regime's followers were fascists and pseudofascists, many more were conservative Catholics, integralists, nationalists, and monarchists of different varieties, and even some reactionary republicans. If the New State was authoritarian, it was not totalitarian and, unlike fascism in Benito Mussolini's Italy or Adolf Hitler's Germany, it usually employed the minimum of violence necessary to defeat what remained a largely fractious, incoherent opposition.
       With the tumultuous Second Republic and the subsequent civil war in nearby Spain, the regime felt threatened and reinforced its defenses. During what Salazar rightly perceived as a time of foreign policy crisis for Portugal (1936-45), he assumed control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there, he pursued four basic foreign policy objectives: supporting the Nationalist rebels of General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and concluding defense treaties with a triumphant Franco; ensuring that General Franco in an exhausted Spain did not enter World War II on the Axis side; maintaining Portuguese neutrality in World War II with a post-1942 tilt toward the Allies, including granting Britain and the United States use of bases in the Azores Islands; and preserving and protecting Portugal's Atlantic Islands and its extensive, if poor, overseas empire in Africa and Asia.
       During the middle years of the New State (1944-58), many key Salazar associates in government either died or resigned, and there was greater social unrest in the form of unprecedented strikes and clandestine Communist activities, intensified opposition, and new threatening international pressures on Portugal's overseas empire. During the earlier phase of the Cold War (1947-60), Portugal became a steadfast, if weak, member of the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance and, in 1955, with American support, Portugal joined the United Nations (UN). Colonial affairs remained a central concern of the regime. As of 1939, Portugal was the third largest colonial power in the world and possessed territories in tropical Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands) and the remnants of its 16th-century empire in Asia (Goa, Damão, Diu, East Timor, and Macau). Beginning in the early 1950s, following the independence of India in 1947, Portugal resisted Indian pressures to decolonize Portuguese India and used police forces to discourage internal opposition in its Asian and African colonies.
       The later years of the New State (1958-68) witnessed the aging of the increasingly isolated but feared Salazar and new threats both at home and overseas. Although the regime easily overcame the brief oppositionist threat from rival presidential candidate General Humberto Delgado in the spring of 1958, new developments in the African and Asian empires imperiled the authoritarian system. In February 1961, oppositionists hijacked the Portuguese ocean liner Santa Maria and, in following weeks, African insurgents in northern Angola, although they failed to expel the Portuguese, gained worldwide media attention, discredited the New State, and began the 13-year colonial war. After thwarting a dissident military coup against his continued leadership, Salazar and his ruling group mobilized military repression in Angola and attempted to develop the African colonies at a faster pace in order to ensure Portuguese control. Meanwhile, the other European colonial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, and Spain) rapidly granted political independence to their African territories.
       At the time of Salazar's removal from power in September 1968, following a stroke, Portugal's efforts to maintain control over its colonies appeared to be successful. President Americo Tomás appointed Dr. Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor as prime minister. While maintaining the New State's basic structures, and continuing the regime's essential colonial policy, Caetano attempted wider reforms in colonial administration and some devolution of power from Lisbon, as well as more freedom of expression in Lisbon. Still, a great deal of the budget was devoted to supporting the wars against the insurgencies in Africa. Meanwhile in Asia, Portuguese India had fallen when the Indian army invaded in December 1961. The loss of Goa was a psychological blow to the leadership of the New State, and of the Asian empire only East Timor and Macau remained.
       The Caetano years (1968-74) were but a hiatus between the waning Salazar era and a new regime. There was greater political freedom and rapid economic growth (5-6 percent annually to late 1973), but Caetano's government was unable to reform the old system thoroughly and refused to consider new methods either at home or in the empire. In the end, regime change came from junior officers of the professional military who organized the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) against the Caetano government. It was this group of several hundred officers, mainly in the army and navy, which engineered a largely bloodless coup in Lisbon on 25 April 1974. Their unexpected action brought down the 48-year-old New State and made possible the eventual establishment and consolidation of democratic governance in Portugal, as well as a reorientation of the country away from the Atlantic toward Europe.
       Revolution of Carnations, 1974-76
       Following successful military operations of the Armed Forces Movement against the Caetano government, Portugal experienced what became known as the "Revolution of Carnations." It so happened that during the rainy week of the military golpe, Lisbon flower shops were featuring carnations, and the revolutionaries and their supporters adopted the red carnation as the common symbol of the event, as well as of the new freedom from dictatorship. The MFA, whose leaders at first were mostly little-known majors and captains, proclaimed a three-fold program of change for the new Portugal: democracy; decolonization of the overseas empire, after ending the colonial wars; and developing a backward economy in the spirit of opportunity and equality. During the first 24 months after the coup, there was civil strife, some anarchy, and a power struggle. With the passing of the Estado Novo, public euphoria burst forth as the new provisional military government proclaimed the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly, and abolished censorship, the political police, the Portuguese Legion, Portuguese Youth, and other New State organizations, including the National Union. Scores of political parties were born and joined the senior political party, the Portuguese Community Party (PCP), and the Socialist Party (PS), founded shortly before the coup.
       Portugal's Revolution of Carnations went through several phases. There was an attempt to take control by radical leftists, including the PCP and its allies. This was thwarted by moderate officers in the army, as well as by the efforts of two political parties: the PS and the Social Democrats (PPD, later PSD). The first phase was from April to September 1974. Provisional president General Antonio Spínola, whose 1974 book Portugal and the Future had helped prepare public opinion for the coup, met irresistible leftist pressures. After Spinola's efforts to avoid rapid decolonization of the African empire failed, he resigned in September 1974. During the second phase, from September 1974 to March 1975, radical military officers gained control, but a coup attempt by General Spínola and his supporters in Lisbon in March 1975 failed and Spínola fled to Spain.
       In the third phase of the Revolution, March-November 1975, a strong leftist reaction followed. Farm workers occupied and "nationalized" 1.1 million hectares of farmland in the Alentejo province, and radical military officers in the provisional government ordered the nationalization of Portuguese banks (foreign banks were exempted), utilities, and major industries, or about 60 percent of the economic system. There were power struggles among various political parties — a total of 50 emerged—and in the streets there was civil strife among labor, military, and law enforcement groups. A constituent assembly, elected on 25 April 1975, in Portugal's first free elections since 1926, drafted a democratic constitution. The Council of the Revolution (CR), briefly a revolutionary military watchdog committee, was entrenched as part of the government under the constitution, until a later revision. During the chaotic year of 1975, about 30 persons were killed in political frays while unstable provisional governments came and went. On 25 November 1975, moderate military forces led by Colonel Ramalho Eanes, who later was twice elected president of the republic (1976 and 1981), defeated radical, leftist military groups' revolutionary conspiracies.
       In the meantime, Portugal's scattered overseas empire experienced a precipitous and unprepared decolonization. One by one, the former colonies were granted and accepted independence—Guinea-Bissau (September 1974), Cape Verde Islands (July 1975), and Mozambique (July 1975). Portugal offered to turn over Macau to the People's Republic of China, but the offer was refused then and later negotiations led to the establishment of a formal decolonization or hand-over date of 1999. But in two former colonies, the process of decolonization had tragic results.
       In Angola, decolonization negotiations were greatly complicated by the fact that there were three rival nationalist movements in a struggle for power. The January 1975 Alvor Agreement signed by Portugal and these three parties was not effectively implemented. A bloody civil war broke out in Angola in the spring of 1975 and, when Portuguese armed forces withdrew and declared that Angola was independent on 11 November 1975, the bloodshed only increased. Meanwhile, most of the white Portuguese settlers from Angola and Mozambique fled during the course of 1975. Together with African refugees, more than 600,000 of these retornados ("returned ones") went by ship and air to Portugal and thousands more to Namibia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.
       The second major decolonization disaster was in Portugal's colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago. Portugal's capacity to supervise and control a peaceful transition to independence in this isolated, neglected colony was limited by the strength of giant Indonesia, distance from Lisbon, and Portugal's revolutionary disorder and inability to defend Timor. In early December 1975, before Portugal granted formal independence and as one party, FRETILIN, unilaterally declared East Timor's independence, Indonesia's armed forces invaded, conquered, and annexed East Timor. Indonesian occupation encountered East Timorese resistance, and a heavy loss of life followed. The East Timor question remained a contentious international issue in the UN, as well as in Lisbon and Jakarta, for more than 20 years following Indonesia's invasion and annexation of the former colony of Portugal. Major changes occurred, beginning in 1998, after Indonesia underwent a political revolution and allowed a referendum in East Timor to decide that territory's political future in August 1999. Most East Timorese chose independence, but Indonesian forces resisted that verdict until
       UN intervention in September 1999. Following UN rule for several years, East Timor attained full independence on 20 May 2002.
       Consolidation of Democracy, 1976-2000
       After several free elections and record voter turnouts between 25 April 1975 and June 1976, civil war was averted and Portugal's second democratic republic began to stabilize. The MFA was dissolved, the military were returned to the barracks, and increasingly elected civilians took over the government of the country. The 1976 Constitution was revised several times beginning in 1982 and 1989, in order to reempha-size the principle of free enterprise in the economy while much of the large, nationalized sector was privatized. In June 1976, General Ram-alho Eanes was elected the first constitutional president of the republic (five-year term), and he appointed socialist leader Dr. Mário Soares as prime minister of the first constitutional government.
       From 1976 to 1985, Portugal's new system featured a weak economy and finances, labor unrest, and administrative and political instability. The difficult consolidation of democratic governance was eased in part by the strong currency and gold reserves inherited from the Estado Novo, but Lisbon seemed unable to cope with high unemployment, new debt, the complex impact of the refugees from Africa, world recession, and the agitation of political parties. Four major parties emerged from the maelstrom of 1974-75, except for the Communist Party, all newly founded. They were, from left to right, the Communists (PCP); the Socialists (PS), who managed to dominate governments and the legislature but not win a majority in the Assembly of the Republic; the Social Democrats (PSD); and the Christian Democrats (CDS). During this period, the annual growth rate was low (l-2 percent), and the nationalized sector of the economy stagnated.
       Enhanced economic growth, greater political stability, and more effective central government as of 1985, and especially 1987, were due to several developments. In 1977, Portugal applied for membership in the European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU) since 1993. In January 1986, with Spain, Portugal was granted membership, and economic and financial progress in the intervening years has been significantly influenced by the comparatively large investment, loans, technology, advice, and other assistance from the EEC. Low unemployment, high annual growth rates (5 percent), and moderate inflation have also been induced by the new political and administrative stability in Lisbon. Led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, an economist who was trained abroad, the PSD's strong organization, management, and electoral support since 1985 have assisted in encouraging economic recovery and development. In 1985, the PSD turned the PS out of office and won the general election, although they did not have an absolute majority of assembly seats. In 1986, Mário Soares was elected president of the republic, the first civilian to hold that office since the First Republic. In the elections of 1987 and 1991, however, the PSD was returned to power with clear majorities of over 50 percent of the vote.
       Although the PSD received 50.4 percent of the vote in the 1991 parliamentary elections and held a 42-seat majority in the Assembly of the Republic, the party began to lose public support following media revelations regarding corruption and complaints about Prime Minister Cavaco Silva's perceived arrogant leadership style. President Mário Soares voiced criticism of the PSD's seemingly untouchable majority and described a "tyranny of the majority." Economic growth slowed down. In the parliamentary elections of 1995 and the presidential election of 1996, the PSD's dominance ended for the time being. Prime Minister Antônio Guterres came to office when the PS won the October 1995 elections, and in the subsequent presidential contest, in January 1996, socialist Jorge Sampaio, the former mayor of Lisbon, was elected president of the republic, thus defeating Cavaco Silva's bid. Young and popular, Guterres moved the PS toward the center of the political spectrum. Under Guterres, the PS won the October 1999 parliamentary elections. The PS defeated the PSD but did not manage to win a clear, working majority of seats, and this made the PS dependent upon alliances with smaller parties, including the PCP.
       In the local elections in December 2001, the PSD's criticism of PS's heavy public spending allowed the PSD to take control of the key cities of Lisbon, Oporto, and Coimbra. Guterres resigned, and parliamentary elections were brought forward from 2004 to March 2002. The PSD won a narrow victory with 40 percent of the votes, and Jose Durão Barroso became prime minister. Having failed to win a majority of the seats in parliament forced the PSD to govern in coalition with the right-wing Popular Party (PP) led by Paulo Portas. Durão Barroso set about reducing government spending by cutting the budgets of local authorities, freezing civil service hiring, and reviving the economy by accelerating privatization of state-owned enterprises. These measures provoked a 24-hour strike by public-sector workers. Durão Barroso reacted with vows to press ahead with budget-cutting measures and imposed a wage freeze on all employees earning more than €1,000, which affected more than one-half of Portugal's work force.
       In June 2004, Durão Barroso was invited by Romano Prodi to succeed him as president of the European Commission. Durão Barroso accepted and resigned the prime ministership in July. Pedro Santana Lopes, the leader of the PSD, became prime minister. Already unpopular at the time of Durão Barroso's resignation, the PSD-led government became increasingly unpopular under Santana Lopes. A month-long delay in the start of the school year and confusion over his plan to cut taxes and raise public-sector salaries, eroded confidence even more. By November, Santana Lopes's government was so unpopular that President Jorge Sampaio was obliged to dissolve parliament and hold new elections, two years ahead of schedule.
       Parliamentary elections were held on 20 February 2005. The PS, which had promised the electorate disciplined and transparent governance, educational reform, the alleviation of poverty, and a boost in employment, won 45 percent of the vote and the majority of the seats in parliament. The leader of the PS, José Sôcrates became prime minister on 12 March 2005. In the regularly scheduled presidential elections held on 6 January 2006, the former leader of the PSD and prime minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, won a narrow victory and became president on 9 March 2006. With a mass protest, public teachers' strike, and street demonstrations in March 2008, Portugal's media, educational, and social systems experienced more severe pressures. With the spreading global recession beginning in September 2008, Portugal's economic and financial systems became more troubled.
       Owing to its geographic location on the southwestern most edge of continental Europe, Portugal has been historically in but not of Europe. Almost from the beginning of its existence in the 12th century as an independent monarchy, Portugal turned its back on Europe and oriented itself toward the Atlantic Ocean. After carving out a Christian kingdom on the western portion of the Iberian peninsula, Portuguese kings gradually built and maintained a vast seaborne global empire that became central to the way Portugal understood its individuality as a nation-state. While the creation of this empire allows Portugal to claim an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions in world and Western history, it also retarded Portugal's economic, social, and political development. It can be reasonably argued that the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was the most decisive event in Portugal's long history because it finally ended Portugal's oceanic mission and view of itself as an imperial power. After the 1974 Revolution, Portugal turned away from its global mission and vigorously reoriented itself toward Europe. Contemporary Portugal is now both in and of Europe.
       The turn toward Europe began immediately after 25 April 1974. Portugal granted independence to its African colonies in 1975. It was admitted to the European Council and took the first steps toward accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1976. On 28 March 1977, the Portuguese government officially applied for EEC membership. Because of Portugal's economic and social backwardness, which would require vast sums of EEC money to overcome, negotiations for membership were long and difficult. Finally, a treaty of accession was signed on 12 June 1985. Portugal officially joined the EEC (the European Union [EU] since 1993) on 1 January 1986. Since becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, Portugal has been steadily overcoming the economic and social underdevelopment caused by its imperial past and is becoming more like the rest of Europe.
       Membership in the EU has speeded up the structural transformation of Portugal's economy, which actually began during the Estado Novo. Investments made by the Estado Novo in Portugal's economy began to shift employment out of the agricultural sector, which, in 1950, accounted for 50 percent of Portugal's economically active population. Today, only 10 percent of the economically active population is employed in the agricultural sector (the highest among EU member states); 30 percent in the industrial sector (also the highest among EU member states); and 60 percent in the service sector (the lowest among EU member states). The economically active population numbers about 5,000,000 employed, 56 percent of whom are women. Women workers are the majority of the workforce in the agricultural and service sectors (the highest among the EU member states). The expansion of the service sector has been primarily in health care and education. Portugal has had the lowest unemployment rates among EU member states, with the overall rate never being more than 10 percent of the active population. Since joining the EU, the number of employers increased from 2.6 percent to 5.8 percent of the active population; self-employed from 16 to 19 percent; and employees from 65 to 70 percent. Twenty-six percent of the employers are women. Unemployment tends to hit younger workers in industry and transportation, women employed in domestic service, workers on short-term contracts, and poorly educated workers. Salaried workers earn only 63 percent of the EU average, and hourly workers only one-third to one-half of that earned by their EU counterparts. Despite having had the second highest growth of gross national product (GNP) per inhabitant (after Ireland) among EU member states, the above data suggest that while much has been accomplished in terms of modernizing the Portuguese economy, much remains to be done to bring Portugal's economy up to the level of the "average" EU member state.
       Membership in the EU has also speeded up changes in Portuguese society. Over the last 30 years, coastalization and urbanization have intensified. Fully 50 percent of Portuguese live in the coastal urban conurbations of Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Aveiro, Coimbra, Viseu, Évora, and Faro. The Portuguese population is one of the oldest among EU member states (17.3 percent are 65 years of age or older) thanks to a considerable increase in life expectancy at birth (77.87 years for the total population, 74.6 years for men, 81.36 years for women) and one of the lowest birthrates (10.59 births/1,000) in Europe. Family size averages 2.8 persons per household, with the strict nuclear family (one or two generations) in which both parents work being typical. Common law marriages, cohabitating couples, and single-parent households are more and more common. The divorce rate has also increased. "Youth Culture" has developed. The young have their own meeting places, leisure-time activities, and nightlife (bars, clubs, and discos).
       All Portuguese citizens, whether they have contributed or not, have a right to an old-age pension, invalidity benefits, widowed persons' pension, as well as payments for disabilities, children, unemployment, and large families. There is a national minimum wage (€385 per month), which is low by EU standards. The rapid aging of Portugal's population has changed the ratio of contributors to pensioners to 1.7, the lowest in the EU. This has created deficits in Portugal's social security fund.
       The adult literacy rate is about 92 percent. Illiteracy is still found among the elderly. Although universal compulsory education up to grade 9 was achieved in 1980, only 21.2 percent of the population aged 25-64 had undergone secondary education, compared to an EU average of 65.7 percent. Portugal's higher education system currently consists of 14 state universities and 14 private universities, 15 state polytechnic institutions, one Catholic university, and one military academy. All in all, Portugal spends a greater percentage of its state budget on education than most EU member states. Despite this high level of expenditure, the troubled Portuguese education system does not perform well. Early leaving and repetition rates are among the highest among EU member states.
       After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, Portugal created a National Health Service, which today consists of 221 hospitals and 512 medical centers employing 33,751 doctors and 41,799 nurses. Like its education system, Portugal's medical system is inefficient. There are long waiting lists for appointments with specialists and for surgical procedures.
       Structural changes in Portugal's economy and society mean that social life in Portugal is not too different from that in other EU member states. A mass consumption society has been created. Televisions, telephones, refrigerators, cars, music equipment, mobile phones, and personal computers are commonplace. Sixty percent of Portuguese households possess at least one automobile, and 65 percent of Portuguese own their own home. Portuguese citizens are more aware of their legal rights than ever before. This has resulted in a trebling of the number of legal proceeding since 1960 and an eight-fold increase in the number of lawyers. In general, Portuguese society has become more permissive and secular; the Catholic Church and the armed forces are much less influential than in the past. Portugal's population is also much more culturally, religiously, and ethnically diverse, a consequence of the coming to Portugal of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, mainly from former African colonies.
       Portuguese are becoming more cosmopolitan and sophisticated through the impact of world media, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. A prime case in point came in the summer and early fall of 1999, with the extraordinary events in East Timor and the massive Portuguese popular responses. An internationally monitored referendum in East Timor, Portugal's former colony in the Indonesian archipelago and under Indonesian occupation from late 1975 to summer 1999, resulted in a vote of 78.5 percent for rejecting integration with Indonesia and for independence. When Indonesian prointegration gangs, aided by the Indonesian military, responded to the referendum with widespread brutality and threatened to reverse the verdict of the referendum, there was a spontaneous popular outpouring of protest in the cities and towns of Portugal. An avalanche of Portuguese e-mail fell on leaders and groups in the UN and in certain countries around the world as Portugal's diplomats, perhaps to compensate for the weak initial response to Indonesian armed aggression in 1975, called for the protection of East Timor as an independent state and for UN intervention to thwart Indonesian action. Using global communications networks, the Portuguese were able to mobilize UN and world public opinion against Indonesian actions and aided the eventual independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002.
       From the Revolution of 25 April 1974 until the 1990s, Portugal had a large number of political parties, one of the largest Communist parties in western Europe, frequent elections, and endemic cabinet instability. Since the 1990s, the number of political parties has been dramatically reduced and cabinet stability increased. Gradually, the Portuguese electorate has concentrated around two larger parties, the right-of-center Social Democrats (PSD) and the left-of-center Socialist (PS). In the 1980s, these two parties together garnered 65 percent of the vote and 70 percent of the seats in parliament. In 2005, these percentages had risen to 74 percent and 85 percent, respectively. In effect, Portugal is currently a two-party dominant system in which the two largest parties — PS and PSD—alternate in and out of power, not unlike the rotation of the two main political parties (the Regenerators and the Historicals) during the last decades (1850s to 1880s) of the liberal constitutional monarchy. As Portugal's democracy has consolidated, turnout rates for the eligible electorate have declined. In the 1970s, turnout was 85 percent. In Portugal's most recent parliamentary election (2005), turnout had fallen to 65 percent of the eligible electorate.
       Portugal has benefited greatly from membership in the EU, and whatever doubts remain about the price paid for membership, no Portuguese government in the near future can afford to sever this connection. The vast majority of Portuguese citizens see membership in the EU as a "good thing" and strongly believe that Portugal has benefited from membership. Only the Communist Party opposed membership because it reduces national sovereignty, serves the interests of capitalists not workers, and suffers from a democratic deficit. Despite the high level of support for the EU, Portuguese voters are increasingly not voting in elections for the European Parliament, however. Turnout for European Parliament elections fell from 40 percent of the eligible electorate in the 1999 elections to 38 percent in the 2004 elections.
       In sum, Portugal's turn toward Europe has done much to overcome its backwardness. However, despite the economic, social, and political progress made since 1986, Portugal has a long way to go before it can claim to be on a par with the level found even in Spain, much less the rest of western Europe. As Portugal struggles to move from underde-velopment, especially in the rural areas away from the coast, it must keep in mind the perils of too rapid modern development, which could damage two of its most precious assets: its scenery and environment. The growth and future prosperity of the economy will depend on the degree to which the government and the private sector will remain stewards of clean air, soil, water, and other finite resources on which the tourism industry depends and on which Portugal's world image as a unique place to visit rests. Currently, Portugal is investing heavily in renewable energy from solar, wind, and wave power in order to account for about 50 percent of its electricity needs by 2010. Portugal opened the world's largest solar power plant and the world's first commercial wave power farm in 2006.
       An American documentary film on Portugal produced in the 1970s described this little country as having "a Past in Search of a Future." In the years after the Revolution of 25 April 1974, it could be said that Portugal is now living in "a Present in Search of a Future." Increasingly, that future lies in Europe as an active and productive member of the EU.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Historical Portugal

  • 10 go

    go1 [gəʊ]
    (game) jeu m de go
    go2 [gəʊ]
    aller1A (a)-(c), 1A (e), 1A (f), 1E (a)-(c), 1G (a), 2 (a) s'en aller1A (d) être1B (a) devenir1B (b) tomber en panne1B (c) s'user1B (d) se détériorer1B (e) commencer1C (a) aller (+ infinitif)1C (b), 1C (c) marcher1C (d) disparaître1D (a), 1D (c) se passer1E (d) s'écouler1E (e) s'appliquer1F (b) se vendre1F (e) contribuer1G (c) aller ensemble1H (a) tenir le coup1H (c) faire2 (b), 2 (c) coup3 (a) essai3 (a) tour3 (b) dynamisme3 (c)
    (pl goes [gəʊz], 3rd pres sing goes [gəʊz], pt went [went], pp gone [gɒn])
    (a) (move, travel → person) aller; (→ vehicle) aller, rouler;
    we're going to Paris/Japan/Spain nous allons à Paris/au Japon/en Espagne;
    he went to the office/a friend's house il est allé au bureau/chez un ami;
    I want to go home je veux rentrer;
    the salesman went from house to house le vendeur est allé de maison en maison;
    we went by car/on foot nous y sommes allés en voiture/à pied;
    there goes the train! voilà le train (qui passe)!;
    the bus goes by way of or through Dover le bus passe par Douvres;
    does this train go to Glasgow? ce train va-t-il à Glasgow?;
    the truck was going at 150 kilometres an hour le camion roulait à ou faisait du 150 kilomètres (à l')heure;
    go behind those bushes va derrière ces arbustes;
    where do we go from here? où va-t-on maintenant?; figurative qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant?;
    to go to the doctor aller voir ou aller chez le médecin;
    he went straight to the director il est allé directement voir ou trouver le directeur;
    to go to prison aller en prison;
    to go to the toilet aller aux toilettes;
    to go to sb for advice aller demander conseil à qn;
    let the children go first laissez les enfants passer devant, laissez passer les enfants d'abord;
    I'll go next c'est à moi après;
    who goes next? (in game) c'est à qui (le tour)?;
    Military who goes there? qui va là?, qui vive?;
    here we go again! ça y est, ça recommence!;
    there he goes! le voilà!;
    there he goes again! (there he is again) le revoilà!; (he's doing it again) ça y est, il est reparti!
    to go shopping aller faire des courses;
    to go fishing/hunting aller à la pêche/à la chasse;
    to go riding aller faire du cheval;
    let's go for a walk/bike ride/swim allons nous promener/faire un tour à vélo/nous baigner;
    they went on a trip ils sont partis en voyage;
    British go and buy the paper, American go buy the paper va acheter le journal;
    I'll go to see her or American go see her tomorrow j'irai la voir demain;
    don't go and tell him!, don't go telling him! ne va pas le lui dire!, ne le lui dis pas!;
    don't go bothering your sister ne va pas embêter ta sœur;
    you had to go and tell him! il a fallu que tu le lui dises!;
    he's gone and locked us out! il est parti et nous a laissé à la porte!;
    you've gone and done it now! vraiment, tu as tout gâché!
    he'll go as high as £300 il ira jusqu'à 300 livres;
    the temperature went as high as 36° C la température est montée jusqu'à 36° C;
    he went so far as to say it was her fault il est allé jusqu'à dire que c'était de sa faute à elle;
    now you've gone too far! là tu as dépassé les bornes!;
    I'll go further and say he should resign j'irai plus loin et je dirai qu'il ou j'irai jusqu'à dire qu'il devrait démissionner;
    the temperature sometimes goes below zero la température descend ou tombe parfois au-dessous de zéro;
    her attitude went beyond mere impertinence son comportement était plus qu'impertinent
    (d) (depart, leave) s'en aller, partir;
    I must be going il faut que je m'en aille ou que je parte;
    they went early ils sont partis tôt;
    you may go vous pouvez partir;
    what time does the train go? à quelle heure part le train?;
    familiar get going! vas-y!, file!;
    archaic be gone! allez-vous-en!;
    either he goes or I go l'un de nous deux doit partir
    to go to church/school aller à l'église/l'école;
    to go to a meeting aller ou assister à une réunion;
    that road goes to the market square cette route va ou mène à la place du marché
    to go barefoot/naked se promener pieds nus/tout nu;
    to go armed porter une arme;
    her family goes in rags sa famille est en haillons;
    the job went unfilled le poste est resté vacant;
    to go unnoticed passer inaperçu;
    such crimes must not go unpunished de tels crimes ne doivent pas rester impunis
    (b) (become) devenir;
    my father is going grey mon père grisonne;
    she went white with rage elle a blêmi de colère;
    my hands went clammy mes mains sont devenues moites;
    the tea's gone cold le thé a refroidi;
    have you gone mad? tu es devenu fou?;
    to go bankrupt faire faillite;
    the country has gone Republican le pays est maintenant républicain
    (c) (stop working → engine) tomber en panne; (→ fuse) sauter; (→ bulb, lamp) sauter, griller;
    the battery's going la pile commence à être usée
    (d) (wear out) s'user; (split) craquer; (break) (se) casser;
    his trousers are going at the knees son pantalon s'use aux genoux;
    the jacket went at the seams la veste a craqué aux coutures
    (e) (deteriorate, fail → health) se détériorer; (→ hearing, sight) baisser;
    all his strength went and he fell to the floor il a perdu toutes ses forces et il est tombé par terre;
    his voice is going il devient aphone;
    his voice is gone il est aphone, il a une extinction de voix;
    her mind has started to go elle n'a plus toute sa tête ou toutes ses facultés
    what are we waiting for? let's go! qu'est-ce qu'on attend? allons-y!;
    familiar here goes!, here we go! allez!, on y va!;
    go! partez!;
    you'd better get going on or with that report! tu ferais bien de te mettre à ou de t'attaquer à ce rapport!;
    it won't be so hard once you get going ça ne sera pas si difficile une fois que tu seras lancé;
    familiar go to it! (get to work) au boulot!; (in encouragement) allez-y!
    to be going to do sth (be about to) aller faire qch, être sur le point de faire qch; (intend to) avoir l'intention de faire qch;
    you were just going to tell me about it vous étiez sur le point de ou vous alliez m'en parler;
    I was going to visit her yesterday but her mother arrived j'avais l'intention de ou j'allais lui rendre visite hier mais sa mère est arrivée
    are you going to be at home tonight? est-ce que vous serez chez vous ce soir?;
    we're going to do exactly as we please nous ferons ce que nous voulons;
    she's going to be a doctor elle va être médecin;
    there's going to be a storm il va y avoir un orage;
    he's going to have to work really hard il va falloir qu'il travaille très dur
    (d) (function → clock, machine) marcher, fonctionner; (start functioning) démarrer;
    is the fan going? est-ce que le ventilateur est en marche ou marche?;
    the car won't go la voiture ne veut pas démarrer;
    he had the television and the radio going il avait mis la télévision et la radio en marche;
    the washing machine is still going la machine à laver tourne encore, la lessive n'est pas terminée;
    to get sth going (car, machine) mettre qch en marche; (business, project) lancer qch;
    her daughter kept the business going sa fille a continué à faire marcher l'affaire;
    to keep a conversation/fire going entretenir une conversation/un feu
    (e) (sound → alarm clock, bell) sonner; (→ alarm, siren) retentir
    she went like this with her eyebrows elle a fait comme ça avec ses sourcils
    to go on radio/television passer à la radio/à la télévision
    (a) (disappear) disparaître;
    the snow has gone la neige a fondu ou disparu;
    all the sugar's gone il n'y a plus de sucre;
    my coat has gone mon manteau n'est plus là ou a disparu;
    all our money has gone (spent) nous avons dépensé tout notre argent; (lost) nous avons perdu tout notre argent; (stolen) on a volé tout notre argent;
    I don't know where the money goes these days l'argent disparaît à une vitesse incroyable ces temps-ci;
    gone are the days when he took her dancing elle est bien loin, l'époque où il l'emmenait danser
    the last paragraph must go il faut supprimer le dernier paragraphe;
    I've decided that car has to go j'ai décidé de me débarrasser de cette voiture;
    that new secretary has got to go il va falloir se débarrasser de la nouvelle secrétaire
    (c) euphemism (die) disparaître, s'éteindre;
    he is (dead and) gone il nous a quittés;
    his wife went first sa femme est partie avant lui;
    after I go... quand je ne serai plus là...
    (a) (extend, reach) aller, s'étendre;
    our property goes as far as the forest notre propriété va ou s'étend jusqu'au bois;
    the path goes right down to the beach le chemin descend jusqu'à la mer;
    figurative her thinking didn't go that far elle n'a pas poussé le raisonnement aussi loin;
    my salary doesn't go very far je ne vais pas loin avec mon salaire;
    money doesn't go very far these days l'argent part vite à notre époque;
    their difference of opinion goes deeper than I thought leur différend est plus profond que je ne pensais
    (b) (belong) aller, se mettre, se ranger;
    the dictionaries go on that shelf les dictionnaires se rangent ou vont sur cette étagère;
    where do the towels go? où est-ce qu'on met les serviettes?;
    that painting goes here ce tableau se met ou va là
    (c) (be contained in, fit) aller;
    this last sweater won't go in the suitcase ce dernier pull n'ira pas ou n'entrera pas dans la valise;
    the piano barely goes through the door le piano entre ou passe de justesse par la porte;
    this belt just goes round my waist cette ceinture est juste assez longue pour faire le tour de ma taille;
    the lid goes on easily enough le couvercle se met assez facilement
    (d) (develop, turn out) se passer;
    how did your interview go? comment s'est passé ton entretien?;
    I'll see how things go je vais voir comment ça se passe;
    we can't tell how things will go on ne sait pas comment ça se passera;
    everything went well tout s'est bien passé;
    if all goes well si tout va bien;
    the meeting went badly/well la réunion s'est mal/bien passée;
    the negotiations are going well les négociations sont en bonne voie;
    the vote went against them/in their favour le vote leur a été défavorable/favorable;
    everything was going fine until she showed up tout allait ou se passait très bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive;
    everything went wrong ça a mal tourné;
    familiar how's it going?, how are things going? (comment) ça va?;
    the way things are going, we might both be out of a job soon au train où vont ou vu comment vont les choses, nous allons bientôt nous retrouver tous les deux au chômage
    (e) (time → elapse) s'écouler, passer; (→ last) durer;
    the journey went quickly je n'ai pas vu le temps passer pendant le voyage;
    there were only five minutes to go before… il ne restait que cinq minutes avant…;
    time goes so slowly when you're not here le temps me paraît tellement long quand tu n'es pas là;
    how's the time going? combien de temps reste-t-il?
    what your mother says goes! fais ce que dit ta mère!;
    whatever the boss says goes c'est le patron qui fait la loi;
    anything goes on fait ce qu'on veut
    (b) (be valid, hold true) s'appliquer;
    that rule goes for everyone cette règle s'applique à tout le monde;
    that goes for us too (that applies to us) ça s'applique à nous aussi; (we agree with that) nous sommes aussi de cet avis
    (c) (be expressed, run → report, story)
    the story or rumour goes that she left him le bruit court qu'elle l'a quitté;
    so the story goes du moins c'est ce que l'on dit ou d'après les on-dit;
    how does the story go? comment c'est cette histoire?;
    I forget how the poem goes now j'ai oublié le poème maintenant;
    how does the tune go? c'est quoi ou c'est comment, l'air?;
    her theory goes something like this sa théorie est plus ou moins la suivante
    to go by or under the name of répondre au nom de;
    he now goes by or under another name il se fait appeler autrement maintenant
    (e) (be sold) se vendre;
    flats are going cheap at the moment les appartements ne se vendent pas très cher en ce moment;
    the necklace went for £350 le collier s'est vendu 350 livres;
    going, going, gone! (at auction) une fois, deux fois, adjugé!
    (a) (be given → award, prize) aller, être donné; (→ inheritance, property) passer;
    the contract is to go to a private firm le contrat ira à une entreprise privée;
    credit should go to the teachers le mérite en revient aux enseignants;
    every penny will go to charity tout l'argent va ou est destiné à une œuvre de bienfaisance
    a small portion of the budget went on education une petite part du budget a été consacrée ou est allée à l'éducation;
    all his money goes on drink tout son argent part dans la boisson
    (c) (contribute) contribuer, servir;
    all that just goes to prove my point tout ça confirme bien ce que j'ai dit;
    it has all the qualities that go to make a good film ça a toutes les qualités d'un bon film
    (d) (have recourse) avoir recours, recourir;
    to go to arbitration recourir à l'arbitrage
    (a) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller ensemble;
    orange and mauve don't really go l'orange et le mauve ne vont pas vraiment ensemble
    let me know if you hear of any jobs going faites-moi savoir si vous entendez parler d'un emploi;
    are there any flats going for rent in this building? y a-t-il des appartements à louer dans cet immeuble?;
    familiar any whisky going? tu as un whisky à m'offrir?
    (c) (endure) tenir le coup;
    we can't go much longer without water nous ne pourrons pas tenir beaucoup plus longtemps sans eau
    we'll only stop if you're really desperate to go on ne s'arrête que si tu ne tiens vraiment plus;
    I went before I came j'ai fait avant de venir
    5 into 60 goes 12 60 divisé par 5 égale 12;
    6 into 5 won't go 5 n'est pas divisible par 6
    she isn't bad, as teachers go elle n'est pas mal comme enseignante;
    as houses go, it's pretty cheap ce n'est pas cher pour une maison;
    as things go today par les temps qui courent;
    there goes my chance of winning a prize je peux abandonner tout espoir de gagner un prix;
    there you go again, always blaming other people ça y est, toujours à rejeter la responsabilité sur les autres;
    there you go! (here you are) tiens!; (I told you so) voilà!;
    there you go, two hamburgers and a coke et voici, deux hamburgers et un Coca;
    there you go, what did I tell you? voilà ou tiens, qu'est-ce que je t'avais dit!
    (a) (follow, proceed along) aller, suivre;
    if we go this way, we'll get there much more quickly si nous passons par là, nous arriverons bien plus vite
    (b) (travel) faire, voyager;
    we've only gone 5 kilometres nous n'avons fait que 5 kilomètres;
    she went the whole length of the street before coming back elle a descendu toute la rue avant de revenir
    ducks go "quack" les canards font "coin-coin";
    the clock goes "tick tock" l'horloge fait "tic tac";
    the gun went bang et pan! le coup est parti;
    familiar then he goes "hand it over" puis il fait "donne-le-moi"
    to go 10 risquer 10;
    Cards to go no/two trumps annoncer sans/deux atout(s);
    figurative to go one better (than sb) surenchérir (sur qn)
    I could really go a beer je me paierais bien une bière
    to go it (go fast) filer; (behave wildly) se défoncer;
    familiar how goes it? ça marche?
    3 noun
    (a) British (attempt, try) coup m, essai m;
    to have a go at sth/doing sth essayer qch/de faire qch;
    he had another go il a fait une nouvelle tentative, il a ressayé;
    let's have a go! essayons!; familiar (let me try) laisse-moi essayer! ;
    have another go! encore un coup!;
    I've never tried it but I'll give it a go je n'ai encore jamais fait l'expérience mais je vais essayer;
    she passed her exams first go elle a eu ses examens du premier coup;
    he knocked down all the skittles at one go il a renversé toutes les quilles d'un coup;
    £1 a go (at fair etc) une livre la partie ou le tour;
    to have a go on the dodgems faire un tour d'autos tamponneuses;
    he wouldn't let me have or give me a go (on his bicycle etc) il ne voulait pas me laisser l'essayer
    (b) British (in games → turn) tour m;
    it's your go c'est ton tour ou c'est à toi (de jouer);
    whose go is it? à qui de jouer?, à qui le tour?
    (c) familiar (energy, vitality) dynamisme m, entrain m;
    to be full of go avoir plein d'énergie, être très dynamique;
    she's got plenty of go elle est pleine d'entrain;
    the new man has no go in him le nouveau manque d'entrain
    (d) familiar (success) succès m, réussite f;
    he's made a go of the business il a réussi à faire marcher l'affaire;
    to make a go of a marriage réussir un mariage;
    I tried to persuade her but it was no go j'ai essayé de la convaincre mais il n'y avait rien à faire
    (e) (fashion) mode f;
    short hair is all the go les cheveux courts sont le dernier cri ou font fureur
    to have a go at sb (physically) rentrer dans qn; (verbally) passer un savon à qn;
    they had a real go at one another! qu'est-ce qu'ils se sont mis!;
    she had a go at her boyfriend elle a passé un de ces savons à son copain;
    British police have warned the public not to have a go, the fugitive may be armed la police a prévenu la population de ne pas s'en prendre au fugitif car il pourrait être armé;
    it's all go ça n'arrête pas!;
    all systems go! c'est parti!;
    the shuttle is go for landing la navette est bonne ou est parée ou a le feu vert pour l'atterrissage
    he must be going on fifty il doit approcher de la ou aller sur la cinquantaine;
    it was going on (for) midnight by the time we finished quand on a terminé, il était près de minuit
    I've been on the go all day je n'ai pas arrêté de toute la journée ;
    to be always on the go être toujours à trotter ou à courir, avoir la bougeotte;
    to keep sb on the go faire trimer qn
    I have several projects on the go at present j'ai plusieurs projets en route en ce moment
    à faire;
    there are only three weeks/five miles to go il ne reste plus que trois semaines/cinq miles;
    five done, three to go cinq de faits, trois à faire
    esp American (to take out) two hamburgers to go deux hamburgers à emporter!
    (a) (move) circuler; (of rumour) courir;
    policemen usually go about in pairs en général, les policiers circulent par deux;
    you can't go about saying things like that! il ne faut pas raconter des choses pareilles!
    (b) Nautical (change tack) virer de bord
    (a) (get on with) s'occuper de;
    to go about one's business vaquer à ses occupations
    (b) (set about) se mettre à;
    she showed me how to go about it elle m'a montré comment faire ou comment m'y prendre;
    how do you go about applying for the job? comment doit-on s'y prendre ou faire pour postuler l'emploi?
    (c) (country) parcourir
    her son goes about with an older crowd son fils fréquente des gens plus âgés que lui;
    he's going about with Rachel these days il sort avec Rachel en ce moment
    your brother has just gone across to the shop ton frère est allé faire un saut au magasin en face
    (a) (follow) suivre
    (b) (pursue, seek → criminal) poursuivre; (→ prey) chasser; (→ job, prize) essayer d'obtenir;
    he goes after all the women il court après toutes les femmes;
    I'm going after that job je vais essayer d'obtenir cet emploi
    (a) (disregard) aller contre, aller à l'encontre de;
    she went against my advice elle n'a pas suivi mon conseil;
    I went against my mother's wishes je suis allé contre ou j'ai contrarié les désirs de ma mère
    (b) (conflict with) contredire;
    that goes against what he told me c'est en contradiction avec ou ça contredit ce qu'il m'a dit;
    the decision went against public opinion la décision est allée à l'encontre de ou a heurté l'opinion publique;
    it goes against my principles c'est contre mes principes
    (c) (be unfavourable to → of luck, situation) être contraire à; (→ of opinion) être défavorable à; (→ of behaviour, evidence) nuire à, être préjudiciable à;
    the verdict went against the defendant le verdict a été défavorable à l'accusé ou a été prononcé contre l'accusé;
    if luck should go against him si la chance lui était contraire;
    her divorce may go against her winning the election son divorce pourrait nuire à ses chances de gagner les élections
    (a) (precede) passer devant;
    he went ahead of us il est parti avant nous;
    I let him go ahead of me in the queue je l'ai fait passer devant moi dans la queue
    (b) (proceed) aller de l'avant;
    go ahead! tell me! vas-y! dis-le-moi!;
    the mayor allowed the demonstrations to go ahead le maire a permis aux manifestations d'avoir lieu;
    the move had gone ahead as planned le déménagement s'était déroulé comme prévu;
    to go ahead with sth démarrer qch;
    they're going ahead with the project after all ils ont finalement décidé de mener le projet à bien;
    he went ahead and did it (without hesitating) il l'a fait sans l'ombre d'une hésitation; (despite warnings) rien ne l'a arrêté
    (c) (advance, progress) progresser, faire des progrès
    go along and ask your mother va demander à ta mère;
    she went along with them to the fair elle les a accompagnés ou elle est allée avec eux à la foire;
    we can talk it over as we go along nous pouvons en discuter en chemin ou en cours de route;
    I just make it up as I go along j'invente au fur et à mesure
    (b) (progress) se dérouler, se passer;
    things were going along nicely tout allait ou se passait bien
    (c) (go to meeting, party etc) aller
    (decision, order) accepter, s'incliner devant; (rule) observer, respecter;
    that's what they decided and I went along with it c'est la décision qu'ils ont prise et je l'ai acceptée;
    I go along with the committee on that point je suis d'accord avec ou je soutiens le comité sur ce point;
    I can't go along with you on that je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous là-dessus;
    he went along with his father's wishes il s'est conformé aux ou a respecté les désirs de son père
    (a) (habitually) passer son temps à;
    he goes around mumbling to himself il passe son temps à radoter;
    she just goes around annoying everyone elle passe son temps à énerver tout le monde;
    he goes around in black leather il se promène toujours en ou il est toujours habillé en cuir noir
    (b) (document, illness) circuler; (gossip, rumour) courir, circuler
    will that belt go around your waist? est-ce que cette ceinture sera assez grande pour toi?
    familiar (attack → food) attaquer, se jeter sur; (→ job, task) s'attaquer à; (→ person) attaquer;
    they were still going at it the next day ils y étaient encore le lendemain;
    she went at the cleaning with a will elle s'est attaquée au nettoyage avec ardeur
    partir, s'en aller;
    go away! va-t'en!;
    I'm going away for a few days je pars pour quelques jours;
    she's gone away to think about it elle est partie réfléchir
    (a) (return) revenir, retourner;
    she went back to bed elle est retournée au lit, elle s'est recouchée;
    to go back to sleep se rendormir;
    they went back home ils sont rentrés chez eux ou à la maison;
    I went back downstairs/upstairs je suis redescendu/remonté;
    to go back to work (continue task) se remettre au travail; (return to place of work) retourner travailler; (return to employment) reprendre le travail;
    to go back on one's steps rebrousser chemin, revenir sur ses pas;
    let's go back to chapter two revenons ou retournons au deuxième chapitre;
    we went back to the beginning nous avons recommencé;
    let's go back to why you said that revenons à la question de savoir pourquoi vous avez dit ça;
    the clocks go back one hour today on retarde les pendules d'une heure aujourd'hui
    (b) (retreat) reculer;
    go back! recule!
    (c) (revert) revenir;
    we went back to the old system nous sommes revenus à l'ancien système;
    he went back to his old habits il a repris ses anciennes habitudes;
    the conversation kept going back to the same subject la conversation revenait sans cesse sur le même sujet;
    men are going back to wearing their hair long les hommes reviennent aux cheveux longs ou se laissent à nouveau pousser les cheveux
    (d) (in time) remonter;
    our records go back to 1850 nos archives remontent à 1850;
    this building goes back to the Revolution ce bâtiment date de ou remonte à la Révolution;
    familiar we go back a long way, Brad and me ça remonte à loin, Brad et moi
    (e) (extend, reach) s'étendre;
    the garden goes back 150 metres le jardin s'étend sur 150 mètres
    (fail to keep → agreement) rompre, violer; (→ promise) manquer à, revenir sur;
    they went back on their decision ils sont revenus sur leur décision;
    he won't go back on his word il ne manquera pas à sa parole
    (precede) passer devant; (happen before) précéder;
    that question has nothing to do with what went before cette question n'a rien à voir avec ce qui précède ou avec ce qui a été dit avant;
    the election was like nothing that had gone before l'élection ne ressemblait en rien aux précédentes;
    euphemism those who have gone before (the dead) ceux qui nous ont précédés
    (a) (precede) précéder;
    we are indebted to those who have gone before us nous devons beaucoup à ceux qui nous ont précédés
    your suggestion will go before the committee votre suggestion sera soumise au comité;
    to go before a judge/jury passer devant un juge/un jury;
    the matter went before the court l'affaire est allée devant les tribunaux
    Nautical descendre dans l'entrepont
    go by
    (pass → car, person) passer; (→ time) passer, s'écouler;
    as the years go by avec les années, à mesure que les années passent;
    in days or in times or in years gone by autrefois, jadis;
    to let an opportunity go by laisser passer une occasion
    (a) (act in accordance with, be guided by) suivre, se baser sur;
    don't go by the map ne vous fiez pas à la carte;
    I'll go by what the boss says je me baserai sur ce que dit le patron;
    he goes by the rules il suit le règlement
    (b) (judge by) juger d'après;
    going by her accent, I'd say she's from New York si j'en juge d'après son accent, je dirais qu'elle vient de New York;
    you can't go by appearances on ne peut pas juger d'après ou sur les apparences
    to go by a different/false name être connu sous un nom différent/un faux nom;
    the product goes by the name of "Bango" in France ce produit est vendu sous le nom de "Bango" en France
    go down
    (a) (descend, move to lower level) descendre;
    he went down on all fours or on his hands and knees il s'est mis à quatre pattes;
    going down! (in lift) on descend!, pour descendre!
    (b) (proceed, travel) aller;
    we're going down to Tours/the country/the shop nous allons à Tours/à la campagne/au magasin
    (c) (set → moon, sun) se coucher, tomber
    (d) (sink → ship) couler, sombrer; (→ person) couler, disparaître (sous l'eau)
    (e) (decrease, decline → level, price, quality) baisser; (→ amount, numbers) diminuer; (→ rate, temperature) baisser, s'abaisser; (→ fever) baisser, tomber; (→ tide) descendre;
    the dollar is going down in value le dollar perd de sa valeur, le dollar est en baisse;
    eggs are going down (in price) le prix des œufs baisse;
    my weight has gone down j'ai perdu du poids;
    he's gone down in my estimation il a baissé dans mon estime;
    the neighbourhood's really gone down since then le quartier ne s'est vraiment pas arrangé depuis;
    to have gone down in the world avoir connu des jours meilleurs
    (f) (become less swollen → swelling) désenfler, dégonfler; (→ balloon, tyre) se dégonfler
    (g) (food, medicine) descendre;
    this wine goes down very smoothly ce vin se laisse boire (comme du petit-lait)
    a cup of coffee would go down nicely une tasse de café serait la bienvenue;
    his speech went down badly/well son discours a été mal/bien reçu;
    how will the proposal go down with the students? comment les étudiants vont-ils prendre la proposition?;
    that kind of talk doesn't go down well with me je n'apprécie pas du tout ce genre de propos
    (i) (lose) être battu;
    Mexico went down to Germany le Mexique s'est incliné devant l'Allemagne;
    Madrid went down to Milan by three points Milan a battu Madrid de trois points;
    I'm not going to go down without a fight je me battrai jusqu'à la fin
    (j) (be relegated) descendre;
    our team has gone down to the second division notre équipe est descendue en deuxième division
    (k) (be noted, recorded) être noté; (in writing) être pris ou couché par écrit;
    this day will go down in history ce jour restera une date historique;
    she will go down in history as a woman of great courage elle entrera dans l'histoire grâce à son grand courage
    (l) (reach as far as) descendre, s'étendre;
    this path goes down to the beach ce sentier va ou descend à la plage
    (m) (continue as far as) aller, continuer;
    go down to the end of the street allez ou continuez jusqu'en bas de la rue
    (n) British University entrer dans la période des vacances
    (p) Computing tomber en panne; (of computer network) planter;
    the computer's gone down l'ordinateur est en panne
    (q) Music (lower pitch) descendre
    how long do you think he'll go down for? il écopera de combien, à ton avis?;
    he went down for three years il a écopé de trois ans
    (s) American familiar (happen) se passer
    (hill, stairs, ladder, street) descendre;
    my food went down the wrong way j'ai avalé de travers;
    Music the pianist went down an octave le pianiste a joué une octave plus bas ou a descendu d'une octave;
    British School to go down a class descendre d'une classe;
    figurative I don't want to go down that road je ne veux pas m'engager là-dedans
    vulgar (fellate) sucer, tailler ou faire une pipe à; (perform cunnilingus on) sucer, brouter le cresson à
    tomber malade de;
    he went down with pneumonia/the flu il a attrapé une pneumonie/la grippe
    (a) (fetch) aller chercher;
    he went for a doctor il est allé ou parti chercher un médecin
    (b) (try to obtain) essayer d'obtenir, viser;
    she's going for his job elle va essayer d'obtenir son poste;
    familiar go for it! vas-y!;
    I'd go for it if I were you! à ta place, je n'hésiterais pas!;
    she was really going for it elle donnait vraiment son maximum
    (c) (attack → physically) tomber sur, s'élancer sur; (→ verbally) s'en prendre à;
    dogs usually go for the throat en général, les chiens attaquent à la gorge;
    they went for each other (physically) ils se sont jetés l'un sur l'autre; (verbally) ils s'en sont pris l'un à l'autre;
    the newspapers really went for the senator les journaux s'en sont pris au sénateur sans retenue;
    go for him! (to dog) attaque!
    (d) familiar (like) aimer, adorer ;
    I don't really go for that idea l'idée ne me dit pas grand-chose;
    he really goes for her in a big way il est vraiment fou d'elle
    (e) (choose, prefer) choisir, préférer
    (f) (apply to, concern) concerner, s'appliquer à;
    what I said goes for both of you ce que j'ai dit vaut pour ou s'applique à vous deux;
    pollution is a real problem in Paris - that goes for Rome too la pollution pose un énorme problème à Paris - c'est la même chose à Rome;
    and the same goes for me et moi aussi
    (g) (have as result) servir à;
    his twenty years of service went for nothing ses vingt ans de service n'ont servi à rien
    she has a lot going for her elle a beaucoup d'atouts;
    that idea hasn't got much going for it frankly cette idée n'est franchement pas très convaincante
    (a) (leave) sortir;
    the army went forth into battle l'armée s'est mise en route pour la bataille;
    Bible go forth and multiply croissez et multipliez-vous
    (b) (be pronounced) être prononcé; (be published) paraître;
    the command went forth that… il fut décrété que…
    the clocks go forward tomorrow on avance les pendules demain;
    if this scheme goes forward… si ce projet est accepté…
    (a) (enter) entrer, rentrer;
    it's cold - let's go in il fait froid - entrons;
    it's too big, it won't go in c'est trop grand, ça ne rentrera pas
    (b) (disappear → moon, sun) se cacher
    (c) Sport (in cricket) prendre son tour au guichet
    (d) Military (attack) attaquer
    (a) (engage in → activity, hobby, sport) pratiquer, faire; (→ occupation) se consacrer à; (→ politics) s'occuper de, faire;
    she went in for company law elle s'est lancée dans le droit commercial;
    he thought about going in for teaching il a pensé devenir enseignant
    (b) familiar (be interested in) s'intéresser à ; (like) aimer ;
    I don't go in much for opera je n'aime pas trop l'opéra, l'opéra ne me dit rien;
    he goes in for special effects in a big way il est très branché effets spéciaux;
    we don't go in for that kind of film nous n'aimons pas ce genre de film;
    this publisher doesn't really go in for fiction cet éditeur ne fait pas tellement dans le roman
    they don't go in for injections so much nowadays ils ne sont pas tellement pour les piqûres de nos jours;
    why do scientists go in for all that jargon? pourquoi est-ce que les scientifiques utilisent tout ce jargon?
    (d) (take part in → competition, race) prendre part à; (→ examination) se présenter à
    (e) (apply for → job, position) poser sa candidature à, postuler
    (a) (enter → building, house) entrer dans; (→ activity, profession) entrer à ou dans; (→ politics, business) se lancer dans;
    she's gone into hospital elle est (r)entrée à l'hôpital;
    to go into the army (as profession) devenir militaire de carrière; (as conscript) partir au service;
    he went into medicine il a choisi la médecine
    (b) (be invested → of effort, money, time)
    a lot of care had gone into making her feel at home on s'était donné beaucoup de peine pour la mettre à l'aise;
    two months of research went into our report nous avons mis ou investi deux mois de recherche dans notre rapport
    (c) (embark on → action) commencer à; (→ explanation, speech) se lancer ou s'embarquer dans, (se mettre à) donner; (→ problem) aborder;
    I'll go into the problem of your taxes later j'aborderai le problème de vos impôts plus tard;
    the car went into a skid la voiture a commencé à déraper;
    to go into hysterics avoir une crise de nerfs;
    to go into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire
    (d) (examine, investigate) examiner, étudier;
    you need to go into the question more deeply vous devez examiner le problème de plus près;
    the matter is being gone into l'affaire est à l'étude
    (e) (explain in depth) entrer dans;
    the essay goes into the moral aspects of the question l'essai aborde les aspects moraux de la question;
    I won't go into details je ne vais pas entrer dans les détails;
    let's not go into that ne parlons pas de ça
    (f) (begin to wear) se mettre à porter;
    to go into mourning prendre le deuil
    (g) (hit, run into) entrer dans;
    a car went into him une voiture lui est rentrée dedans
    (h) Computing (file, program) aller dans;
    to go into a file aller dans un fichier
    go off
    (a) (leave) partir, s'en aller;
    she went off to work elle est partie travailler;
    her husband has gone off and left her son mari l'a quittée;
    Theatre the actors went off les acteurs ont quitté la scène
    (b) (stop operating → light, radio) s'éteindre; (→ heating) s'éteindre, s'arrêter; (→ pain) partir, s'arrêter;
    the electricity went off l'électricité a été coupée
    (c) (become activated → bomb, firework) exploser; (→ gun) partir; (→ alarm, alarm clock) sonner;
    the grenade went off in her hand la grenade a explosé dans sa main;
    the gun didn't go off le coup n'est pas parti;
    figurative to go off into fits of laughter être pris d'un fou rire
    the interview went off badly/well l'entretien s'est mal/bien passé;
    her speech went off well son discours a été bien reçu
    (e) (fall asleep) s'endormir
    (f) British (deteriorate → food) s'avarier, se gâter; (→ milk) tourner; (→ butter) rancir; (→ athlete, sportsperson) perdre sa forme;
    the play goes off in the second half la pièce se gâte pendant la seconde partie
    British familiar (stop liking) perdre le goût de ;
    he's gone off classical music/smoking il n'aime plus la musique classique/fumer, la musique classique/fumer ne l'intéresse plus;
    I've gone off the idea cette idée ne me dit plus rien;
    she's gone off her boyfriend son copain ne l'intéresse plus;
    funny how you can go off people c'est drôle comme on se lasse des gens parfois
    (a) (leave with) partir avec;
    he went off with the woman next door il est parti avec la voisine
    (b) (make off with) partir avec;
    someone has gone off with his keys quelqu'un est parti avec ses clés;
    he went off with the jewels il s'est enfui avec les bijoux
    go on
    (a) (move, proceed) aller; (without stopping) poursuivre son chemin; (after stopping) repartir, se remettre en route;
    you go on, I'll catch up allez-y, je vous rattraperai (en chemin);
    they went on without us ils sont partis sans nous;
    after dinner they went on to Susan's house après le dîner, ils sont allés chez Susan;
    we went on home nous sommes rentrés
    (b) (continue action) continuer;
    she went on (with her) reading elle a continué à ou de lire;
    the chairman went on speaking le président a continué son discours;
    "and that's not all", he went on "et ce n'est pas tout", a-t-il poursuivi;
    you can't go on being a student for ever! tu ne peux pas être étudiant toute ta vie!;
    go on looking! cherchez encore!;
    go on, ask her vas-y, demande-lui;
    familiar go on, be a devil vas-y, laisse-toi tenter!;
    go on, I'm listening continuez, je vous écoute;
    I can't go on like this! je ne peux plus continuer comme ça!;
    if he goes on like this, he'll get fired s'il continue comme ça, il va se faire renvoyer;
    their affair has been going on for years leur liaison dure depuis des années;
    the party went on into the small hours la soirée s'est prolongée jusqu'à très tôt le matin;
    life goes on la vie continue ou va son train;
    British familiar go on (with you)! allons, arrête de me faire marcher!;
    they have enough (work) to be going on with ils ont du pain sur la planche ou de quoi faire pour le moment;
    here's £25 to be going on with voilà 25 livres pour te dépanner
    he went on to explain why il a ensuite expliqué pourquoi;
    to go on to another question passer à une autre question;
    she went on to become a doctor elle est ensuite devenue médecin
    (d) (be placed, fit) aller;
    the lid goes on this way le couvercle se met comme ça;
    I can't get the lid to go on je n'arrive pas à mettre le couvercle;
    the cap goes on the other end le bouchon se met ou va sur l'autre bout
    (e) (happen, take place) se passer;
    what's going on here? qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?;
    there was a fight going on il y avait une bagarre;
    a lot of cheating goes on during the exams on triche beaucoup pendant les examens;
    several conversations were going on at once il y avait plusieurs conversations à la fois;
    while the war was going on pendant la guerre
    (f) (elapse) passer, s'écouler;
    as the week went on au fur et à mesure que la semaine passait;
    as time goes on avec le temps, à mesure que le temps passe
    (g) familiar (chatter, talk) parler, jacasser ;
    she does go on! elle n'arrête pas de parler!, c'est un vrai moulin à paroles!;
    he goes on and on about politics il parle politique sans cesse;
    don't go on about it! ça va, on a compris!;
    I don't want to go on about it, but... je ne voudrais pas avoir l'air d'insister, mais...;
    what are you going on about now? qu'est-ce que vous racontez?
    (h) familiar (act, behave) se conduire, se comporter ;
    what a way to go on! en voilà des manières!
    (i) (start operating → light, radio, television) s'allumer; (→ heating, motor, power) s'allumer, se mettre en marche
    (j) Sport (player) prendre sa place, entrer en jeu
    (k) Theatre (actor) entrer en scène
    he's going on for forty il va sur ses quarante ans
    (a) (enter → boat, train) monter dans
    to go on a journey/a holiday partir en voyage/en vacances;
    to go on a diet se mettre au régime
    (c) (be guided by) se laisser guider par, se fonder ou se baser sur;
    the detective didn't have much to go on le détective n'avait pas grand-chose sur quoi s'appuyer ou qui puisse le guider;
    she goes a lot on instinct elle se fie beaucoup à ou se fonde beaucoup sur son instinct
    he's going on forty-five il va sur ses quarante-cinq ans;
    humorous she's fifteen going on forty-five (wise) elle a quinze ans mais elle est déjà très mûre; (old beyond her years) elle a quinze ans mais elle est vieille avant l'âge
    (e) British familiar (usu neg) (appreciate, like) aimer ;
    I don't go much on abstract art l'art abstrait ne me dit pas grand-chose
    familiar (criticize) critiquer ; (nag) s'en prendre à ;
    the boss went on and on at her at the meeting le patron n'a pas cessé de s'en prendre à elle pendant la réunion;
    he's always going on at his wife about money il est toujours sur le dos de sa femme avec les questions d'argent;
    I went on at my mother to go and see the doctor j'ai embêté ma mère pour qu'elle aille voir le médecin;
    don't go on at me! laisse-moi tranquille!
    (a) (leave) sortir;
    my parents made us go out of the room mes parents nous ont fait sortir de la pièce ou quitter la pièce;
    to go out for a meal aller au restaurant;
    to go out to dinner sortir dîner;
    to go out for a walk aller se promener, aller faire une promenade;
    she's gone out to get a paper elle est sortie (pour) acheter un journal;
    they went out to the country ils sont allés ou ils ont fait une sortie à la campagne;
    she goes out to work elle travaille en dehors de la maison ou hors de chez elle;
    he went out of her life il est sorti de sa vie;
    she was dressed to go out (ready to leave) elle était prête à sortir; (dressed up) elle était très habillée
    (b) (travel) partir; (emigrate) émigrer;
    they went out to Africa (travelled) ils sont partis en Afrique; (emigrated) ils sont partis vivre ou ils ont émigré en Afrique
    (c) (date) sortir;
    to go out with sb sortir avec qn;
    we've been going out together for a month ça fait un mois que nous sortons ensemble
    (d) (fire, light) s'éteindre
    (e) (disappear) disparaître;
    the joy went out of her eyes la joie a disparu de son regard;
    the spring went out of his step il a perdu sa démarche légère;
    all the heart went out of her elle a perdu courage
    (f) (cease to be fashionable) passer de mode, se démoder;
    to go out of style/fashion ne plus être le bon style/à la mode;
    familiar that hairstyle went out with the ark cette coiffure remonte au déluge
    (g) (tide) descendre, se retirer;
    the tide has gone out la marée est descendue, la mer s'est retirée;
    the tide goes out 6 kilometres la mer se retire sur 6 kilomètres
    I went out to see for myself j'ai décidé de voir par moi-même;
    we have to go out and do something about this il faut que nous prenions des mesures ou que nous fassions quelque chose
    (i) (be sent → letter) être envoyé; (be published → brochure, pamphlet) être distribué; (be broadcast → radio or television programme) être diffusé
    (j) (feelings, sympathies) aller;
    our thoughts go out to all those who suffer nos pensées vont vers tous ceux qui souffrent;
    my heart goes out to her je suis de tout cœur avec elle dans son chagrin
    (k) Sport (be eliminated) être éliminé;
    Agassi went out to Henman Agassi s'est fait sortir par Henman
    (l) Cards terminer
    she went all out to help us elle a fait tout son possible pour nous aider
    go over
    I just saw a plane go over je viens de voir passer un avion
    I went over to see her je suis allé la voir;
    they went over to talk to her ils sont allés lui parler;
    to go over to Europe aller en Europe
    (c) (turn upside down) se retourner; (capsize → boat) chavirer, capoter
    (d) (change, switch) changer;
    I've gone over to another brand of washing powder je viens de changer de marque de lessive;
    when will we go over to the metric system? quand est-ce qu'on va passer au système métrique?
    (e) (change allegiance) passer, se joindre;
    he's gone over to the Socialists il est passé dans le camp des socialistes;
    she went over to the enemy elle est passée à l'ennemi
    (f) (be received) passer;
    the speech went over badly/well le discours a mal/bien passé
    (a) (move, travel over) passer par-dessus;
    the horse went over the fence le cheval a sauté (par-dessus) la barrière;
    we went over a bump on a pris une bosse
    (b) (examine → argument, problem) examiner, considérer; (→ accounts, report) examiner, vérifier;
    would you go over my report? voulez-vous regarder mon rapport?
    (c) (repeat) répéter; (review → notes, speech) réviser, revoir; (→ facts) récapituler, revoir; School réviser;
    she went over the interview in her mind elle a repassé l'entretien dans son esprit;
    I kept going over everything leading up to the accident je continuais de repenser à tous les détails qui avaient conduit à l'accident;
    let's go over it again reprenons, récapitulons;
    he goes over and over the same stories il rabâche les mêmes histoires
    (d) (rehearse) refaire; (bars of music) rejouer; (sing) rechanter
    let's go over now to our Birmingham studios passons l'antenne à notre studio de Birmingham;
    we're going over live now to Paris nous allons maintenant à Paris où nous sommes en direct
    (move in front of) passer devant; (move beyond) dépasser
    is there enough cake to go round? est-ce qu'il y a assez de gâteau pour tout le monde?;
    to make the food go round ménager la nourriture
    (b) (visit) aller;
    we went round to his house nous sommes allés chez lui;
    I'm going round there later on j'y vais plus tard
    (c) (circulate → rumour) circuler, courir; (→ bottle, cold, flu) circuler
    (d) (be continuously present → idea, tune)
    that song keeps going round in my head j'ai cette chanson dans la tête
    (e) (spin → wheel) tourner;
    figurative my head's going round j'ai la tête qui tourne
    (f) (make a detour) faire un détour;
    to go round the long way faire un long détour
    (tour → museum) faire le tour de;
    I hate going round the shops j'ai horreur de faire les boutiques
    (a) (crowd, tunnel) traverser;
    figurative a shiver went through her un frisson l'a parcourue ou traversée
    (b) (endure, experience) subir, souffrir;
    he's going through hell c'est l'enfer pour lui;
    we all have to go through it sometime on doit tous y passer un jour ou l'autre;
    I can't face going through all that again je ne supporterais pas de passer par là une deuxième fois;
    after everything she's gone through après tout ce qu'elle a subi ou enduré;
    we've gone through a lot together nous avons vécu beaucoup de choses ensemble
    (c) (consume, use up → supplies) épuiser; (→ money) dépenser; (→ food) consommer; (wear out) user;
    she goes through a pair of tights a week elle use une paire de collants par semaine;
    I've gone through the toes of my socks j'ai usé ou troué mes chaussettes au bout;
    humorous how many assistants has he gone through now? combien d'assistants a-t-il déjà eus?;
    his novel has gone through six editions il y a déjà eu six éditions de son roman
    (d) (examine → accounts, document) examiner, vérifier; (→ list, proposal) éplucher; (→ mail) dépouiller; (→ drawer, pockets) fouiller (dans); (→ files) chercher dans; (sort) trier;
    we went through the contract together nous avons regardé ou examiné le contrat ensemble;
    did customs go through your suitcase? est-ce qu'ils ont fouillé votre valise à la douane?;
    he went through her pockets il a fouillé ses poches
    (e) (of bill, law) être voté;
    the bill went through Parliament last week le projet de loi a été voté la semaine dernière au Parlement
    (f) (carry out, perform → movement, work) faire; (→ formalities) remplir, accomplir;
    Music let's go through the introduction again reprenons l'introduction;
    we had to go through the whole business of applying for a visa nous avons dû nous farcir toutes les démarches pour obtenir un visa
    (g) (participate in → course of study) étudier; (→ ceremony) participer à
    (h) (practise → lesson, poem) réciter; (→ role, scene) répéter;
    let's go through it again from the beginning reprenons dès le début
    (a) (travel through, penetrate) passer, traverser
    (b) (offer, proposal) être accepté; (business deal) être conclu, se faire; (bill, law) passer, être voté; (divorce) être prononcé;
    the adoption finally went through l'adoption s'est faite finalement
    to go through with sth aller jusqu'au bout de qch, exécuter qch;
    he'll never go through with it il n'ira jamais jusqu'au bout;
    they went through with their threat ils ont exécuté leur menace
    (a) (colours, flavours) aller bien ensemble; (characteristics, ideas) aller de pair;
    the two things often go together les deux choses vont souvent de pair
    (b) American (people) sortir ensemble
    (a) (move towards) aller vers
    (b) (effort, money) être consacré à;
    all her energy went towards fighting illiteracy elle a dépensé toute son énergie à combattre l'analphabétisme
    (a) (go down → ship) couler, sombrer; (→ person) couler, disparaître (sous l'eau)
    (b) figurative (fail → business) couler, faire faillite; (→ project) couler, échouer; (→ person) échouer, sombrer
    (a) (move, travel underneath) passer par-dessous
    to go under a false/different name utiliser ou prendre un faux nom/un nom différent;
    a glue that goes under the name of Stikit une colle qui s'appelle Stikit
    go up
    (a) (ascend, climb → person) monter, aller en haut; (→ lift) monter;
    to go up to town aller en ville;
    I'm going up to bed je monte me coucher;
    have you ever gone up in an aeroplane? êtes-vous déjà monté en avion?;
    going up! (in lift) on monte!;
    to go up in the world faire son chemin
    (b) (increase → amount, numbers) augmenter, croître; (→ price) monter, augmenter; (→ temperature) monter, s'élever;
    rents are going up les loyers sont en hausse;
    meat is going up (in price) (le prix de) la viande augmente;
    to go up in sb's estimation monter dans l'estime de qn
    (c) (sudden noise) s'élever;
    a shout went up un cri s'éleva
    (d) (appear → notices, posters) apparaître; (be built) être construit;
    new buildings are going up all over town de nouveaux immeubles surgissent dans toute la ville
    (e) (explode, be destroyed) sauter, exploser
    (g) Theatre (curtain) se lever;
    before the curtain goes up avant le lever du rideau
    (h) British University entrer à l'université;
    she went up to Oxford in 1950 elle est entrée à Oxford en 1950
    he went up for murder il a fait de la taule pour meurtre
    they look set to go up to the First Division ils ont l'air prêts à entrer en première division
    to go up a hill/ladder monter une colline/sur une échelle;
    Music the pianist went up an octave le pianiste a monté d'une octave;
    British School to go up a class monter d'une classe
    to go up to sb/sth se diriger vers qn/qch;
    the path goes up to the front door le chemin mène à la porte d'entrée
    the book only goes up to the end of the war le livre ne va que jusqu'à la fin de la guerre;
    I will go up to £100 je veux bien aller jusqu'à 100 livres
    (a) (accompany, escort) accompagner, aller avec;
    figurative to go with the crowd suivre la foule ou le mouvement;
    you have to go with the times il faut vivre avec son temps
    (b) (be compatible → colours, flavours) aller avec;
    that hat doesn't go with your suit ce chapeau ne va pas avec ton ensemble;
    a white Burgundy goes well with snails le bourgogne blanc se marie bien ou va bien avec les escargots
    (c) (be part of) aller avec;
    the flat goes with the job l'appartement va avec le poste;
    the sense of satisfaction that goes with having done a good job le sentiment de satisfaction qu'apporte le travail bien fait;
    mathematical ability usually goes with skill at chess des capacités en mathématiques vont souvent de pair avec un don pour les échecs
    (d) familiar (spend time with) sortir avec ;
    euphemism he's been going with other women (having sex) il a été avec d'autres femmes
    se passer de, se priver de;
    he went without sleep or without sleeping for two days il n'a pas dormi pendant deux jours
    s'en passer;
    we'll just have to go without il faudra s'en passer, c'est tout
    Do not pass go, (do not collect £200/$200) Au Monopoly les joueurs tirent parfois une carte qui les envoie sur la case "prison". Sur cette carte sont inscrits les mots do not pass go, do not collect £200 (ou bien do not collect $200 s'il s'agit de la version américaine). Cette phrase, dont la version française est "ne passez pas par la case départ, ne recevez pas 20 000 francs", est utilisée de façon allusive et sur le mode humoristique dans différents contextes: on dira par exemple you do that again and you're going straight to jail, Bill. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 ("refais ça, Bill, et je t'assure que tu iras droit en prison). On peut également utiliser cette expression lorsque quelqu'un essaie de mener un projet à bien mais rencontre des obstacles: the country is trying hard to get back on its feet but because of the civil war it has not even been allowed to pass go, let alone collect £200 ("le pays fait de son mieux pour se rétablir mais la guerre civile n'arrange rien, bien au contraire").
    Go ahead, make my day C'est la formule prononcée par l'inspecteur Harry Callahan (incarné par Clint Eastwood) dans le film Sudden Impact (1983) lorsqu'il se trouve confronté à un gangster. Il s'agit d'une façon d'encourager le bandit à se servir de son arme afin de pouvoir l'abattre en état de légitime défense: "allez, vas-y, fais-moi plaisir". On utilise cette formule par allusion au film et en réaction à une personne qui vient de proférer des menaces. Ainsi, le président Reagan s'en servit en s'adressant à des travailleurs qui menaçaient de se mettre en grève.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > go

  • 11 posible

    es posible que llueva it could rain
    dentro de lo posible, en lo posible as far as possible
    de ser posible if possible
    hacer posible to make possible
    hacer (todo) lo posible to do everything possible
    lo antes posible as soon as possible
    ¿cómo es posible que no me lo hayas dicho antes? how could you possibly not have told me before?
    ¡será posible! I can't believe this!
    ¡no es posible! surely not!
    * * *
    1 possible
    1 (dinero) means
    de ser posible if possible
    hacer todo lo posible to do one's best
    * * *
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [opción, solución] possible

    un posible compradora possible o potential buyer

    hacer algo posible — to make sth possible

    entra dentro de lo posible — it is within the bounds of possibility

    en la medida de lo posible — as far as possible, insofar as possible frm

    haremos todo lo posible por evitarlo — we shall do everything possible o all we can to avoid it


    es posible — (=probable, permitido) it is possible; (=realizable) it is feasible

    -¿crees que vendrá? -es posible — "do you think he'll come?" - "possibly o he might o it's possible"

    ¡eso no es posible! — it can't be!, that's not possible!

    es posible hacer algo — it is possible to do sth

    ¿sería posible comprar todavía las entradas? — would it still be possible to buy tickets?

    es posible que + subjun

    es posible que no pueda irI might o may not be able to go

    es muy posible que vuelva tarde — it's quite possible that I'll be back late, I may well be back late

    a o de ser posible — if possible

    si es posible — if possible

    si es posible, me gustaría verlo — I'd like to see him if possible

    le ruego que, si le es posible, acuda a la reunión — please come to the meeting if you possibly can

    si me fuera posible, te lo diría — if I could o if it were possible, I would tell you

    - ¿será posible?

    ¡pues sí que eres descarado! ¿será posible? — I can't believe you are so cheeky!

    ¿será posible que no haya venido? — I can't believe he hasn't come!


    lo más... posible — as... as possible

    mejor 1., 2), c)
    SMPL Esp means
    * * *
    adjetivo possible

    ¿crees que ganará? - es posible — do you think he'll win? - he might (do) o it's possible

    a ser posible or (CS) de ser posible — if possible

    haré lo posible por or para ayudarte — I'll do what I can to help you

    prometió ayudarlo dentro de lo posible or en lo posible or en la medida de lo posible — she promised to do what she could to help (him)

    será posible! — (fam) I don't believe this! (colloq)

    ¿que se ha casado? no es posible! — he's got(ten) married? I don't believe it! o that can't be true! (colloq)

    ser posible — (+ me/te/le etc)

    ser posible + INF — to be possible to + inf

    no fue posible avisarles — it was impossible to let them know; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿le sería posible recibirme hoy? — would you be able to see me today?

    ser posible QUE + SUBJ: es posible que sea cierto it might o may o could be true; es posible que se haya perdido it may have got(ten) lost; ¿será posible que no lo sepa? — surely she must know!

    * * *
    = eligible, feasible, manageable, possible, potential, prospective, viable, would-be + Nombre, conceivable, plausible, candidate, realisable [realizable, -USA], satisfiable, doable, likely.
    Ex. And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.
    Ex. Other words which might be feasible access points in a general index prove worthless in an index devoted to a special subject area.
    Ex. In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.
    Ex. Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex. The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex. The advocacy of title entry for serials implies an ideology which focuses on the publication as the principal object of interest of the prospective library user rather than the work conveyed by the book or publication.
    Ex. With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.
    Ex. The only viable alternatives open to would-be users are to produce or commission the production of custom-made application programs.
    Ex. This article emphasises the importance of a preservation plan that includes ways of dealing with every conceivable type of disaster a library might experience.
    Ex. This incompleteness of search and retrieval therefore makes possible, and plausible, the existence of undiscovered public knowledge.
    Ex. A thesaurus developed with such a module can support the addition of candidate terms to the thesaurus during the indexing process.
    Ex. Barbara Tillett's vision of one seamless bibliographic system, either real or virtual, looks realizable over a 5 to 10 year horizon.
    Ex. The result is a pair of overlapping sets of sufficient conditions for autonomy that are argued to be satisfiable by real human agents.
    Ex. This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.
    Ex. The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * arreglárselas lo mejor posible = make + the best of things.
    * arreglarse lo mejor posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * candidato posible = eligible party.
    * considerar como posible = entertain as + a possibility.
    * cuando antes + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * dentro de lo posible = as far as possible.
    * durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.
    * en las mejores condiciones posibles = in the best possible conditions.
    * hacer Algo posible = make + provision for.
    * hacer posible = provide for, make + possible, provide + a basis for, make + an opportunity.
    * hacer posible el crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hasta donde es posible = as far as possible.
    * hasta donde sea posible = as far as possible.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * posible comprador = suitor.
    * posible de ser consultado por máquina = machine-viewable.
    * posible de ser visto en pantalla = displayable.
    * sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.
    * ser posible la coexistencia entre... = there + be + room for both....
    * ser posible (que) = be likely (to).
    * siempre que + ser + posible = whenever possible, when possible.
    * si eso no es posible = failing that/these.
    * si es posible = if possible.
    * si + ser + posible = when possible, whenever possible.
    * tan pronto como + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * tan pronto como sea posible = as soon as possible (asap).
    * tanto como sea posible = as far as possible.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener solución posible = be soluble.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.
    * * *
    adjetivo possible

    ¿crees que ganará? - es posible — do you think he'll win? - he might (do) o it's possible

    a ser posible or (CS) de ser posible — if possible

    haré lo posible por or para ayudarte — I'll do what I can to help you

    prometió ayudarlo dentro de lo posible or en lo posible or en la medida de lo posible — she promised to do what she could to help (him)

    será posible! — (fam) I don't believe this! (colloq)

    ¿que se ha casado? no es posible! — he's got(ten) married? I don't believe it! o that can't be true! (colloq)

    ser posible — (+ me/te/le etc)

    ser posible + INF — to be possible to + inf

    no fue posible avisarles — it was impossible to let them know; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿le sería posible recibirme hoy? — would you be able to see me today?

    ser posible QUE + SUBJ: es posible que sea cierto it might o may o could be true; es posible que se haya perdido it may have got(ten) lost; ¿será posible que no lo sepa? — surely she must know!

    * * *
    = eligible, feasible, manageable, possible, potential, prospective, viable, would-be + Nombre, conceivable, plausible, candidate, realisable [realizable, -USA], satisfiable, doable, likely.

    Ex: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.

    Ex: Other words which might be feasible access points in a general index prove worthless in an index devoted to a special subject area.
    Ex: In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.
    Ex: Various modes of operation are possible for such a journal, and the precise operation will depend upon the type of information being conveyed.
    Ex: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex: The advocacy of title entry for serials implies an ideology which focuses on the publication as the principal object of interest of the prospective library user rather than the work conveyed by the book or publication.
    Ex: With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.
    Ex: The only viable alternatives open to would-be users are to produce or commission the production of custom-made application programs.
    Ex: This article emphasises the importance of a preservation plan that includes ways of dealing with every conceivable type of disaster a library might experience.
    Ex: This incompleteness of search and retrieval therefore makes possible, and plausible, the existence of undiscovered public knowledge.
    Ex: A thesaurus developed with such a module can support the addition of candidate terms to the thesaurus during the indexing process.
    Ex: Barbara Tillett's vision of one seamless bibliographic system, either real or virtual, looks realizable over a 5 to 10 year horizon.
    Ex: The result is a pair of overlapping sets of sufficient conditions for autonomy that are argued to be satisfiable by real human agents.
    Ex: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.
    Ex: The most likely causes of brain damage among low birthweight infants are prematurity and infections, not oxygen starvation.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * arreglárselas lo mejor posible = make + the best of things.
    * arreglarse lo mejor posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * a ser posible = if possible.
    * candidato posible = eligible party.
    * considerar como posible = entertain as + a possibility.
    * cuando antes + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * de la mejor forma posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * de la mejor manera posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * del mejor modo posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability.
    * dentro de lo posible = as far as possible.
    * durante tanto tiempo como sea posible = for as long as possible.
    * en las mejores condiciones posibles = in the best possible conditions.
    * hacer Algo posible = make + provision for.
    * hacer posible = provide for, make + possible, provide + a basis for, make + an opportunity.
    * hacer posible el crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * hacer todo lo posible = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + the best + Nombre + may, do + the best + Nombre + can, try + hard, try + Posesivo + best, try + Posesivo + heart out, work + hard, give + Posesivo + best.
    * hacer todo lo posible (dado) = do + the best possible (with).
    * hacer todo lo posible para = every effort + be + made to.
    * hacer todo lo posible por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to, endeavour [endeavor, -USA], take + (great) pains to.
    * hasta donde es posible = as far as possible.
    * hasta donde sea posible = as far as possible.
    * lo mejor posible = to the best of + Posesivo + ability, at + Posesivo + (very) best, optimally.
    * lo menos posible = as little as possible.
    * posible comprador = suitor.
    * posible de ser consultado por máquina = machine-viewable.
    * posible de ser visto en pantalla = displayable.
    * sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.
    * ser posible la coexistencia entre... = there + be + room for both....
    * ser posible (que) = be likely (to).
    * siempre que + ser + posible = whenever possible, when possible.
    * si eso no es posible = failing that/these.
    * si es posible = if possible.
    * si + ser + posible = when possible, whenever possible.
    * tan pronto como + Pronombre + sea posible = at + Posesivo + earliest convenience.
    * tan pronto como sea posible = as soon as possible (asap).
    * tanto como sea posible = as far as possible.
    * tener el mejor aspecto posible = look + Posesivo + best.
    * tener solución posible = be soluble.
    * todo es posible = all bets are off, the sky is the limit.

    * * *
    ¿crees que se lo darán? — es posible do you think they'll give it to him? — they might (do) o it's possible
    su cambio de actitud hizo posible el diálogo his change of attitude made the talks possible, the talks were made possible by his change of attitude
    hazlo cuanto antes, hoy, a ser posible or (CS) de ser posible do it as soon as you can, today, if possible
    haré lo posible por or para ayudarte I'll do what I can to help you
    hicieron todo lo posible they did everything possible o everything they could
    prometió ayudarlo dentro de lo posible or en lo posible or en la medida de lo posible she promised to help him insofar as she was able ( frml), she promised to do what she could to help (him)
    ¿que te preste más dinero? ¿será posible? ( fam); you want me to lend you more money? I don't believe this! ( colloq)
    ¿que se ha casado? ¡no es posible! he's got(ten) married? I don't believe it! o that can't be true! o surely not! ( colloq)
    evitó una posible tragedia he averted a possible o potential tragedy
    llegó con posibles fracturas he arrived with suspected fractures
    ser posible (+ me/te/le etc): llámame en cuanto te sea posible call me as soon as you can
    ven antes si te es posible come earlier if you can
    no creo que me sea posible I don't think I'll be able to
    ser posible + INF to be possible to + INF
    es posible encontrarlo más barato it's possible to find it cheaper
    no fue posible avisarles it was impossible to let them know, there was no way of letting them know, we were unable to let them know
    (+ me/te/le etc): no me fue posible terminarlo I wasn't able to finish it, I couldn't finish it
    ¿le sería posible recibirme hoy? would it be possible for you to see me today?, would you be able to see me today?, could you see me today?
    ser posible QUE + SUBJ:
    ¿y tú, te lo crees? — es posible que sea cierto what about you, do you believe that? — well it might o may o could be true
    es posible que se haya roto en tránsito it may have got(ten) broken in transit
    ¿será posible que no se haya enterado? can it be possible that she hasn't found out?, can she really not have found out?, surely she must have found out!
    ¿será posible que te atrevas a hablarme así? how dare you speak to me like that?
    deben ser lo más breves posible they should be as brief as possible
    envíemelo lo más pronto posible send it to me as soon as possible
    intenta hacerlo lo mejor posible try to do it as well as you can o the best you can
    ponlo lo más alto posible put it as high as possible
    * * *


    posible adjetivo

    a ser posible or si es posible if possible;
    hicieron todo lo posible they did everything possible o everything they could;
    prometió ayudarlo dentro de lo posible or en lo posible she promised to do what she could to help (him);
    ¡no es posible! that can't be true! (colloq);
    en cuanto te sea posible as soon as you can;
    no creo que me sea posible I don't think I'll be able to;
    es posible hacerlo más rápido it's possible to do it more quickly;
    no me fue posible terminarlo I wasn't able to finish it;
    es posible que sea cierto it might o may o could be true
    ■ adverbio: lo más pronto posible as soon as possible;
    lo mejor posible the best you can
    I adjetivo possible: no me será posible viajar a Perú, it won't be possible for me to go to Peru
    II mpl posibles, means
    ♦ Locuciones: hacer todo lo posible, to do everything one can
    dentro de lo posible, as far as possible

    ' posible' also found in these entries:
    - brevedad
    - caber
    - comunicar
    - contienda
    - contingencia
    - contingente
    - deber
    - dinamitar
    - humanamente
    - justificación
    - mínima
    - mínimo
    - normalización
    - permitir
    - poder
    - probable
    - virtual
    - eventual
    - hacer
    - lo
    - mayor
    - medida
    - menor
    - menos
    - potencial
    - pronto
    - arbitration
    - bend
    - best
    - beyond
    - blow
    - cancel out
    - cheap
    - dispose of
    - do
    - effort
    - eventual
    - every
    - explanation
    - failing
    - far
    - job
    - length
    - lung
    - much
    - possible
    - potential
    - prospective
    - should
    - soliciting
    - spin out
    - try
    - utmost
    - well
    - anything
    - bound
    - can
    - escape
    - feasible
    - get
    - level
    - look
    - manageable
    - mobile
    - most
    - please
    - preferably
    - probable
    - prospect
    - soon
    - surely
    - suspect
    - that
    * * *
    es posible que llueva it could rain;
    es posible que sea así that might be the case;
    ¿llegarás a tiempo? – es posible will you arrive in time? – possibly o I may do;
    ven lo antes posible come as soon as possible;
    dentro de lo posible, en lo posible as far as possible;
    dentro de lo posible intenta no hacer ruido as far as possible, try not to make any noise;
    a o [m5] de ser posible if possible;
    hacer posible to make possible;
    su intervención hizo posible el acuerdo his intervention made the agreement possible;
    hacer (todo) lo posible to do everything possible;
    hicieron todo lo posible por salvar su vida they did everything possible to save his life;
    lo antes posible as soon as possible;
    ¿cómo es posible que no me lo hayas dicho antes? how could you possibly not have told me before?;
    no creo que nos sea posible visitaros I don't think we'll be able to visit you;
    ¡será posible! I can't believe this!;
    ¿será posible que nadie le haya dicho nada? can it be true that nobody told her anything about it?;
    ¡no es posible! surely not!
    posibles nmpl
    (financial) means
    * * *
    I adj possible;
    en lo posible as far as possible;
    hacer posible make possible;
    hacer todo lo posible do everything possible;
    es posible que … perhaps …;
    es muy posible que it’s very possible that;
    ¿será posible? fam I don’t believe it! fam
    II mpl posibles: means pl ;
    con posibles well-off, well-to-do
    * * *
    posible adj
    : possible
    posiblemente adv
    * * *
    posible adj possible
    ser posible may / might
    ¿será posible? I don't believe it!

    Spanish-English dictionary > posible

  • 12 double

    1. adjective
    1) (of twice the (usual) weight, size etc: A double whisky, please.) doble
    2) (two of a sort together or occurring in pairs: double doors.) doble
    3) (consisting of two parts or layers: a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.) doble
    4) (for two people: a double bed.) doble

    2. adverb
    1) (twice: I gave her double the usual quantity.) dos veces
    2) (in two: The coat had been folded double.) en dos

    3. noun
    1) (a double quantity: Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.) el doble
    2) (someone who is exactly like another: He is my father's double.) doble

    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous: He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.) duplicar, doblar
    2) (to have two jobs or uses: This sofa doubles as a bed.) hacer las veces de, usarse de
    - double agent
    - double bass
    - double-bedded
    - double-check
    - double-cross
    - double-dealing

    5. adjective
    (cheating: You double-dealing liar!) hipócrita, falso

    6. adjective
    a double-decker bus.) de dos pisos
    - double figures
    - double-quick
    - at the double
    - double back
    - double up
    - see double

    double1 n adj adv doble
    her telephone number is double four, double two, double one su número de teléfono es cuarenta y cuatro, veintidós, once
    double2 vb duplicar / doblar
    1 (gen) doble
    1 doble
    3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (in games) doble nombre masculino
    1 (increase twofold) doblar, duplicar
    2 (fold in half) doblar por la mitad
    1 (increase twofold) doblarse, duplicarse
    2 (have dual function - thing) hacer las veces de, usarse de; (- person) doblar ( for, -)
    3 (in bridge) doblar
    1 (tennis) partido de dobles
    double or quits (el) doble o nada
    at/on the double enseguida
    to be bent double estar encorvado,-a
    to be doubled up with laughter morirse de risa, desternillarse de risa
    to be doubled up with pain retorcerse de dolor
    to do the double SMALLSPORT/SMALL hacer el doblete
    to have double standards tener una doble moral
    to run a double check on something verificar algo dos veces
    to do a double take reaccionar (tardíamente)
    double act pareja de humoristas, pareja de cómicos
    double bass contrabajo
    double booking doble reserva
    double chin papada
    double cream nata para montar
    double entendre doble sentido
    double entry entrada doble
    double fault SMALLSPORT/SMALL doble falta
    double glazing doble vidrio
    double room habitación nombre femenino doble
    double time (wage rate) paga doble 2 (slow run) paso ligero
    double ['dʌbəl] v, - bled ; - bling vt
    1) : doblar, duplicar (una cantidad), redoblar (esfuerzos)
    2) fold: doblar, plegar
    to double one's fist : apretar el puño
    double vi
    1) : doblarse, duplicarse
    to double over : retorcerse
    double adj
    : doble
    doubly adv
    : doble mf
    doblado, -a adj.
    doble adj.
    duplo, -a adj.
    doble adv.
    dos veces adv.
    doble s.m.
    duplo s.m.
    doblar v.
    duplicar v.
    plegar v.
    redoblar v.
    a) ( twice as much) <amount/portion> doble
    b) ( in pair) < consonant> doble

    my number is double three seven double four eight — (esp BrE) mi número es tres tres siete, cuatro cuatro ocho

    it's spelled with a double `t' — se escribe con dos tes

    double bendcurva f en S (read as: curva en ese)

    inflation reached double figures o digits — la inflación alcanzó/rebasó el 10%

    c) ( for two) < room> doble; < bed> de matrimonio, de dos plazas (AmL)
    d) ( folded) doble
    a) ( dual) doble
    b) ( false)

    a) ( twice as much) <pay/earn/cost> el doble

    to see double — ver* doble

    a) ( hotel room) doble f
    2) ( lookalike) doble mf
    a) (in bridge, dice, dominoes, darts) doble m
    b) ( in baseball) doble m, doblete m
    c) ( Sport) ( double win) doblete m
    4) ( pace)

    at o on the double — ( Mil) a paso ligero

    a) ( increase twofold) \<\<earnings/profits\>\> doblar, duplicar*; \<\<efforts\>\> redoblar
    b) ( Games) \<\<stake/call/bid\>\> doblar

    1) ( increase twofold) \<\<price/amount\>\> duplicarse*, doblarse
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. ADJ
    1) (=twice) doble

    my income is double that of my neighbour — gano dos veces más que mi vecino, gano el doble que mi vecino

    twins: double the trouble, and double the fun! — mellizos: el doble de problemas ¡y el doble de diversión!

    2) (=extra-big) doble
    3) (=two, dual)

    it is spelt with a double "m" — se escribe con dos emes

    double five two six (5526) — (Telec) cinco, cinco, dos, seis, cincuenta y cinco, veintiséis

    a box with a double bottomuna caja con doble fondo

    to lead a double lifellevar una doble vida

    it serves a double purposesirve un doble propósito

    throw a double six to commence play — para empezar el juego tiene que sacar un seis doble al tirar los dados

    the egg had a double yolkel huevo tenía dos yemas

    figure 1., 4)
    2. ADV
    1) (=twice as much) [cost, pay] el doble
    2) (=in half) por la mitad

    to be bent double (with age) estar encorvado

    3. N
    1) (=drink) doble m
    2) (=double room) habitación f doble
    3) (Cine) (=stand-in) doble mf
    4) (=lookalike) doble mf
    5) (in games) doble m

    double or quits, double or nothing — doble o nada

    6) doubles (Tennis, Badminton) dobles mpl

    a game of mixed/ladies' doubles — un partido de dobles mixtos/femininos

    7) (Sport) (=double victory)

    at the double *(=very quickly) a la carrera, corriendo

    they ate their food at the double — comieron a la carrera, comieron corriendo

    get into bed, at the double! — ¡a la cama corriendo!


    on the double *(=immediately) ya mismo

    4. VT
    1) (=increase twofold) [+ money, quantity, profits] doblar, duplicar; [+ price, salary] doblar; [+ efforts] redoblar
    2) (also: double over) (=fold) [+ paper, blanket] doblar
    3) (Theat)

    he doubles the parts of courtier and hangman — hace dos papeles, el de cortesano y el de verdugo

    4) (in card games) doblar

    I'll double you! — ¡te doblo la apuesta!

    5) (=circumnavigate) [+ headland] doblar
    5. VI
    1) (=become twice as great) [quantity] doblarse, duplicarse
    2) (=have two functions)
    3) (Theat)
    4) (=change direction suddenly) girar sobre sí mismo
    5) (Bridge) doblar

    double act N(=pair of performers) pareja f ; (=performance) dúo m

    to do a double act — formar un dúo

    double bar N — (Mus) barra f doble

    double bed Ncama f de matrimonio

    double bend N — (Aut) curva f en S

    double bill N — (Cine) programa m doble

    double bind Ndilema m sin solución, callejón m sin salida *

    perhaps, he thought, it's a kind of double bluff — quizás, pensó, intenta hacerme creer que está mintiendo pero en realidad dice la verdad

    double boiler N(US) cazos mpl para hervir al baño María

    double booking N(=booking for two) reserva f para dos; (=over-booking) doble reserva f

    double cream N(Brit) crema f doble, nata f (para montar) (Sp), doble crema f (Mex)

    double density disk N — (Comput) disco m de doble densidad

    double doors NPLpuerta fsing de dos hojas

    double Dutch * N(Brit) chino * m

    double entry Npartida f doble

    double entry book-keeping Ncontabilidad f por partida doble

    double exposure N — (Phot) doble exposición f

    double fault N — (Tennis) falta f doble


    double feature N — (Cine) sesión f doble, programa m doble

    to be into double figures — rebasar la decena, pasar de diez

    double first N — (Univ) título universitario británico con nota de sobresaliente en dos especialidades

    double flat N — (Mus) doble bemol m

    double garage Ngaraje m doble

    double glazing Ndoble acristalamiento m, doble ventana f

    double helix N — (Chem) hélice f doble

    double indemnity N(US) (Insurance) doble indemnización f

    double indemnity coverage N(US) seguro m de doble indemnización

    double jeopardy N(US) (Jur) procesamiento m por segunda vez

    double knitting Nlana f de doble hebra

    double knot Nnudo m doble

    double lock Ncerradura f doble


    double negative N — (Gram) doble negación f (construcción gramatical, incorrecta en inglés, en la que se utilizan dos formas negativas)

    double pay Npaga f doble

    double room Nhabitación f doble

    double saucepan N(Brit) cazos mpl para hervir al baño María

    double sharp N — (Mus) doble sostenido m

    to have double standards, have a double standard — aplicar una regla para unos y otra para otros

    double star Nestrella f binaria

    to do a double take(=look twice) tener que mirar dos veces

    when I told him the news, he did a double take — cuando le di la noticia no daba crédito a sus oídos or no se lo creía

    double talk Nlenguaje m con doble sentido

    double time N — (Ind, Comm) tarifa f doble


    double track Nvía f doble

    double vision Ndoble visión f, diplopía f

    double wedding Nboda f doble

    double whammy * Npalo m doble *

    double white lines NPLlíneas fpl blancas continuas

    double windows NPLventanas fpl dobles

    double yellow lines NPL — (Aut) línea doble amarilla de prohibido aparcar, línea fsing amarilla continua

    * * *
    a) ( twice as much) <amount/portion> doble
    b) ( in pair) < consonant> doble

    my number is double three seven double four eight — (esp BrE) mi número es tres tres siete, cuatro cuatro ocho

    it's spelled with a double `t' — se escribe con dos tes

    double bendcurva f en S (read as: curva en ese)

    inflation reached double figures o digits — la inflación alcanzó/rebasó el 10%

    c) ( for two) < room> doble; < bed> de matrimonio, de dos plazas (AmL)
    d) ( folded) doble
    a) ( dual) doble
    b) ( false)

    a) ( twice as much) <pay/earn/cost> el doble

    to see double — ver* doble

    a) ( hotel room) doble f
    2) ( lookalike) doble mf
    a) (in bridge, dice, dominoes, darts) doble m
    b) ( in baseball) doble m, doblete m
    c) ( Sport) ( double win) doblete m
    4) ( pace)

    at o on the double — ( Mil) a paso ligero

    a) ( increase twofold) \<\<earnings/profits\>\> doblar, duplicar*; \<\<efforts\>\> redoblar
    b) ( Games) \<\<stake/call/bid\>\> doblar

    1) ( increase twofold) \<\<price/amount\>\> duplicarse*, doblarse
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > double

  • 13 body

    1) (of person) Körper, der; Leib, der (geh.); (of animal) Körper, der

    enough to keep body and soul together — genug, um am Leben zu bleiben

    2) (corpse) Leiche, die; Leichnam, der (geh.)

    over my dead body!nur über meine Leiche

    3) (coll.): (person) Mensch, der; (woman also) Person, die
    4) (group of persons) Gruppe, die; (having a particular function) Organ, das
    5) (mass)
    6) (main portion) Hauptteil, der
    7) (Motor Veh.) Karosserie, die; (Railw.) Aufbau, der
    8) (collection) Sammlung, die

    a body of facts — Tatsachenmaterial, das

    9) (of wine) Körper, der
    * * *
    ['bodi] 1. plural - bodies; noun
    1) (the whole frame of a man or animal including the bones and flesh: Athletes have to look after their bodies.) der Körper
    2) (a dead person: The battlefield was covered with bodies.) die Leiche
    3) (the main part of anything: the body of the hall.) der Hauptteil
    4) (a mass: a huge body of evidence.) die Masse
    5) (a group of persons acting as one: professional bodies.) die Körperschaft
    - academic.ru/7890/bodily">bodily
    2. adverb
    (by the entire (physical) body: They lifted him bodily and carried him off.) ganz und gar
    - bodyguard
    - body language
    - bodywork
    * * *
    [ˈbɒdi, AM ˈbɑ:di]
    1. (physical structure) Körper m, Leib m liter
    she's just after his \body ( fig) ihr Interesse an ihm ist rein körperlich [o sexuell]
    the \body of Christ der Leib Christi
    \body and soul ganz und gar, mit Leib und Seele
    she put \body and soul into her work sie hatte sich völlig ihrer Arbeit verschrieben
    2. (trunk) Rumpf m
    3. ( dated: person) Mensch m
    how is a \body supposed to live in these conditions? wie soll jemand unter diesen Bedingungen leben?
    she's a cheerful old \body sie ist ein fröhliches Haus fam
    4. + sing/pl vb (organized group) Körperschaft f, Organisation f, Organ nt, Gremium nt, Komitee nt
    advisory \body beratendes Gremium, beratender Ausschuss
    controlling \body Aufsichtsgremium nt
    governing \body Leitung f
    legislative \body gesetzgebendes Organ
    5. + sing/pl vb (group) Gruppe f
    student \body Studentenschaft f
    \body of opinion viele Menschen gleicher Meinung
    in a \body gemeinsam
    6. (quantity) Masse f, Menge f, Haufen m fam
    a substantial \body of opinion opposes change es gibt eine große Gruppe, die einmütig gegen Veränderungen ist
    \body of evidence/information Sammlung f von Beweis-/Informationsmaterial
    7. (central part) Hauptteil m, Wesentliche(s) nt; of an army Kerntruppe f; of a church Hauptschiff nt; of a plane, ship Rumpf m; of a string instrument Schallkörper m
    in the \body of the House BRIT (Parliament) im Plenum [des Parlaments]
    8. AUTO Karosserie f
    9. (corpse) Leiche f; (of an animal) Kadaver m, [Tier]leiche f
    the dog's \body lay on the rubbish heap der tote Hund lag auf dem Abfallhaufen
    10. (material object) Gegenstand m; SCI Körper m
    celestial [or heavenly] \body Himmelskörper m
    foreign \body Fremdkörper m
    11. (substance, thickness) of hair Fülle f, Volumen nt; of paper Stärke f; of wine Gehalt m
    to have a full \body wine vollmundig sein
    12. (lake, sea)
    \body of water Gewässer nt
    13. FASHION Body m
    over my dead \body nur über meine Leiche
    to keep \body and soul together Leib und Seele zusammenhalten
    his wages are barely enough to keep \body and soul together sein Lohn ist zum Leben zu wenig und zum Sterben zu viel
    * * *
    1) (of man, animal) Körper m; (of human also) Leib m (geh)

    just enough to keep body and soul together — gerade genug, um Leib und Seele zusammenzuhalten

    she was committed, body and soul — sie war mit Leib und Seele bei der Sache

    2) (= corpse) Leiche f, Leichnam m (geh)dead
    3) (= main part of structure of plane, ship) Rumpf m, Körper m; (of string instrument) Korpus m, Schallkörper m; (of church, speech, army also main body) Hauptteil m

    the main body of his readers/the students — das Gros seiner Leser/der Studenten

    4) (= coachwork of car) Karosserie f
    5) (= group of people) Gruppe f

    the student body —

    a great body of followers/readers — eine große Anhängerschaft/Leserschaft

    6) (= organization) Organ nt; (= committee) Gremium nt; (= corporation) Körperschaft fcorporate, politic
    → corporate, politic

    (= quantity) a body of facts/evidence/data — Tatsachen-/Beweis-/Datenmaterial

    a body of laws/legislation — ein Gesetzeskomplex m

    8) (inf: person) Mensch m
    9) (MATH, PHYS, CHEM) Körper m
    10) (= substance, thickness of wine) Körper m; (of soup) Substanz f; (of paper, cloth) Festigkeit f, Stärke f
    11) Body m
    * * *
    body [ˈbɒdı; US ˈbɑ-]
    A s
    1. Körper m, Leib m ( auch REL):
    body and soul mit Leib und Seele;
    keep body and soul together Leib und Seele zusammenhalten;
    2. oft dead body Leiche f, Leichnam m:
    over my dead body nur über meine Leiche
    3. engS. Rumpf m, Leib m
    4. Rumpf m, Haupt(bestand)teil m, Mittel-, Hauptstück n, Zentrum n, z. B.
    a) (Schiffs-, Flugzeug) Rumpf m
    b) MIL (Geschoss) Hülle f
    c) Bauch m (einer Flasche etc)
    d) MUS (Schall)Körper m, Resonanzkasten m
    e) (Auto-, Wagen) Karosserie f
    f) Hauptgebäude n
    g) (Kirchen) Schiff n
    h) MIL Hauptfestung f
    5. MIL Truppenkörper m:
    body of horse Kavallerieeinheit f;
    body of men Trupp m, Abteilung f;
    the main body das Gros
    6. (die) große Masse, (das) Gros
    7. (gegliedertes) Ganzes, Gesamtheit f, System n:
    in a ( oder one) body zusammen, geschlossen;
    a) juristische Person, Körperschaft f,
    b) Gemeinwesen n, Gemeinde f;
    body of facts Tatsachenmaterial n;
    body of history Geschichtswerk n;
    body of laws Kodex m, Gesetz(es)sammlung f;
    a) juristische Person,
    b) organisierte Gesellschaft,
    c) Staat(skörper) m
    8. Körper(schaft) m(f), Gesellschaft f, Gruppe f, Organ n, Gremium n:
    9. fig Kern m, eigentlicher Inhalt, Substanz f, (das) Wesentliche (einer Rede etc)
    10. Hauptteil m, Text(teil) m (einer Annonce etc)
    11. PHYS (dreidimensionaler) Körper, Masse f (Menge)
    12. CHEM Substanz f, Stoff m
    13. ANAT Körper m, Stamm m:
    body of the uterus Gebärmutterkörper
    14. GEOG etc Masse f:
    body of water Gewässer n;
    body of cold air kalte Luftmasse
    15. fig Körper m, Gehalt m (von Wein), Stärke f (von Papier etc), Deckfähigkeit f (von Farbe), Dichtigkeit f, Güte f (von Gewebe etc), (Klang)Fülle f
    16. umg Person f, Mensch m:
    a curious (old) body ein komischer (alter) Kauz;
    not a (single) body keine Menschenseele
    17. Töpferei: Tonmasse f
    18. ELEK Isolier-, Halteteil m
    B v/t meist body forth verkörpern:
    a) versinnbildlichen
    b) darstellen
    * * *
    1) (of person) Körper, der; Leib, der (geh.); (of animal) Körper, der

    enough to keep body and soul together — genug, um am Leben zu bleiben

    2) (corpse) Leiche, die; Leichnam, der (geh.)
    3) (coll.): (person) Mensch, der; (woman also) Person, die
    6) (main portion) Hauptteil, der
    7) (Motor Veh.) Karosserie, die; (Railw.) Aufbau, der
    8) (collection) Sammlung, die

    a body of facts — Tatsachenmaterial, das

    9) (of wine) Körper, der
    * * *
    (car) n.
    Karosserie -n f. n.
    Körper - m.
    Leib -er m.
    Leiche -n f.
    Leichnam -e m.
    Rumpf -e m.

    English-german dictionary > body

  • 14 полет

    полет сущ
    1. flight
    2. journey 3. operation 4. trip 5. voyage аварийная ситуация в полете
    in-flight emergency
    автоматический полет
    1. automatic flight
    2. computer-directed flight автоматическое управление полетом
    automatic flight control
    административные полеты
    executive flying
    административный полет
    business operation
    анализ безопасности полетов
    safety investigation
    аэродинамическая труба имитации свободного полета
    free-flight wind tunnel
    аэродром на трассе полета
    en-route aerodrome
    аэродромный круг полетов
    aerodrome traffic circuit
    аэродромный полет
    local flight
    база для обслуживания полетов
    air base
    балансировка в горизонтальном полете
    horizontal trim
    балансировка в полете
    operational trim
    безаварийное выполнение полетов
    accident-free flying
    безаварийный полет
    accident-free flight
    без достаточного опыта выполнения полетов
    beyond flight experience
    безопасная дистанция в полете
    in-flight safe distance
    безопасность полетов
    1. flight safety
    2. flight operating safety беспосадочный полет
    1. nonstop flight
    2. continuous flight билет на полет в одном направлении
    single ticket
    бланк плана полета
    flight plan form
    боковой обзор в полете
    sideway inflight view
    бортовой вычислитель управления полетом
    airborne guidance computer
    бреющие полеты
    contour flying
    бреющий полет
    1. scooping
    2. contour flight 3. hedge-hopping 4. low-level flight бустерная система управления полетом
    flight control boost system
    быть непригодным к полетам
    inapt for flying
    ввод данных о полете
    flight data input
    верхний обзор в полете
    upward inflight view
    верхний эшелон полета
    upper flight level
    ветер в направлении курса полета
    видимость в полете
    flight visibility
    визуальная оценка расстояния в полете
    distance assessment
    визуальный контакт в полете
    flight visual contact
    визуальный ориентир в полете
    flight visual cue
    визуальный полет
    1. visual flight
    2. contact flight визуальный полет по кругу
    visual circling
    вихрь в направлении линии полета
    line vortex
    влиять на безопасность полетов
    effect on operating safety
    внутренние полеты
    local operations
    воздушная яма на пути полета
    in flight bump
    воздушное пространство с запретом визуальных полетов
    visual exempted airspace
    воздушное судно большой дальности полетов
    long-distance aircraft
    воздушное судно в полете
    1. making way aircraft
    2. in-flight aircraft 3. aircraft on flight воздушное судно, готовое к полету
    under way aircraft
    воздушное судно для полетов на большой высоте
    high-altitude aircraft
    воздушное судно, дозаправляемое в полете
    receiver aircraft
    воздушное судно, имеющее разрешение на полет
    authorized aircraft
    возобновление полетов
    flight resumption
    возобновлять полет
    1. resume the flight
    2. resume the journey возобновлять полеты
    resume normal operations
    восходящий поток воздуха на маршруте полета
    en-route updraft
    ВПП, не соответствующая заданию на полет
    wrong runway
    в процессе полета
    1. while in flight
    2. in flight временная разница пунктов полета
    временные полеты
    1. sojourn
    2. part time operations время горизонтального полета
    level flight time
    время полета по внешнему контуру
    outbound time
    время полета по маршруту
    trip time
    время самолетного полета
    solo flying time
    всепогодные полеты
    1. all-weather operations
    2. all-weather flying всепогодный полет
    all-weather flight
    вспомогательный маршрут полета
    side trip
    выбирать маршрут полета
    select the flight route
    вывозной полет
    introductory flight
    выдерживание высоты полета автопилотом
    autopilot altitude hold
    выдерживание заданной высоты полета
    preselected altitude hold
    выдерживание курса полета с помощью инерциальной системы
    inertial tracking
    выдерживание траектории полета
    flight path tracking
    выдерживать заданный график полета
    maintain the flight watch
    выдерживать заданный эшелон полета
    maintain the flight level
    выдерживать требуемую скорость полета
    maintain the flying speed
    выдерживать установленный порядок полетов
    maintain the flight procedure
    выполнение горизонтального полета
    level flying
    выполнение полетов
    1. flight operation
    2. flying выполнение полетов с помощью радиосредств
    radio fly
    выполнять групповой полет
    fly in formation
    выполнять круг полета над аэродромом
    carry out a circuit of the aerodrome
    выполнять полет
    carry out the flight
    выполнять полет в зоне ожидания
    hold over the aids
    выполнять полет в определенных условиях
    fly under conditions
    выполнять полет в режиме ожидания над аэродромом
    hold over the beacon
    выполнять полет по курсу
    fly the heading
    выполнять полеты с аэродрома
    operate from the aerodrome
    высота перехода к визуальному полету
    break-off height
    высота полета
    flight altitude
    высота полета вертолета
    helicopter overflight height
    высота полета вертолета при заходе на посадку
    helicopter approach height
    высота полета в зоне ожидания
    holding flight level
    высота полета по маршруту
    en-route altitude
    высота установленная заданием на полет
    specified altitude
    высотный полет
    1. hing-altitude flight
    2. altitude flight вычислитель параметров траектории полета
    flight-path computer
    гарантия полета
    flight assurance
    гасить скорость в полете
    decelerate in the flight
    гиперзвуковой полет
    hypersonic flight
    годность к полетам
    flight fitness
    годный к полетам
    головокружение при полете в сплошной облачности
    cloud vertigo
    горизонтальный полет
    1. horizontal flight
    2. level flight 3. level горизонтальный полет на крейсерском режиме
    level cruise
    горизонт, видимый в полете
    in-flight apparent horizon
    готовый к выполнению полетов
    готовый к полету
    in flying condition
    граница высот повторного запуска в полете
    inflight restart envelope
    график полета
    flight schedule
    грубая ошибка в процессе полета
    in flight blunder
    груз, сброшенный в полете
    jettisoned load in flight
    группа, выполняющая полет по туру
    tour group
    дальность активного полета
    all-burnt range
    дальность видимости в полете
    flight visual range
    дальность горизонтального полета
    horizontal range
    дальность полета
    1. range ability
    2. flight range дальность полета без дополнительных топливных баков
    built-in range
    дальность полета без коммерческой загрузки
    zero-payload range
    дальность полета без наружных подвесок
    clean range
    дальность полета в невозмущенной атмосфере
    still-air flight range
    дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft range
    дальность полета до намеченного пункта
    range to go
    дальность полета до полного израсходования топлива
    flight range with no reserves
    дальность полета до пункта назначения
    flight distance-to-go
    дальность полета на предельно малой высоте
    on-the-deck range
    дальность полета на режиме авторотации
    autorotation range
    дальность полета по замкнутому маршруту
    closed-circuit range
    дальность полета по прямой
    direct range
    дальность полета при полной заправке
    full-tanks range
    дальность полета при попутном ветре
    downwind range
    дальность полета с максимальной загрузкой
    full-load range
    дальность полета с полной коммерческой загрузкой
    commercial range
    дальность управляемого полета
    controllable range
    данные об условиях полета
    flight environment data
    действующий план полета
    operational flight plan
    деловой полет
    business flight
    деловые полеты
    business flying
    демонстрационный полет
    1. demonstration flight
    2. demonstration operation диапазон изменения траектории полета
    flight path envelope
    диапазон режимов полета
    flight envelope
    диспетчер по планированию полетов
    flight planner
    диспетчерское управление полетами
    1. operational control
    2. flight control дистанция полета
    flight distance
    дневной полет
    day flight
    доводить до уровня годности к полетам
    render airworthy
    доворот для коррекции направления полета
    flight corrective turn
    дозаправка топливом в полете
    air refuelling
    дозаправлять топливом в полете
    refuel in flight
    дозвуковой полет
    subsonic flight
    докладывать о занятии заданного эшелона полета
    report reaching the flight level
    донесение о полете
    voyage report
    донесение о ходе полета
    flight report
    дополнительный план полета
    supplementary flight plan
    допускать пилота к полетам
    permit a pilot to operate
    допустимый предел шума при полете
    flyover noise limit
    единый тариф на полет в двух направлениях
    two-way fare
    завершать полет
    1. complete the flight
    2. terminate the flight зависимость коммерческой загрузки от дальности полета
    payload versus range
    заводской испытательный полет
    1. factory test flight
    2. production test flight заданная траектория полета
    assigned flight path
    заданные условия полета
    given conditions of flight
    заданный режим полета
    basic flight reference
    заданный уровень безопасности полетов
    target level of safety
    заданный эшелон полета
    preset flight level
    закрытая для полетов ВПП
    idle runway
    закрытие плана полета
    closing a flight plan
    замер в полете
    inflight measurement
    замкнутый маршрут полета
    circle trip
    занимать заданный эшелон полета
    reach the flight level
    запасной маршрут полета
    alternate air route
    запасной план полета
    alternate flight plan
    запись вибрации в полете
    inflight vibration recording
    запланированный полет
    prearranged flight
    запрет полетов
    запрет полетов из-за превышения допустимого уровня шума
    noise curfew
    запускать двигатель в полете
    restart the engine in flight
    запуск в полете
    inflight starting
    запуск в полете без включения стартера
    inflight nonassisted starting
    зарегистрированный план полета
    filed flight plan
    заход на посадку после полета по кругу
    защитная зона для полетов вертолетов
    helicopter protected zone
    заявка на полет
    flight request
    зона воздушного пространства с особым режимом полета
    airspace restricted area
    зона ожидания для визуальных полетов
    visual holding point
    зона полетов
    operational area
    зона полетов вертолетов
    helicopter traffic zone
    зона тренировочных полетов
    training area
    изменение маршрута полета
    flight diversion
    изменение плана полета
    flight replanning
    изменение траектории полета
    takeoff profile change
    измерять маршрут полета
    replan the flight
    иметь место в полете
    be experienced in flight
    имитатор условий полета
    flight simulator
    имитация в полете
    inflight simulation
    имитация полета в натуральных условиях
    full-scale flight
    имитируемый полет
    simulated flight
    имитируемый полет по приборам
    simulated instrument flight
    индикатор хода полета
    flight progress display
    инспектор по производству полетов
    operations inspector
    инструктаж по условиям полета по маршруту
    route briefing
    инструктаж при аварийной обстановке в полете
    inflight emergency instruction
    инструктор по производству полетов
    flight operations instructor
    инструкция по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    air safety rules
    инструкция по производству полетов
    operation instruction
    интенсивность полетов
    flying intensity
    информация о ходе полета
    flight progress information
    испытание в свободном полете
    free-flight test
    испытание двигателя в полете
    inflight engine test
    испытание на максимальную дальность полета
    full-distance test
    испытание путем имитации полета
    simulated flight test
    испытания по замеру нагрузки в полете
    flight stress measurement tests
    испытательные полеты
    test fly
    испытательный полет
    1. test operation
    2. shakedown flight 3. test flight 4. trial flight испытываемый в полете
    under flight test
    испытывать в полете
    test in flight
    Исследовательская группа по безопасности полетов
    Aviation Security Study Group
    исходная высота полета при заходе на посадку
    reference approach height
    исходная схема полета
    reference flight procedure
    канал передачи данных в полете
    flight data link
    карта планирования полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude flight planning chart
    карта полета
    aerial map
    карта полетов
    1. flight chart
    2. flight map категория ИКАО по обеспечению полета
    facility performance ICAO category
    квалификационная отметка о допуске к визуальным полетам
    visual flying rating
    Комитет по безопасности полетов
    Safety Investigation Board
    коммерческий полет
    commercial operation
    компьютерное планирование полетов
    computer flight planning
    контролируемое воздушное пространство предназначенное для полетов по приборам
    instrument restricted airspace
    контролируемый полет
    controlled flight
    контроль за полетом
    flight monitoring
    контроль за производством полетов
    operating supervision
    контроль за ходом полета
    flight supervision
    контрольный полет
    1. check
    2. checkout flight контрольный полет перед приемкой
    flight acceptance test
    контроль полета
    flight watch
    конфигурация при полете на маршруте
    en-route configuration
    короткий полет
    крейсерская скорость для полета максимальной дальности
    long-range cruise speed
    крейсерский полет
    1. cruise
    2. cruising flight кресло, расположенное перпендикулярно направлению полета
    outboard facing seat
    кресло, расположенное по направлению полета
    forward facing seat
    кресло, расположенное против направления полета
    aft facing seat
    кривая зависимости коммерческой от дальности полета
    payload-range curve
    кривая изменения высоты полета
    altitude curve
    кривизна траектории полета
    flight path curvature
    круговой маршрут полета
    round trip
    кругосветный полет
    around-the-world flight
    круг полета над аэродромом
    1. aerodrome circuit
    2. aerodrome circle курсограф траектории полета
    flight-path plotter
    курс полета
    flight course
    курсы подготовки пилотов к полетам по приборам
    instrument pilot school
    левый круг полета
    left circuit
    летать в режиме бреющего полета
    fly at a low level
    летная полоса, оборудованная для полетов по приборам
    instrument strip
    линия полета
    line of flight
    линия полета по курсу
    on-course line
    линия пути полета
    flight track
    магистральный полет
    long-distance flight
    малошумный полет
    noiseless flight
    маневр в полете
    inflight manoeuvre
    маршрут минимального времени полета
    minimum time track
    маршрутная карта полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude en-route chart
    маршрутное планирование полетов
    en-route flight planning
    маршрут полета
    1. flight route
    2. flight lane маршрут полета в направлении от вторичных радиосредств
    track from secondary radio facility
    медицинская служба обеспечения полетов
    aeromedical safety division
    меры безопасности в полете
    flight safety precautions
    местные полеты
    local flying
    метеосводка по трассе полета
    airway climatic data
    методика выполнения полета с минимальным шумом
    minimum noise procedure
    механизм для создания условий полета в нестабильной атмосфере
    rough air mechanism
    механизм открытия защелки в полете
    mechanical flight release latch
    мешать обзору в полете
    obscure inflight view
    минимальная высота полета по кругу
    minimum circling procedure height
    минимальная крейсерская высота полета
    minimum cruising level
    минимальная скорость полета
    minimum flying speed
    минимум для полетов по кругу
    circling minima
    многоэтапный полет
    multistage flight
    моделирование условий полета
    flight simulation
    набирать высоту при полете по курсу
    climb on the course
    набирать заданную скорость полета
    obtain the flying speed
    нагрузка в полете
    flight load
    нагрузка в полете от поверхности управления
    flight control load
    надежность в полете
    inflight reliability
    наземный ориентир на трассе полета
    en-route ground mark
    накладывать ограничения на полеты
    restrict the operations
    намеченный маршрут полета
    the route to be flown
    направление полета
    flight direction
    начинать полет
    commence the flight
    незамкнутый маршрут полета
    open-jaw trip
    неконтролируемый полет
    uncontrolled flight
    необходимые меры предосторожности в полете
    flight reasonable precautions
    неожиданное препятствие в полете
    hidden flight hazard
    неофициальная информация о полете
    unofficial flight information
    неправильно оцененное расстояние в полете
    misjudged flight distance
    неправильно принятое в полете решение
    improper in-flight decision
    непрерывная запись хода полета
    continuous flight record
    непригодный к выполнению полетов
    непроизвольное увеличение высоты полета
    altitude gain
    неразрешенный полет
    unauthorized operation
    несбалансированный полет
    out-of-trim flight
    несоответствие плану полета
    flight discrepancy
    неуправляемый полет
    incontrollable flight
    неустановившийся полет
    1. unsteady flight
    2. transient flight нижний обзор в полете
    downward inflight view
    нижний эшелон полета
    lower flight level
    нормы шума при полетах на эшелоне
    level flight noise requirements
    ночной полет
    night flight
    ночные полеты
    night-time flying
    ночные учебные полеты
    night training
    обеспечение безопасности полетов
    promotion of safety
    обеспечение эшелонирования полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft separation assurance
    обеспечивать соблюдение правил полетов
    enforce rules of the air
    обзор в полете
    inflight view
    оборудование автоматического управления полетом
    automatic flight control equipment
    оборудование для демонстрационных полетов
    sign towing equipment
    оборудование для полетов в темное время суток
    night-flying equipment
    оборудование для полетов по приборам
    blind flight equipment
    обратный маршрут полета
    return trip
    обратный полет
    обучение в процессе полетов
    flying training
    огни на трассе полета
    airway lights
    ограничение времени полета
    flight duty period
    ограничение по скорости полета
    air-speed limitation
    односторонний маршрут полета
    single trip
    ожидание в процессе полета
    hold en-route
    ознакомительный полет
    familiarization flight
    опасные условия полета
    hazardous flight conditions
    оперативное планирование полетов
    operational flight planning
    оперировать органами управления полетом
    1. handle the flight controls
    2. manipulate the flight controls описание маршрута полета
    route description
    опознавание в полете
    aerial identification
    определять зону полета воздушного судна
    space the aircraft
    организация полетов
    flight regulation
    ориентировочный прогноз на полет
    provisional flight forecast
    особые меры в полете
    in-flight extreme care
    особые случаи выполнения полетов
    abnormal operations
    особые явления погоды на маршруте полета
    en-route weather phenomena
    остановка на маршруте полета
    en-route stop
    остановка при полете обратно
    outbound stopover
    остановка при полете туда
    inbound stopover
    осуществлять контроль за ходом полета
    exercise flight supervision
    отклонение от курса полета
    отклонение от линии горизонтального полета
    deviation from the level flight
    отклоняться от плана полета
    deviate from the flight plan
    открытая для полетов ВПП
    operational runway
    открытый для полетов
    отменять полет
    1. cancel the flight
    2. cancel operation отрезок полета
    portion of a flight
    отсчет показаний при полете на глиссаде
    on-slope indication
    отчет о полете
    flight history
    оценка пилотом ситуации в полете
    pilot judgement
    очередность полетов
    air priority
    панель контроля хода полета
    flight deck
    парящие полеты
    sail fly
    парящий полет
    1. soaring flight
    2. sailing flight первый полет
    maiden flight
    переводить воздушное судно в горизонтальный полет
    put the aircraft over
    перегоночный полет
    1. delivery flight
    2. ferry operation 3. ferry flight передний обзор в полете
    forward inflight view
    переход в режим горизонтального полета
    перечень необходимого исправного оборудования для полета
    minimum equipment item
    персонал по обеспечению полетов
    flight operations personnel
    планирование полетов
    flight planning
    планирование полетов экипажей
    crew scheduling
    планируемый полет
    intended flight
    планирующий полет
    gliding flight
    план повторяющихся полетов
    repetitive flight plan
    план полета
    flight plan
    план полета, переданный с борта
    air-filed flight plan
    план полета по приборам
    instrument flight plan
    планшет хода полета
    flight progress board
    повторный запуск в полете
    flight restart
    погрешность выдерживания высоты полета
    height-keeping error
    подвергать полет опасности
    jeopardize the flight
    подготовка для полетов по приборам
    instrument flight training
    подготовленная для полетов ВПП
    maintained runway
    поисковый полет
    search operation
    полет без крена
    wings-level flight
    полет в восточном направлении
    eastbound flight
    полет в зоне ожидания
    1. holding flight
    2. holding полет в направлении на станцию
    flight inbound the station
    полет в направлении от станции
    flight outbound the station
    полет в невозмущенной атмосфере
    still-air flight
    полет вне расписания
    1. nonscheduled flight
    2. unscheduled flight полет вне установленного маршрута
    off-airway flight
    полет в нормальных метеоусловиях
    normal weather operation
    полет в обоих направлениях
    back-to-back flight
    полет в одном направлении
    one-way flight
    полет в пределах континента
    coast-to-coast flight
    полет в режиме висения
    hover flight
    полет в режиме ожидания
    holding operation
    полет в режиме ожидания на маршруте
    holding en-route operation
    полет в связи с особыми обстоятельствами
    special event flight
    полет в сложных метеоусловиях
    bad-weather flight
    полет в строю
    formation flight
    полет в условиях болтанки
    1. bumpy-air flight
    2. turbulent flight полет в условиях отсутствия видимости
    nonvisual flight
    полет в условиях плохой видимости
    low-visibility flight
    полет в установленной зоне
    standoff flight
    полет в установленном секторе
    sector flight
    полет для выполнения наблюдений с воздуха
    1. aerial survey flight
    2. aerial survey operation полет для выполнения работ
    1. aerial work operation
    2. aerial work flight полет для контроля состояния посевов
    crop control flight
    полет для контроля состояния посевов с воздуха
    crop control operation
    полет для ознакомления с местностью
    orientation flight
    полет для оказания медицинской помощи
    aerial ambulance operation
    полет для проверки летных характеристик
    performance flight
    полет для разведки метеорологической обстановки
    meteorological reconnaissance flight
    полет на автопилоте
    autocontrolled flight
    полет на аэростате
    полет на буксире
    aerotow flight
    полет на дальность
    distance flight
    полет над водным пространством
    1. overwater flight
    2. overwater operation полет над облаками
    overweather flight
    полет над открытым морем
    flight over the high seas
    полет на конечном этапе захода на посадку
    final approach operation
    полет на короткое расстояние
    1. flip
    2. short-haul flight полет на крейсерском режиме
    normal cruise operation
    полет на критическом угле атаки
    stall flight
    полет на малой высоте
    low flying operation
    полет на малой скорости
    low-speed flight
    полет на малом газе
    idle flight
    полет на малых высотах
    low flight
    полет на номинальном расчетном режиме
    with rated power flight
    полет на одном двигателе
    single-engined flight
    полет на ориентир
    directional homing
    полет на полном газе
    full-throttle flight
    полет на продолжительность
    endurance flight
    полет на режиме авторотации
    autorotational flight
    полет на среднем участке маршрута
    mid-course flight
    полет на участке между третьим и четвертым разворотами
    base leg operation
    полетное время, продолжительность полета в данный день
    flying time today
    полет, открывающий воздушное сообщение
    inaugural flight
    полет под наблюдением
    supervised flight
    полет по дополнительному маршруту
    extra section flight
    полет по заданной траектории
    desired path flight
    полет по заданному маршруту
    desired track flight
    полет по замкнутому кругу
    closed-circuit flight
    полет по замкнутому маршруту
    полет по индикации на стекле
    head-up flight
    полет по инерции
    1. coasting flight
    2. coast полет по коробочке
    box-pattern flight
    полет по круговому маршруту
    1. round-trip flight
    2. circling полет по кругу
    полет по кругу в районе аэродрома
    aerodrome traffic circuit operation
    полет по кругу над аэродромом
    1. aerodrome circuit-circling
    2. aerodrome circling полет по курсу
    flight on heading
    полет по локсодромии
    rhumb-line flight
    полет по маршруту
    1. en-route operation
    2. en-route flight полет по маякам ВОР
    VOR course flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам
    visual navigation flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам или по командам наземных станций
    reference flight
    полет по полному маршруту
    entire flight
    полет по приборам
    1. blind flight
    2. instrument flight 3. head-down flight 4. instrument flight rules operation полет по приборам, обязательный для данной зоны
    compulsory IFR flight
    полет по размеченному маршруту
    point-to-point flight
    полет по расписанию
    1. scheduled flight
    2. regular flight полет по сигналам с земли
    directed reference flight
    полет по условным меридианам
    grid flight
    полет по установленным правилам
    flight under the rules
    полет с боковым ветром
    cross-wind flight
    полет с визуальной ориентировкой
    visual contact flight
    полет с выключенным двигателем
    engine-off flight
    полет с выключенными двигателями
    power-off flight
    полет с дозаправкой топлива в воздухе
    refuelling flight
    полет с инструктором
    1. dual flight
    2. dual operation полет с креном
    banked flight
    полет с набором высоты
    1. nose-up flying
    2. climbing flight полет с несимметричной тягой двигателей
    asymmetric flight
    полет с обычным взлетом и посадкой
    conventional flight
    полет со встречным ветром
    head-wind flight
    полет со снижением
    1. downward flight
    2. nose-down flying 3. descending operation 4. descending flight полет со сносом
    drift flight
    полет с отклонением
    diverted flight
    полет с парированием сноса
    crabbing flight
    полет с пересечением границ
    border-crossing flight
    полет с помощью радионавигационных средств
    radio navigation flight
    полет с попутным ветром
    tailwind flight
    полет с посадкой
    entire journey
    полет с постоянным курсом
    single-heading flight
    полет с промежуточной остановкой
    one-stop flight
    полет с работающим двигателем
    engine-on flight
    полет с работающими двигателями
    1. powered flight
    2. power-on flight полет с сопровождающим
    chased flight
    полет с убранными закрылками
    flapless flight
    полет с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating flight
    полет с ускорением
    accelerated flight
    полет с целью перебазирования
    positioning flight
    полет с целью установления координат объекта поиска
    aerial spotting operation
    полет с частного воздушного судна
    private flight
    полет туда-обратно
    1. turn-around operation
    2. turnround flight полет туда - обратно
    out-and-return flight
    полет хвостом вперед
    rearward flight
    полеты авиации общего назначения
    general aviation operations
    полеты воздушных судов
    aircraft flying
    полеты в районе открытого моря
    off-shore operations
    полеты в светлое время суток
    daylight operations
    полеты в темное время суток
    night operations
    полеты гражданских воздушных судов
    civil air operations
    полеты на высоких эшелонах
    high-level operations
    полеты на малых высотах
    low flying
    полеты планера
    glider flying
    полеты по воздушным трассам
    airways flying
    полеты по изобаре
    pressure flying
    полеты по контрольным точкам
    fix-to-fix flying
    полеты по кругу
    circuit flying
    полеты по наземным естественным ориентирам
    terrain fly
    полеты по низким метеоминимумам
    low weather operations
    полеты по обратному лучу
    back beam flying
    полеты по ортодромии
    great-circle flying
    полеты по прямому лучу
    front beam flying
    полеты по радиолучу
    radio-beam fly
    полеты с использованием радиомаяков
    radio-range fly
    получать задания на полет
    receive flight instruction
    по полету
    looking forward
    порядок действий во время полета
    inflight procedure
    посадка на маршруте полета
    intermediate landing
    правила визуального полета
    1. visual flight rules
    2. contact flight rules правила полета в аварийной обстановке
    emergency flight procedures
    правила полета по кругу
    circuit rules
    правила полетов
    1. rules of the air
    2. flight rules правила полетов по приборам
    instrument flight rules
    правый круг полета
    1. right circuit
    2. right-hand circle предварительная заявка на полет
    advance flight plan
    предварительные меры по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    advance arrangements
    предписанный маршрут полета
    prescribed flight track
    предполагаемая траектория полета
    intended flight path
    представление плана полета
    submission of a flight plan
    представлять план полета
    submit the flight plan
    предупреждение опасных условий полета
    avoidance of hazardous conditions
    преимущественное право полета
    traffic privilege
    препятствие на пути полета
    air obstacle
    прерванный полет
    aborted operation
    прерывать полет
    1. break the journey
    2. abort the flight пригодность для полета на местных воздушных линиях
    local availability
    пригодный для полета только в светлое время суток
    available for daylight operation
    придерживаться плана полета
    adhere to the flight plan
    приемно-сдаточный полет
    acceptance flight
    приспособление для захвата объектов в процессе полета
    flight pick-up equipment
    проведение работ по снижению высоты препятствий для полетов
    obstacle clearing
    проверено в полете
    flight checked
    проверка в полете
    flight check
    проверка готовности экипажа к полету
    flight crew supervision
    проверка обеспечения полетов на маршруте
    route-proving trial
    программа всепогодных полетов
    all-weather operations program
    прогулочные полеты
    pleasure flying
    прогулочный полет
    1. pleasure operation
    2. pleasure flight 3. с осмотром достопримечательностей sight-seeing flight продолжать полет
    continue the flight
    продолжать полет на аэронавигационном запасе топлива
    continue operating on the fuel reserve
    продолжительность полета
    1. flight endurance
    2. flight duration продолжительность полета без дозаправки топливом
    nonrefuelling duration
    прокладка маршрута полета
    flight routing
    прокладка маршрута полета согласно указанию службы управления движением
    air traffic control routing
    пространственная ориентация в полете
    inflight spatial orientation
    против полета
    looking aft
    прямолинейный полет
    straight flight
    пункт трассы полета
    airway fix
    пункт управления полетами
    operations tower
    рабочий эшелон полета
    usable flight level
    радиолокационный обзор в полете
    inflight radar scanning
    разбор полета
    postflight debriefing
    разворот на курс полета
    joining turn
    разрешение в процессе полета по маршруту
    en-route clearance
    разрешение на выполнение плана полета
    flight plan clearance
    разрешение на выполнение полета
    permission for operation
    разрешение на полет
    1. flight clearance
    2. operational clearance разрешение на полет в зоне ожидания
    holding clearance
    разрешение на полет по приборам
    instrument clearance
    разрешенные полеты на малой высоте
    authorized low flying
    разрешенный полет
    authorized operation
    районный диспетчерский пункт управления полетами
    area flight control
    район полетов верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper flight region
    распечатка сведений о полете
    navigation hard copy
    расписание полетов
    flight timetable
    расходы при подготовке к полетам
    pre-operating costs
    расчет времени полета
    time-of-flight calculation
    расчетная дальность полета
    design flying range
    расчетная скорость полета
    reference flight speed
    расчетное время полета
    estimated time of flight
    реальные условия полета
    actual flight conditions
    регистратор параметров полета
    1. flight data recorder
    2. black box регистрация плана полета
    flight plan filing
    регистрировать план полета
    file the flight plan
    регулярность полетов
    regularity of operations
    режим полета
    1. mode of flight
    2. flight mode резервный план полета
    stored flight plan
    рекламный полет
    advertizing flight
    рекомендации по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    safety recommendations
    рекомендуемая траектория полета
    desired flight path
    руководство по полетам воздушных судов гражданской авиации
    civil air regulations
    руководство по производству полетов в зоне аэродрома
    aerodrome rules
    руководство по управлению полетами
    flight control fundamentals
    самостоятельный полет
    1. solo flight
    2. solo operation сближение в полете
    air miss
    сбор за аэронавигационное обслуживание на трассе полета
    en-route facility charge
    сверхзвуковой полет
    supersonic flight
    свидетельство о допуске к полетам
    certificate of safety for flight
    свободный полет
    free flight
    свободный эшелон полета
    odd flight level
    связь для управления полетами
    control communication
    связь по обеспечению регулярности полетов
    flight regularity communication
    сдвиг ветра в зоне полета
    flight wind shear
    Секция полетов и летной годности
    operations-airworthiness Section
    (ИКАО) сертификационный испытательный полет
    certification test flight
    сертифицировать как годный к полетам
    certify as airworthy
    сигнал действий в полете
    flight urgency signal
    сигнализация аварийной обстановки в полете
    air alert warning
    сигнал между воздушными судами в полете
    air-to-air signal
    сигнал полета по курсу
    on-course signal
    система имитации полета
    flight simulation system
    система инспектирования полетов
    flight inspection system
    система информации о состоянии безопасности полетов
    aviation safety reporting system
    система обеспечения полетов
    flight operations system
    система предупреждения конфликтных ситуаций в полете
    conflict alert system
    система управления полетом
    1. flight control system
    2. flight management system сквозной полет
    through flight
    скольжение в направлении полета
    скоростной полет
    high-speed flight
    скорость горизонтального полета
    level-flight speed
    скорость набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb speed
    скорость полета
    flight speed
    скорость полета на малом газе
    flight idle speed
    скорость установившегося полета
    steady flight speed
    следить за полетом
    monitor the flight
    служба безопасности полетов
    airworthiness division
    служба обеспечения полетов
    flight service
    смещенный эшелон полета
    staggered flight level
    снежный заряд в зоне полета
    inflight snow showers
    снижать высоту полета воздушного судна
    push the aircraft down
    создавать опасность полету
    make an operation hazardous
    сообщение о ходе выполнения полета
    progress report
    составлять план полета
    complete the flight plan
    состояние годности к полетам
    flyable status
    состояние готовности ВПП к полетам
    clear runway status
    списание девиации в полете
    списание девиации компаса в полете
    air compass swinging
    списание радиодевиации в полете
    airborne error measurement
    способствовать выполнению полета
    affect flight operation
    средства обеспечения полета
    flying aids
    средства обеспечения полетов по приборам
    nonvisual aids
    срок представления плана на полет
    flight plan submission deadline
    станция службы обеспечения полетов
    flight service station
    схема визуального полета по кругу
    visual circling procedure
    схема полета
    flight procedure
    схема полета в зоне ожидания
    holding procedure
    схема полета по кругу
    1. circling procedure
    2. circuit pattern схема полета по маршруту
    en-route procedure
    схема полета по приборам
    instrument flight procedure
    схема полета по приборам в зоне ожидания
    instrument holding procedure
    схема полета с минимальным расходом топлива
    fuel savings procedure
    схема полетов
    схема полетов по кругу
    traffic circuit
    счетчик дальности полета
    distance flown counter
    счетчик пройденного километража в полете
    air-mileage indicator
    счисление пути полета
    flight dead reckoning
    считывание показаний приборов в полете
    flight instrument reading
    таблица эшелонов полета
    flight level table
    тариф для отдельного участка полета
    sectorial fare
    тариф для полета в одном направлении
    single fare
    тариф для полетов внутри одной страны
    cabotage fare
    тариф на отдельном участке полета
    sectorial rate
    тариф на полет в ночное время суток
    night fare
    тариф на полет по замкнутому кругу
    round trip fare
    тариф на полет с возвратом в течение суток
    day round trip fare
    текущий план полета
    current flight plan
    теория полета
    theory of flight
    техника выполнения полетов
    operating technique
    тип полета
    flight type
    точность слежения за траекторией полета
    path tracking accuracy
    траектория горизонтального полета
    1. horizontal flight path
    2. level flight path траектория неустановившегося полета
    transient flight path
    траектория полета
    flight path
    траектория полета в зоне ожидания
    holding path
    траектория полета наименьшей продолжительности
    minimum flight path
    траектория полета по маршруту
    en-route flight path
    траектория полета с предпосылкой к конфликтной ситуации
    conflicting flight path
    траектория полетов по низким минимумам погоды
    low weather minima path
    трансконтинентальный полет
    overland flight
    тренажер для подготовки к полетам по приборам
    instrument flight trainer
    тренировочный полет
    1. practice flight
    2. training flight 3. practice operation 4. training operation тренировочный полет с инструктором
    training dual flight
    тренировочный самостоятельный полет
    training solo flight
    тяга в полете
    flight thrust
    увеличивать дальность полета
    extend range
    угол наклона траектории полета
    flight path angle
    угрожать безопасности полетов
    jeopardize flight safety
    угроза безопасности полетов
    flight safety hazard
    угроза применения взрывчатого устройства в полете
    inflight bomb threat
    удостоверение на право полета по авиалинии
    airline certificate
    удостоверение на право полета по приборам
    instrument certificate
    указания по условиям эксплуатации в полете
    inflight operational instructions
    указатель местоположения в полете
    air position indicator
    указатель утвержденных маршрутов полета
    routing indicator
    управление воздушным движением на трассе полета
    airways control
    управление полетом
    flight management
    управляемый полет
    1. man-directed flight
    2. vectored flight управлять ходом полета
    govern the flight
    уровень безопасности полетов воздушного судна
    aircraft safety factor
    условия в полете
    in-flight conditions
    условия нагружения в полете
    flight loading conditions
    условное обозначение в сообщении о ходе полета
    flight report identification
    условное обозначение события в полете
    flight occurrence identification
    устанавливать режим полета
    establish the flight conditions
    установившийся полет
    1. stationary flight
    2. unaccelerated flight 3. stabilized flight 4. steady flight установленная схема полета по кругу
    fixed circuit
    установленные обязанности в полете
    prescribed flight duty
    установленный маршрут полета
    the route to be followed
    установленный порядок выполнения полета
    approved flight procedure
    устойчивость в полете
    inflight stability
    устойчивость на траектории полета
    arrow flight stability
    утвержденный план полета
    approved flight plan
    уточнение задания на полет
    flight coordination
    уточнение плана полета
    change to a flight plan
    уточнение плана полета по сведениям, полученным в полете
    inflight operational planning
    уточнять план полета
    modify the flight plan
    ухудшение в полете
    flight deterioration
    участник полета
    1. flyer
    2. flier участок крейсерского полета
    cruising segment
    участок маршрута полета
    1. air leg
    2. airborne segment участок полета без коммерческих прав
    blind sector
    участок траектории полета
    flight path segment
    учебные полеты
    instruction flying
    учебный полет
    instructional operation
    учебный полет с инструктором
    instructional dual flight
    учебный проверочный полет
    instructional check flight
    учебный самостоятельный полет
    instructional solo flight
    фактическая траектория полета
    actual flight path
    фигурный полет
    acrobatic flight
    характеристика набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb performance
    целевой полет
    itinerant operation
    цепь поля возбуждения
    exciting circuit
    цифровая система наведения в полете
    digital flight guidance system
    чартерный рейс при наличии регулярных полетов
    on-line charter
    чартерный рейс при отсутствии регулярных полетов
    off-line charter
    частота на маршруте полета
    en-route frequency
    частота полетов
    frequency of operations
    челночные полеты
    shuttle flights
    чрезвычайное обстоятельство в полете
    flight emergency circumstance
    широковещательная радиостанция службы обеспечения полетов
    aerodynamic broadcast station
    шторка слепого полета
    instrument flying bind
    экспериментальный полет
    1. experimental flight
    2. experimental operation эксплуатационная дальность полета
    flight service range
    эксплуатационная дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft operational range
    электронная система управления полетом
    flight management computer system
    этапа полета в пределах одного государства
    domestic flight stage
    этап полета
    1. operation phase
    2. flight stage этап полета над другим государством
    international flight stage
    этап полета по маршруту
    en-route flight phase
    этап полета, указанный в полетном купоне
    flight coupon stage
    эшелонирование полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft spacing
    эшелон полета
    flight level

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > полет

  • 15 campo

    * * *
    m field
    campo giochi playground
    campo di golf golf course
    campo di calcio football or soccer pitch
    campo di concentramento concentration camp
    campo da tennis tennis court
    campo di ricerche area of research
    campo sportivo sports ground
    campo profughi refugee camp
    * * *
    campo s.m.
    1 field: campo di grano, cornfield; campo arato, ploughed field (o field that has been ploughed); campo seminato, sown (o sowed) field; campi e prati, fields and meadows; campo di neve, snowfield
    2 (mil.) field; ( accampamento) camp: campo di battaglia, battlefield; aiutante di campo, aide-de-camp; artiglieria da campo, field artillery; lettino da campo, camp bed; ospedale da campo, field hospital; fu decorato di medaglia sul campo, he was awarded a medal on the field; morì sul campo, he died in battle (o in action); essere al campo, to camp; levare il campo, to break camp // in campo aperto, in the open (field) // prendere campo, to take on (o to spread) // scendere in campo, to enter the field (o to come into action); mettere in campo, ( schierare) to put into the field; (fig.) ( accampare) to put forward: mettere in campo delle scuse, to put forward excuses // rimanere padrone del campo, to be in possession of the field; (fig.) to be master of the situation // avere il campo libero, to have a free hand // dare, avere campo di fare qlco., (non com.) to give s.o., to have the scope to do sthg. // campo profughi, refugee camp
    3 (aer.) airfield: campo d'atterraggio, landing field; campo di fortuna, emergency landing field
    4 (sport) field, pitch: campo di calcio, football field (o pitch); campo delle corse, racecourse (o racetrack); campo di gioco, playground; campo di golf, golf course (o links); campo sportivo, sports (o athletics) ground; campo di tennis, tennis court; campi di sci, ski-runs (o ski slopes)
    5 (scient.) field: campo aurifero, gold field; campo petrolifero, oilfield // (fis.): campo angolare, angle of view; campo visivo, field of vision; campo elettrico, electric field; campo elettrostatico, electrostatic field; campo magnetico, magnetic field; campo rotante, rotating field; campo gravitazionale, gravity field // (rad.) campo d'onda, wave band // non c'è campo, ( al cellulare), there's no line // (mat.): campo vettoriale, vector field; campo dei numeri reali, razionali, field of real numbers (o real field), field of rational numbers (o rational field)
    6 (fig.) (sfera di attività, di conoscenza) field, sphere, sector: è un'autorità nel suo campo, he is an authority in his own field; il campo dell'elettronica, the electronics field; il campo dell'economia, the field of economics; campo di attività di un'impresa, a firm's range of activities; ciò non rientra nel mio campo d'affari, that's not my line of business // ricerca sul campo, research in the field (o sector)
    7 (inform.) field: campo di controllo, di stampa, control, printing field; campo dei dati, data field; campo di variabilità, range; campo di indirizzo, address part; portion; address field ( di un'istruzione)
    8 (arald.) field: un leone rampante di nero in campo d'argento, argent a lion rampant sable
    9 (pitt.) background.
    * * *
    1. sm
    1) (gen) Agr, Fis field

    la vita dei campi — life in the country, country life

    a tutto campo Sport — attacking and defending, fig, (colloqui, inchiesta) open-ended

    2) (di calcio) field, pitch, (da golf) course, (da tennis) court, (da cricket) pitch

    campo ostacoli Equitazionejumping arena

    3) Mil field, battlefield, (accampamento) camp

    scendere in campo (anche) fig — to enter the field, join the fray

    4) (pittura) background, Araldica field
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile

    campo di grano — wheat field, cornfield BE

    2) (accampamento) camp (anche mil.)

    levare il campoto break o strike camp

    3) mil. (luogo di operazioni) field
    5) sport (terreno di gioco) ground; (da calcio, rugby) pitch, field; (da tennis, pallacanestro) court; (da golf) (golf) course

    scendere in campo — to take to the field; fig. pol. to enter the lists

    avere campo liberofig. to have a free hand

    lasciare il campo libero a qcn. — fig. to give sb. a clear run

    6) (ambito) field, area, domain

    campo di ricerca — research field, field of research

    7) cinem. telev.

    fuori campo — [ personaggio] off-screen

    voce fuori campo — voice-over, off-screen voice

    8) fis. mat. inform. field
    * * *
    sostantivo m.
     1 (terreno coltivabile) field; campo di grano wheat field, cornfield BE; fiori di campo wild flowers
     2 (accampamento) camp (anche mil.); levare il campo to break o strike camp
     3 mil. (luogo di operazioni) field; ospedale da campo field hospital; letto da campo camp bed; tenere il campo to hold the field; cadere sul campo to die in the field
     5 sport (terreno di gioco) ground; (da calcio, rugby) pitch, field; (da tennis, pallacanestro) court; (da golf) (golf) course; cambiare campo to change ends; abbandonare il campo to abandon the match; scendere in campo to take to the field; fig. pol. to enter the lists; avere campo libero fig. to have a free hand; lasciare il campo libero a qcn. fig. to give sb. a clear run
     6 (ambito) field, area, domain; campo di ricerca research field, field of research; lavora nel campo delle assicurazioni he is in the insurance business; questo non è il mio campo that's not my field
     7 cinem. telev. fuori campo [ personaggio] off-screen; voce fuori campo voice-over, off-screen voice
     8 fis. mat. inform. field
    campo d'aviazione airfield; campo base base camp (anche fig.); campo di battaglia battlefield (anche fig.); campo di concentramento concentration camp; campo di forza field of force; campo gravitazionale gravitational field; campo di lavoro labour camp; campo magnetico magnetic field; campo minato minefield (anche fig.); campo petrolifero oil field; campo profughi refugee camp; campo sportivo sports ground o field; campo di sterminio death camp; campo di tiro field of fire; campo visivo visual field; campo di volo airfield.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > campo

  • 16 depreciation

    Gen Mgt
    an allocation of the cost of an asset over a period of time for accounting and tax purposes. Depreciation is charged against earnings, on the basis that the use of capital assets is a legitimate cost of doing business. Depreciation is also a noncash expense that is added into net income to determine cash-flow in a given accounting period.
    To qualify for depreciation, assets must be items used in the business that wear out, become obsolete, or lose value over time from natural causes or circumstances, and they must have a useful life beyond a single tax year. Examples include vehicles, machines equipment, furnishings, and buildings, plus major additions or improvements to such assets. Some intangible assets also can be included under certain conditions. Land, personal assets, stock, leased or rented property, and a company’s employees cannot be depreciated.
          Straight-line depreciation is the most straightforward method. It assumes that the net cost of an asset should be written off in equal amounts over its life. The formula used is:
    (Original cost – scrap value)/Useful life (years)
    For example, if a vehicle cost $20,000 and can be expected to serve the business for seven years, its original cost would be divided by its useful life:
    (30,000 – 2,000)/7 = 4,000 per year
    The $4,000 becomes a depreciation expense that is reported on the company’s year-end income statement under “operation expenses.”
         In theory, an asset should be depreciated over the actual number of years that it will be used, according to its actual drop in value each year. At the end of each year, all the depreciation claimed to date is subtracted from its cost in order to arrive at its book value, which would equal its market value. At the end of its useful business life, any undepreciated portion would represent the salvage value for which it could be sold or scrapped.
         For tax purposes, some accountants prefer to use accelerated depreciation to record larger amounts of depreciation in the asset’s early years in order to reduce tax bills as soon as possible. In contrast to the straight-line method, the declining-balance method assumes that the asset depreciates more in its earlier years of use. The table opposite compares the depreciation amounts that would be available, under these two methods, for a $1,000 asset that is expected to be used for five years and then sold for $100 in scrap.
         The depreciation method to be used for a particular asset is fixed at the time that the asset is first placed in service. Whatever rules
    or tables are in effect for that year must be followed as long as the asset is owned.
         Depreciation laws and regulations change frequently over the years as a result of government policy changes, so a company owning property over a long period may have to use several different depreciation methods.

    The ultimate business dictionary > depreciation

  • 17 अङ्गम् _aṅgam

    अङ्गम् [अम् गत्यादौ बा˚ -गन्; according to Nir. अङ्ग, अङ्ग- नात् अञ्चनात् वा]
    1 The body.
    -2 A limb or member of the body; शेषाङ्गनिर्माणविधौ विधातुः Ku.1.33; क्लेशस्याङ्गमदत्वा Pt.5. 32 without undergoing troubles; इति स्वप्नोपमान्मत्वा कामान्मा गास्तदङ्गताम् । Ki.11.34 do not be influenced or swayed by them (do not be subject to them)
    -3 (a.) A division or department (of anything), a part or portion, as of a whole; as सप्ताङ्गम् राज्यम्, चतुरङ्गम् बलम्, चतुःषष्ट्ष्ट्यङ्गम् ज्योतिः- शास्त्रम् see the words; गीताङ्गानाम् Pt.5.56; यज्ञश्चेत्प्रतिरुद्धःस्या- देकेनाङ्गेन यज्वनः Ms.11.11. (Hence) (b.) A supple- mentary or auxiliary portion, supplement; षडङ्ग or साङ्ग वेदः A peculiar use of the word अङ्ग in masculine gender may here be noted वेदांश्चैव तु वेदाङ्गान् वेदान्तानि तथा स्मृतीः । अधीत्य ब्राह्मणः पूर्वं शक्तितो$न्यांश्च संपठेत् Bṛhadyogiyājñaval- kya Smṛiti 12.34. (c.) A constituent part, essential requisite or component; सर्वैर्बलाङ्गैः R.7.59; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतो R.3.46. (d.) An attributive or secondary part; secondary, auxiliary or dependent member (serving to help the principal one) (opp. प्रधान or अङ्गिन्); अङ्गी रौद्र- रसस्तत्र सर्वे$ङ्गानि रसाः पुनः S. D.517; अत्र स्वभावोक्तिरुत्प्रेक्षाङ्गम् Malli. on Ki 8.26. (e.) An auxiliary means or expe- dient (प्रधानोपयोगी उपायः or उपकरणम्); सर्वकार्यशरीरेषु मुक्त्वा- ङ्गस्कन्धपञ्चकम् । मन्त्रो योध इवाधीर सर्वाङ्गैः संवृतैरपि ॥ Śi.2.28-29; See अङ्गाङ्गि, पञ्चाङ्ग also ( the angas of the several sciences or departments of knowledge will be given under those words).
    -4 (Gram.) A name for the base of a word; यस्मात्प्रत्ययविधिस्तदादिप्रत्यये अङ्गम् P.I.4.13; यः प्रत्ययो यस्मात्क्रियते तदादिशब्दस्वरूपं तस्मिन्प्रत्यये परे अङ्गसंज्ञं स्यात् Sk. The अङ्ग terminations are those of the nominative, and accusative singular and dual.
    -5 (Drama) (a.) One of the sub-divisions of the five joints or sandhis in dramas; the मुख has 12, प्रतिमुख 13, गर्भ 12, विमर्ष 13 and उपसंहार 14, the total number of the angas being thus 64; for details see the words. (b.) The whole body of subordinate characters.
    -6 (astr.) A name for the position of stars (लग्न), See अङ्गाधीश.
    -7 A symbolical expression for the number six (derived from the six Vedāngas).
    -8 The mind; हिरण्यगर्भाङ्गभुवं मुनिं हरिः Śi.1.1, See अङ्गज also.
    -9 N. of the chief sacred texts of the jainas.
    -ङ्गः (pl.) N. of a country and the people inhabiting it, the country about the modern Bhāgalpur in Bengal. [It lay on the south of Kauśikī Kachchha and on the right bank of the Ganges. Its capital was Champā, sometimes called Aṅgapurī Lomapādapurī, Karṇapurī or Mālinī. According to Daṇḍin (अङ्गेषु गङ्गातटे बहिश्चम्पायाः) and Hiouen Thsang it stood on the Ganges about 24 miles west of a rocky island. General Cunningham has shown that this description applies to the hill opposite Pātharghāṭā, that it is 24 miles east of Bhāgalpur, and that there are villages called Champanagar and Champapura adjoininng the last. According to Sanskrit poets the country of the Aṅgas lay to the east of Girivraja, the capital of Magadha and to the north- east or south-east of Mithilā. The country was in ancient times ruled by Karṇa] cf. अङ्गं गात्रा- न्तिकोपाय प्रतीकेष्वप्रधानके । देशभेदे तु पुंसि स्यात्...॥ Nm. -a.
    1 Contiguous.
    -2 Having members or divisions.
    -Comp. -अङ्गि, [
    अङ्गीभावः -अङगस्य अङ्गिनो भावः] the relation of a limb to the body, of the subordinate to the principal, or of that which is helped or fed to the helper or feeder (गौणमुख्यभावः, उपकार्येपकारकभावश्च); e. g. प्रयाज and other rites are to दर्श as its angas, while दर्श is to them the aṅgi; अङ्गाङ्गिभावमज्ञात्वा कथं सामर्थ्यनिर्णयः । पश्य टिट्टिभमात्रेण समुद्रो व्याकुलीकृतः ॥ H.2.138; अत्र वाक्ये समास- गतयोरुपमयोः साध्यसाधनभावात् ˚वेन सम्बन्धः Malli. on Ki.6.2; अविश्रान्तिजुषामात्मन्यङ्गाङ्गित्वं तु संकरः K.P.1. (अनुग्राह्यानुग्राह- कत्वम्).
    -अधिपः, -अधीशः 1 lord of the Aṅgas, N. of Karṇa (cf. ˚राजः, ˚पतिः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚अधीश्वरः).
    -2 'lord of a लग्न', the planet presiding over it; (अङ्गाधिपे बलिनि सर्वविभूतिसम्पत्; अङ्गाधीशः स्वगेहे बुधगुरुकविभिः संयुतो वीक्षितो वा Jyotiṣa).
    -अपूर्वम् effect of a secondary sacrificial act.
    -कर्मन् n.
    -क्रिया 1 besmearing the body with fragrant cosmetics, rubbing it &c. Dk.39.
    -2 a supplementary sacrificial act.
    -क्रमः the order of the performance with reference to the अङ्गs. The rule in this connection is that the अङ्गक्रम must conform to the मुख्यक्रम. cf. MS. 5.1.14.
    -ग्रहः spasm; seizure of the body with some illness.
    -ज-जात a. [अङ्गात् जायते जन्-ड]
    1 produced from or on the body, being in or on the body, bodily; ˚जं रजः, ˚जाः अलङ्काराः &c.
    -2 produced by a supple- mentary rite.
    -3 beautiful, ornamental. (
    -जनुस् also
    1 a son.
    -2 hair of the body (n. also); तवोत्तरीयं करिचर्म साङ्गजम् Ki.18.32.
    -3 love, cupid (अङ्गं मनः तस्मा- ज्जातः); intoxicating passion; अङ्गजरागदीपनात् Dk.161.
    -4 drunkenness, intoxication.
    -5 a disease. (
    -जा) a daugh- ter. (
    -जम्) blood, अङ्गजं रुधिरे$नङ्गे केशे पुत्रे मदे पुमान् । नागरे नखरे$पि स्यात्... । Nm.
    -ज्वरः [अङ्गमङ्गम् अधिकृत्य ज्वरः] the disease called राजयक्ष्मा, a sort of consumption.
    -दूष- णम् 1 the defects of the limbs; the penalties of a defec- tive construction; Māna.
    -2 name of the 79th chapter.
    -द्वीपः one of the six minor Dvīpas.
    -न्यासः [अङ्गेषु मन्त्र- भेदस्य न्यासः] touching the limbs of the body with the hand accompanied by appropriate Mantras.
    -पालिः f. [अङ्गं पाल्यते सम्बध्यते$त्र, अङ्ग-पाल्-इ] an embrace (probably a corruption of अङ्कपालि).
    -पालिका = अङ्कपालि q. v.
    -प्रत्यङ्गम् [समा. द्वन्द्व] every limb, large and small; ˚गानि पाणिना स्पृष्ट्वा K.167,72.
    -प्रायश्चित्तम् [अङ्गस्य शुद्ध्यर्थं प्राय- श्चित्तम्] expiation of bodily impurity, such as that caused by the death of a relative, consisting in making pre- sents (पञ्चसूनाजन्यदुरितक्षयार्थं कार्यं दानरूपं प्रायश्चित्तम् Tv.).
    -भूः a. [अङ्गात् मनसो वा भवति; भू-क्विप्] born from the body or mind.
    (-भूः) 1 a son.
    -2 Cupid.
    -3 [अङ्गानाम् अङ्गमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानम्] one who has touched and purified, and then restrained, his limbs by repeating the Man- tras pertaining to those limbs; ब्रह्माङ्गभूर्ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा Ku.3.15 (सद्योजातादिमन्त्राणाम् अङ्गानां हृदयादिमन्त्राणां भूः स्थानं, कृतमन्त्रन्यासः Malli.).
    -भङ्गः 1 palsy or paralysis of limbs; ˚विकल इव भूत्वा स्थास्यामि Ś.2.
    -2 twisting or stretching out of the limbs (as is done by a man just after he rises from sleep); साङ्गभङ्गमुत्थाय Vb.; जृम्भितैः साङ्गभङ्गैः Mu.3.21, K.85.
    -3 The middle part of the anus and testicles.
    -मन्त्रः N. of a Mantra.
    -मर्दः [अङ्ग मर्दयति; मृद्-णिच्]
    1 one who shampoos his master's body.
    -2 [भावे घञ्] act of shampooing; so ˚मर्दका or ˚मर्दिन्, मृद्- णिच् ण्वुल् or णिनि) one who shampoos.
    -मर्षः [ष. त.] rheumatism; ˚प्रशमनम् the curing of this disease. ˚मेजयत्वम् subtle throbbing of the body; Pātañjala 1.31.
    -यज्ञः, -यागः [अङ्गीभूतः यज्ञः] a subordinate sacrificial act which is of 5 sorts; समिधो यजति, तनूनपातं यजति, इडो यजति, बर्हिर्यजति, स्वाहाकारं यजति इति पञ्चविधाः । एतेषां सकृदनुष्ठा- नेनैव तन्त्रन्यायेन प्रधानयागानामाग्नेयादीनामुपकारितेति मीमांसा Tv.
    -रक्तः, -क्तम् [अङ्गे अवयवे रक्तः] N. of a plant गुडारोचनी found in काम्पिल्य country and having red powder (रक्ताङ्गलोचनी).
    -रक्षकः [अङ्गं रक्षति; रक्ष्-ण्वुल्] a body- guard, personal attendant Pt.3.
    -रक्षणी [अङ्ग रक्ष्यते अनया] a coat of mail, or a garment. (
    -णम्) protection of person.
    -रागः [अङ्गं रज्यते अनेन करणे घञ्]
    1 a scented cosmetic, application of perfumed unguents to the body, fragrant unguent; पुष्पगन्धेन अङ्गरागेण R.12.27, 6.6, स्तनाङ्गरागात् Ku.5.11.
    -2 [भावे ल्युट्] act of anointing the body with unguents.
    -रुहम् [अङ्गे रोहति; रुह्-क स. त. P.III.9.135.] hair; मम वर्णो मणिनिभो मृदून्य- ङ्गरुहाणि च Rām.6.48.12. विहङ्गराजाङ्गरुहैरिवायतैः Śi.1.7.
    -लिपिः f. written character of the Aṅgas.
    -लेपः [अङ्गं लिप्यते अनेन; लिप्-करणे घञ्]
    1 a scented cosmetic.
    -2 [भावे घञ्] act of anointing.
    -लोड्यः (लोड ण्यत्) a kind of grass, ginger or its root, Amomum Zingiber.
    -वस्त्रोत्था f. A louse.
    -विकल a. [तृ. त.]
    1 maimed, paralysed.
    -2 fainting, swooning.
    -विकृतिः f.
    1 change 2of bodily appearance; collapse.
    -2 [अङ्गस्य विकृतिश्चालनादिर्यस्मात् प. ब.] an apoplectic fit, swooning, apoplexy (अपस्मार).
    -विकारः a bodily defect.
    -विक्षेपः 1 movement of the limbs; gesticulation.
    -2 a kind of dance.
    -विद्या [अङ्गरूपा व्याकरणादिशास्त्ररूपा विद्या ज्ञानसाधनम्]
    1 the science of grammar &c. contributing to knowledge.
    -2 the science of foretelling good or evil by the movements of limbs. Kau. A.1.12; N. of chapter 51 of Bṛhat Saṁhitā which gives full details of this science; न नक्षत्राङ्गविद्यया...भिक्षां लिप्सेत कर्हिचित् Ms.6.5.
    -विधिः [अङ्गस्य प्रधानोपकारिणः विधिः विधानम् [a subordinate or subsidiary act sub- servient to a knowledge of the principal one (प्रधान- विधिविधेयकर्मणो$ङ्गबोधकतया अङ्गविधिः).
    -वीरः chief or princi- pal hero.
    -वैकृतम् [अङ्गेन अङ्गचेष्टया वैकृतं हृदयभावो ज्ञाप्यते यत्र बहु.]
    1 a sign, gesture or expression of the face leading to a knowledge of internal thoughts (आकार)
    -2 a nod, wink.
    -3 changed bodily appearance.
    -वैगुण्यम् a defect or flaw in the performance of some subordinate or subsidiary act which may be expiated by thinking of Viṣṇu); श्राद्धादिपद्धतौ कर्मान्ते यत्किञ्चिदङ्गवैगुण्यं जातं तद्दोषप्रशमनाय विष्णुस्मरणमहं करिष्ये इत्यभिलापवाक्यम् Tv.).
    -संस्कारः, -संस्क्रिया [अङ्गं संस्क्रियते अनेन; कृ-करणे or भावे- घञ्)
    1 embellishment of person, personal decoration, doing whatever secures a fine personal appearance, such as bathing, rubbing the body, perfuming it with cosmetic &c.
    -2 [कर्त्रर्थे अण्] one who decorates or embellishes the person.
    -संहतिः f. compactness, symmetry; body; स्थेयसीं दधतमङ्गसंहतिम् Ki.13.5; or strength of the body.
    -संहिता The phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word Ts. Prāt.
    -सङ्गः bodily contact, union; coition.
    -सुप्तिः f. Benumbing of the body.
    -सेवकः a personal attend- ant, body-guard.
    -स्कन्धः [कर्मधा.] a subdivision of a science.
    -स्पर्शः fitness or qualification for bodily con- tact or being touched by others.
    -हानिः f. 1. a defect or flaw in the performance of a secondary or subsidi- ary act (= ˚वैगुण्यम्); दैवाद् भ्रमात् प्रमादाच्चेदङ्गहानिः प्रजायते । स्मरणादेव तद्विष्णोः संपूर्णं स्यादिति श्रुतिः ॥
    -हारः [अङ्गं ह्रियते इतस्ततः चाल्यते यत्र, हृ-आधारे or भावे घञ्] gesticulation, movements of the limbs, a dance; अङ्गहारैस्तथैवान्या कोमलै- र्नृत्यशालिनी Rām.5.1.36. संसक्तैरगुरुवनेषु साङ्गहारम् Ki.7.37. Ku.7.91.
    -हारिः [अङ्गं ह्रियते$त्र; हृ-बा˚णि]
    1 gesticula- tion.
    -2 stage; dancing hall.
    -हीन a. [तृ. त.]
    1 muti- lated, deprived of some defective limb (अङ्गं हीनं यथो- चितप्रमाणात् अल्पं यस्य) according to Suśruta a man is so born, if the mother's दोहद has not been duly fulfilled (सा प्राप्तदौर्हृदा पुत्रं जनयेत गुणान्वितम् । अलब्धदौर्हृदा गर्भे लभेता- त्मनि वा भयम् ॥ येषु येष्विन्द्रियार्थेषु दौर्हृदे वै विमानना । जायते तत्सुतस्यार्तिस्तस्मिंस्तस्मिंस्तथेन्द्रिये ॥).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अङ्गम् _aṅgam

  • 18 Chronology

      15,000-3,000 BCE Paleolithic cultures in western Portugal.
      400-200 BCE Greek and Carthaginian trade settlements on coast.
      202 BCE Roman armies invade ancient Lusitania.
      137 BCE Intensive Romanization of Lusitania begins.
      410 CE Germanic tribes — Suevi and Visigoths—begin conquest of Roman Lusitania and Galicia.
      714—16 Muslims begin conquest of Visigothic Lusitania.
      1034 Christian Reconquest frontier reaches Mondego River.
      1064 Christians conquer Coimbra.
      1139 Burgundian Count Afonso Henriques proclaims himself king of Portugal; birth of Portugal. Battle of Ourique: Afonso Henriques defeats Muslims.
      1147 With English Crusaders' help, Portuguese seize Lisbon from Muslims.
      1179 Papacy formally recognizes Portugal's independence (Pope Alexander III).
      1226 Campaign to reclaim Alentejo from Muslims begins.
      1249 Last Muslim city (Silves) falls to Portuguese Army.
      1381 Beginning of third war between Castile and Portugal.
      1383 Master of Aviz, João, proclaimed regent by Lisbon populace.
      1385 April: Master of Aviz, João I, proclaimed king of Portugal by Cortes of Coimbra. 14 August: Battle of Aljubarrota, Castilians defeated by royal forces, with assistance of English army.
      1394 Birth of "Prince Henry the Navigator," son of King João I.
      1415 Beginning of overseas expansion as Portugal captures Moroccan city of Ceuta.
      1419 Discovery of Madeira Islands.
      1425-28 Prince D. Pedro, older brother of Prince Henry, travels in Europe.
      1427 Discovery (or rediscovery?) of Azores Islands.
      1434 Prince Henry the Navigator's ships pass beyond Cape Bojador, West Africa.
      1437 Disaster at Tangier, Morocco, as Portuguese fail to capture city.
      1441 First African slaves from western Africa reach Portugal.
      1460 Death of Prince Henry. Portuguese reach what is now Senegal, West Africa.
      1470s Portuguese explore West African coast and reach what is now Ghana and Nigeria and begin colonizing islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.
      1479 Treaty of Alcáçovas between kings of Portugal and Spain.
      1482 Portuguese establish post at São Jorge da Mina, Gold Coast (now Ghana).
      1482-83 Portuguese navigator Diogo Cão reaches mouth of Congo River and Angola.
      1488 Navigator Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, and finds route to Indian Ocean.
      1492-93 Columbus's first voyage to West Indies.
      1493 Columbus visits Azores and Portugal on return from first voyage; tells of discovery of New World. Treaty of Tordesillas signed between kings of Portugal and Spain: delimits spheres of conquest with line 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands (claimed by Portugal); Portugal's sphere to east of line includes, in effect, Brazil.
       King Manuel I and Royal Council decide to continue seeking all-water route around Africa to Asia.
       King Manuel I expels unconverted Jews from Portugal.
      1497-99 Epic voyage of Vasco da Gama from Portugal around Africa to west India, successful completion of sea route to Asia project; da Gama returns to Portugal with samples of Asian spices.
      1500 Bound for India, Navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral "discovers" coast of Brazil and claims it for Portugal.
      1506 Anti-Jewish riots in Lisbon.
       Battle of Diu, India; Portugal's command of Indian Ocean assured for some time with Francisco de Almeida's naval victory over Egyptian and Gujerati fleets.
       Afonso de Albuquerque conquers Goa, India; beginning of Portuguese hegemony in south Asia.
       Portuguese conquest of Malacca; commerce in Spice Islands.
      1519 Magellan begins circumnavigation voyage.
      1536 Inquisition begins in Portugal.
      1543 Portuguese merchants reach Japan.
      1557 Portuguese merchants granted Chinese territory of Macau for trading factory.
      1572 Luís de Camões publishes epic poem, Os Lusíadas.
      1578 Battle of Alcácer-Quivir; Moroccan forces defeat army of King Sebastião of Portugal; King Sebastião dies in battle. Portuguese succession crisis.
      1580 King Phillip II of Spain claims and conquers Portugal; Spanish rule of Portugal, 1580-1640.
      1607-24 Dutch conquer sections of Asia and Brazil formerly held by Portugal.
      1640 1 December: Portuguese revolution in Lisbon overthrows Spanish rule, restores independence. Beginning of Portugal's Braganza royal dynasty.
      1654 Following Dutch invasions and conquest of parts of Brazil and Angola, Dutch expelled by force.
      1661 Anglo-Portuguese Alliance treaty signed: England pledges to defend Portugal "as if it were England itself." Queen Catherine of Bra-ganza marries England's Charles II.
      1668 February: In Portuguese-Spanish peace treaty, Spain recognizes independence of Portugal, thus ending 28-year War of Restoration.
      1703 Methuen Treaties signed, key commercial trade agreement and defense treaty between England and Portugal.
      1750 Pombal becomes chief minister of King José I.
      1755 1 November: Massive Lisbon earthquake, tidal wave, and fire.
      1759 Expulsion of Jesuits from Portugal and colonies.
      1761 Slavery abolished in continental Portugal.
      1769 Abandonment of Mazagão, Morocco, last Portuguese outpost.
      1777 Pombal dismissed as chief minister by Queen Maria I, after death of José I.
      1791 Portugal and United States establish full diplomatic relations.
      1807 November: First Napoleonic invasion; French forces under Junot conquer Portugal. Royal family flees to colony of Brazil and remains there until 1821.
      1809 Second French invasion of Portugal under General Soult.
      1811 Third French invasion of Portugal under General Masséna.
      1813 Following British general Wellington's military victories, French forces evacuate Portugal.
      1817 Liberal, constitutional movements against absolutist monarchist rule break out in Brazil (Pernambuco) and Portugal (Lisbon, under General Gomes Freire); crushed by government. British marshal of Portugal's army, Beresford, rules Portugal.
       Liberal insurrection in army officer corps breaks out in Cadiz, Spain, and influences similar movement in Portugal's armed forces first in Oporto.
       King João VI returns from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and early draft of constitution; era of constitutional monarchy begins.
      1822 7 September: João VI's son Pedro proclaims independence of
       Brazil from Portugal and is named emperor. 23 September: Constitution of 1822 ratified.
       Portugal recognizes sovereign independence of Brazil.
       King João VI dies; power struggle for throne ensues between his sons, brothers Pedro and Miguel; Pedro, emperor of Brazil, abdicates Portuguese throne in favor of his daughter, D. Maria II, too young to assume crown. By agreement, Miguel, uncle of D. Maria, is to accept constitution and rule in her stead.
      1828 Miguel takes throne and abolishes constitution. Sections of Portugal rebel against Miguelite rule.
      1831 Emperor Pedro abdicates throne of Brazil and returns to Portugal to expel King Miguel from Portuguese throne.
      1832-34 Civil war between absolutist King Miguel and constitutionalist Pedro, who abandons throne of Brazil to restore his young daughter Maria to throne of Portugal; Miguel's armed forces defeated by those of Pedro. Miguel leaves for exile and constitution (1826 Charter) is restored.
      1834-53 Constitutional monarchy consolidated under rule of Queen Maria II, who dies in 1853.
      1851-71 Regeneration period of economic development and political stability; public works projects sponsored by Minister Fontes Pereira de Melo.
      1871-90 Rotativism period of alternating party governments; achieves political stability and less military intervention in politics and government. Expansion of colonial territory in tropical Africa.
       January: Following territorial dispute in central Africa, Britain delivers "Ultimatum" to Portugal demanding withdrawal of Portugal's forces from what is now Malawi and Zimbabwe. Portugal's government, humiliated in accepting demand under threat of a diplomatic break, falls. Beginning of governmental and political instability; monarchist decline and republicanism's rise.
       Anglo-Portuguese treaties signed relating to delimitation of frontiers in colonial Africa.
      1899 Treaty of Windsor; renewal of Anglo-Portuguese defense and friendship alliance.
      1903 Triumphal visit of King Edward VII to Portugal.
      1906 Politician João Franco supported by King Carlos I in dictatorship to restore order and reform.
      1908 1 February: Murder in Lisbon of King Carlos I and his heir apparent, Prince Dom Luís, by Portuguese anarchists. Eighteen-year-old King Manuel II assumes throne.
      1910 3-5 October: Following republican-led military insurrection in armed forces, monarchy falls and first Portuguese republic is proclaimed. Beginning of unstable, economically troubled, parliamentary republic form of government.
       May: Violent insurrection in Lisbon overturns government of General Pimenta de Castro; nearly a thousand casualties from several days of armed combat in capital.
       March: Following Portugal's honoring ally Britain's request to confiscate German shipping in Portuguese harbors, Germany declares war on Portugal; Portugal enters World War I on Allied side.
       Portugal organizes and dispatches Portuguese Expeditionary Corps to fight on the Western Front. 9 April: Portuguese forces mauled by German offensive in Battle of Lys. Food rationing and riots in Lisbon. Portuguese military operations in Mozambique against German expedition's invasion from German East Africa. 5 December: Authoritarian, presidentialist government under Major Sidónio Pais takes power in Lisbon, following a successful military coup.
      1918 11 November: Armistice brings cessation of hostilities on Western Front in World War I. Portuguese expeditionary forces stationed in Angola, Mozambique, and Flanders begin return trip to Portugal. 14 December: President Sidónio Pais assassinated. Chaotic period of ephemeral civil war ensues.
      1919-21 Excessively unstable political period, including January
      1919 abortive effort of Portuguese monarchists to restore Braganza dynasty to power. Republican forces prevail, but level of public violence, economic distress, and deprivation remains high.
      1921 October: Political violence attains peak with murder of former prime minister and other prominent political figures in Lisbon. Sectors of armed forces and Guarda Nacional Republicana are mutinous. Year of financial and corruption scandals, including Portuguese bank note (fraud) case; military court acquits guilty military insurrectionists, and one military judge declares "the country is sick."
       28 May: Republic overthrown by military coup or pronunciamento and conspiracy among officer corps. Parliament's doors locked and parliament closed for nearly nine years to January 1935. End of parliamentary republic, Western Europe's most unstable political system in this century, beginning of the Portuguese dictatorship, after 1930 known as the Estado Novo. Officer corps assumes reins of government, initiates military censorship of the press, and suppresses opposition.
       February: Military dictatorship under General Óscar Carmona crushes failed republican armed insurrection in Oporto and Lisbon.
       April: Military dictatorship names Professor Antônio de Oliveira Salazar minister of finance, with dictatorial powers over budget, to stabilize finances and rebuild economy. Insurrectionism among military elements continues into 1931.
      1930 Dr. Salazar named minister for colonies and announces balanced budgets. Salazar consolidates support by various means, including creation of official regime "movement," the National Union. Salazar engineers Colonial Act to ensure Lisbon's control of bankrupt African colonies by means of new fiscal controls and centralization of authority. July: Military dictatorship names Salazar prime minister for first time, and cabinet composition undergoes civilianization; academic colleagues and protégés plan conservative reform and rejuvenation of society, polity, and economy. Regime comes to be called the Estado Novo (New State). New State's constitution ratified by new parliament, the National Assembly; Portugal described in document as "unitary, corporative Republic" and governance influenced by Salazar's stern personality and doctrines such as integralism, Catholicism, and fiscal conservatism.
      1936 Violent instability and ensuing civil war in neighboring Spain, soon internationalized by fascist and communist intervention, shake Estado Novo regime. Pseudofascist period of regime features creation of imitation Fascist institutions to defend regime from leftist threats; Portugal institutes "Portuguese Youth" and "Portuguese Legion."
      1939 3 September: Prime Minister Salazar declares Portugal's neutrality in World War II. October: Anglo-Portuguese agreement grants naval and air base facilities to Britain and later to United States for Battle of the Atlantic and Normandy invasion support. Third Reich protests breach of Portugal's neutrality.
       6 June: On day of Allies' Normandy invasion, Portugal suspends mining and export of wolfram ore to both sides in war.
       8 May: Popular celebrations of Allied victory and Fascist defeat in Lisbon and Oporto coincide with Victory in Europe Day. Following managed elections for Estado Novo's National Assembly in November, regime police, renamed PIDE, with increased powers, represses opposition.
      1947 Abortive military coup in central Portugal easily crushed by regime. Independence of India and initiation of Indian protests against Portuguese colonial rule in Goa and other enclaves.
      1949 Portugal becomes founding member of NATO.
      1951 Portugal alters constitution and renames overseas colonies "Overseas Provinces." Portugal and United States sign military base agreements for use of air and naval facilities in Azores Islands and military aid to Lisbon. President Carmona dies in office, succeeded by General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58). July: Indians occupy enclave of Portuguese India (dependency of Damão) by means of passive resistance movement. August: Indian passive resistance movement in Portuguese India repelled by Portuguese forces with loss of life. December: With U.S. backing, Portugal admitted as member of United Nations (along with Spain). Air force general Humberto Delgado, in opposition, challenges Estado Novo's hand-picked successor to Craveiro Lopes, Admiral Américo Tomás. Delgado rallies coalition of democratic, liberal, and communist opposition but loses rigged election and later flees to exile in Brazil. Portugal joins European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
       January and February: Estado Novo rocked by armed African insurrection in northern Angola, crushed by armed forces. Hijacking of Portuguese ocean liner by ally of Delgado, Captain Henrique Galvão. April: Salazar defeats attempted military coup and reshuffles cabinet with group of younger figures who seek to reform colonial rule and strengthen the regime's image abroad. 18 December: Indian army rapidly defeats Portugal's defense force in Goa, Damão, and Diu and incorporates Portugal's Indian possessions into Indian Union. January: Abortive military coup in Beja, Portugal.
      1965 February: General Delgado and his Brazilian secretary murdered and secretly buried near Spanish frontier by political police, PIDE.
      1968 August and September: Prime Minister Salazar, aged 79, suffers crippling stoke. President Tomás names former cabinet officer Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor. Caetano institutes modest reforms in Portugal and overseas.
      1971 Caetano government ratifies amended constitution that allows slight devolution and autonomy to overseas provinces in Africa and Asia. Right-wing loyalists oppose reforms in Portugal. 25 April: Military coup engineered by Armed Forces Movement overthrows Estado Novo and establishes provisional government emphasizing democratization, development, and decolonization. Limited resistance by loyalists. President Tomás and Premier Caetano flown to exile first in Madeira and then in Brazil. General Spínola appointed president. September: Revolution moves to left, as President Spínola, thwarted in his program, resigns.
       March: Military coup by conservative forces fails, and leftist response includes nationalization of major portion of economy. Polarization between forces and parties of left and right. 25 November: Military coup by moderate military elements thwarts leftist forces. Constituent Assembly prepares constitution. Revolution moves from left to center and then right.
       March: Constitution ratified by Assembly of the Republic. 25 April: Second general legislative election gives largest share of seats to Socialist Party (PS). Former oppositionist lawyer, Mário Soares, elected deputy and named prime minister.
      1977-85 Political pendulum of democratic Portugal moves from center-left to center-right, as Social Democratic Party (PSD) increases hold on assembly and take office under Prime Minister Cavaco Silva. July
      1985 elections give edge to PSD who advocate strong free-enterprise measures and revision of leftist-generated 1976 Constitution, amended modestly in 1982.
      1986 January: Portugal joins European Economic Community (EEC).
      1987 July: General, legislative elections for assembly give more than 50 percent to PSD led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva. For first time, since 1974, Portugal has a working majority government.
      1989 June: Following revisions of 1976 Constitution, reprivatization of economy begins, under PS government.
       January: Presidential elections, Mário Soares reelected for second term. July: General, legislative elections for assembly result in new PSD victory and majority government.
       January-July: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the European Economic Community (EEC). December: Tariff barriers fall as fully integrated Common Market established in the EEC.
       November: Treaty of Maastricht comes into force. The EEC officially becomes the European Union (EU). Portugal is signatory with 11 other member-nations.
       October: General, legislative elections for assembly result in PS victory and naming of Prime Minister Guterres. PS replace PSD as leading political party. November: Excavations for Lisbon bank uncover ancient Phoenician, Roman, and Christian ruins.
       January: General, presidential elections; socialist Jorge Sampaio defeats PSD's Cavaco Silva and assumes presidency from Dr. Mário Soares. July: Community of Portuguese Languages Countries (CPLP) cofounded by Portugal and Brazil.
       May-September: Expo '98 held in Lisbon. Opening of Vasco da Gama Bridge across Tagus River, Europe's longest (17 kilometers/ 11 miles). June: National referendum on abortion law change defeated after low voter turnout. November: National referendum on regionaliza-tion and devolution of power defeated after another low voter turnout.
       October: General, legislative elections: PS victory over PSD lacks clear majority in parliament. Following East Timor referendum, which votes for independence and withdrawal of Indonesia, outburst of popular outrage in streets, media, and communications of Portugal approves armed intervention and administration of United Nations (and withdrawal of Indonesia) in East Timor. Portugal and Indonesia restore diplomatic relations. December: A Special Territory since 1975, Colony of Macau transferred to sovereignty of People's Republic of China.
       January-June: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the EU; end of Discoveries Historical Commemoration Cycle (1988-2000).
       United Nations forces continue to occupy and administer former colony of East Timor, with Portugal's approval.
       January: General, presidential elections; PS president Sampaio reelected for second term. City of Oporto, "European City of Culture" for the year, hosts arts festival. December: Municipal elections: PSD defeats PS; socialist prime minister Guterres resigns; President Sampaio calls March parliamentary elections.
       1 January: Portugal enters single European Currency system. Euro currency adopted and ceases use of former national currency, the escudo. March: Parliamentary elections; PSD defeats PS and José Durão Barroso becomes prime minister. Military modernization law passed. Portugal holds chairmanship of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
       May: Municipal law passed permitting municipalities to reorganize in new ways.
       June: Prime Minister Durão Barroso, invited to succeed Romano Prodi as president of EU Commission, resigns. Pedro Santana Lopes becomes prime minister. European Parliament elections held. Conscription for national service in army and navy ended. Mass grave uncovered at Academy of Sciences Museum, Lisbon, revealing remains of several thousand victims of Lisbon earthquake, 1755.
       February: Parliamentary elections; PS defeats PSD, socialists win first absolute majority in parliament since 1975. José Sócrates becomes prime minister.
       January: Presidential elections; PSD candidate Aníbal Cavaco Silva elected and assumes presidency from Jorge Sampaio. Portugal's national soccer team ranked 7th out of 205 countries by international soccer association. European Union's Bologna Process in educational reform initiated in Portugal.
       July-December: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the European Union. For reasons of economy, Portugal announces closure of many consulates, especially in France and the eastern US. Government begins official inspections of private institutions of higher education, following scandals.
      2008 January: Prime Minister Sócrates announces location of new Lisbon area airport as Alcochete, on south bank of Tagus River, site of air force shooting range. February: Portuguese Army begins to receive new modern battle tanks (Leopard 2 A6). March: Mass protest of 85,000 public school (primary and secondary levels) teachers in Lisbon schools dispute recent educational policies of minister of education and prime minister.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Chronology

  • 19 cut

    ̈ɪkʌt I
    1. гл.
    1) резать, разрезать He cut his chin while shaving. ≈ Он порезался, когда брился. Cut the cake. ≈ Разрежь пирог. Syn: lacerate, incise, gash, slash, hack, nick, lance, slit;
    2) а) срезать, отрезать;
    стричь It's time to cut the lawn again. ≈ Пора снова стричь газон. б) косить, жать ∙ Syn: trim, clip, shear;
    mow, prune, pare, crop, snip, shave
    3) рубить, валить (лес) Syn: hew
    4) прорубать, прокладывать дорогу
    5) высекать, гравировать( из камня) ;
    резать, вырезать( по дереву) ;
    тесать, стесывать;
    шлифовать, гранить( драгоценные камни) Syn: carve
    6) кроить (платье и т. п.)
    7) бурить;
    8) резаться, прорезываться( о зубах)
    9) кастрировать (животное)
    10) а) укорачивать, сокращать( статью, книгу и т. п.) Cut the report to four pages. ≈ Сократите доклад до четырех страниц. б) снижать (цены, налоги и т. п.), срезать, урезать (доходы и т. п.) ∙ Syn: condense, abridge, contract, abbreviate, diminish, curtail, decrease
    11) пересекать(ся) ;
    менять направление The road cuts through the forest. ≈ Дорога идет через лес. Syn: cross, intersect, bisect, go through, go across, change direction
    12) разг. переставать, прекращать
    13) разг. прерывать знакомство с кем-л.;
    игнорировать, делать вид, что не замечаешь кого-л. We spoke to her, but she cut us. ≈ Мы заговорили с ней, но она сделала вид, что не заметила нас. Syn: snub, ignore, refuse to recognize, refuse to greet, turn one's back on, give one the cold shoulder
    14) пропускать, не присутствовать;
    прогулять( лекцию, занятия)
    15) разг. убегать, удирать
    16) карт. снимать колодуcut at cut across cut away cut back cut down cut in cut into cut loose cut off cut out cut over cut short cut through cut under cut up cut the coat according to the cloth ≈ по одежке протягивай ножки to cut and come againесть с аппетитом to be cut out for smth. ≈ быть словно созданным для чего-л. cut it out! разг. ≈ перестаньте!, бросьте! to cut and runубегать, удирать to cut both ways ≈ быть обоюдоострым to cut a jokeотпустить, отколоть шутку to cut up wellоставить после своей смерти большое состояние to cut up roughнегодовать, возмущаться to cut to the heart, cut to the quickзадеть за живое, глубоко уязвить, глубоко задеть( чьи-л. чувства) to cut to piecesразбить наголову;
    раскритиковать cut a feather
    2. сущ.
    1) а) разрезание, отрезание;
    подстригание б) разрез, порез;
    рана Put a bandage on that cut. ≈ Наложи повязку на рану. Syn: gash, incision, slash, slit
    2) канал;
    траншея, выемка The bulldozer made a cut for the railroad tracks. ≈ Бульдозер прорыл траншею для железнодорожной колеи. Syn: hollow, furrow, indentation, trench, excavation, channel, passage, course
    3) отрезок, кусок, часть;
    вырезка (тж. из книги, статьи) This is a good lean cut of beef. ≈ Это очень хороший нежирный кусок говядины. The actor's agent gets a 10 percent cut. ≈ Агент актера получил долю в 10 процентов. Syn: piece, portion, share, slice, section, segment, part
    4) гравюра на дереве (доска или оттиск)
    5) покрой
    6) кино монтажный кадр
    7) уменьшение, сокращение, снижение( цен, количества и т. п.) Some auto makers have announced a price cut. ≈ Некоторые производители автомобилей объявили о снижении цен на свою продукцию. Syn: reduction, decrease, abatement, decline, fall, diminution, contraction, shortening, shrinkage, curtailment, lessening
    8) прерывание, прекращение (знакомства)
    9) кратчайший путь (тж. a short cut)
    10) карт. снятие( колоды)
    11) профиль, сечение;
    пролет( моста) ∙ the cut of one's rig/jib разг. ≈ внешний вид человека II прил.
    1) отрезанный, подрезанный, срезанный
    2) порезанный
    3) скроенный
    4) сниженный, уменьшенный
    5) кастрированныйcut and dried cut and dry порез, разрез - a * on the finger порез пальца - *s on the face after shaving порезы на лице после бритья резаная рана резание глубина резания( специальное) разрез;
    выемка (специальное) канал;
    кювет( специальное) насечка( напильника) сильный удар( мечом, кнутом и т. п.) - to make a * at smb. with a sword нанести кому-л. удар мечом - the boy got six *s with a cane мальчику нанесли шесть ударов тростью - his face had been disfigured by a sabre * удар саблей изуродовал его лицо - to give a horse a * across the flank хлеснуть лошадь по боку - delayed * задержанный удар - flat * удар плашмя - inside arm * удар по руке с внутренней стороны отрезанный кусок;
    срез - a * from the joint (кулинарное) вырезка, филей;
    - breast * (кулинарное) грудинка настриг( шерсти) ;
    отрез (материи) отрезок очертание, абрис, контур профиль покрой (платья) стрижка, фасон стрижки (волос) сокращение, снижение;
    уменьшение - a * in prices снижение цен сокращение, вырезка части текста;
    купюра - to make *s in a play делать купюры в пьесе путь напрямик, кратчайший путь - to take a short * пойти кратчайшим путем оскорбление, выпад;
    удар - that was a * at me это был выпад против меня( разговорное) прекоащение знакомства - to give smb. the * direct не замечать кого-л.;
    порвать с кем-л. (разговорное) пропуск - attendance was compulsory, and no *s were allowed посещение было обязательным, и никакие пропуски не разрешались (разговорное) доля - his agent's * is 20 per cent агент взимает с него 20% (разговорное) отдельный номер на долгоиграющей пластинке (песня, музыкальное произведение) (профессионализм) грамзапись;
    сеанс грамзаписи гравюра на дереве (доска или оттиск) (карточное) снятие (колоды) (кинематографический) монтажный кадр пролет моста стружка( станочная) (химическое) погон, фракция захват (с.-х. орудия) (железнодорожное) отцеп (вагона) (горное) выруб (электротехника) отключение нагрузки( австралийское) (новозеландское) отдельная часть стада (коров, овец) (австралийское) (новозеландское) (разговорное) телесное наказание( особ. в школе) (спортивное) удар мяча на правую сторону поля (крикет) ;
    срезка мяча (теннис) > a * above намного лучше;
    на целую ступень выше;
    > to be a * above one's neighbour быть на целую голову выше соседа;
    > a * and thrust пикировка, оживленный спор;
    > the * of smb.'s jib внешний вид кого-л. разрезанный;
    порезанный - * finger порезанный палец - * flowers срезанные цветы - * nails подрезанные ногти - * velvet( текстильное) бархат с разрезным ворсом скроенный шлифованный;
    граненый - * sugar пиленый сахар сниженный, уменьшенный - * prices сниженные цены - * goods уцененные товары кастрированный (разговорное) подвыпивший (сленг) разведенный, разбавленный;
    с примесями, нечистый > * and dried заранее подготовленный;
    шаблонный, трафаретный резать, разрезать - to * smth. in two разрезать что-л. на две части - to * smth. in half разрезать что-л. пополам - to * smth. to pieces разрезать что-л. на куски - to * glass with a diamond резать стекло алмазом - this knife won't * этот нож не режет - to * around the defence( военное) сделать прорыв с обходом противника нанести резаную рану - I * my finger я порезал палец - I * myself я порезался - to * open рассекать - to * smb.'s head open раскроить кому-л. череп - the icy wind * me to the bone ледяной ветер пронизывал меня до мозга костей резаться - the butter was frozen hard and did not * easily масло сильно замерзло, и его трудно было резать - cheese *s easily сыр режется легко срезать, отрезать - to * flowers срезать цветы - I'll * away the dead leaves я обрежу завявшие листья - to * a piece of cake отрезать кусочек пирога нарезать - to * bread нарезать хлеб - to * meat резать мясо стричь, подстригать - to * a hedge подстригать (живую) изгородь - to * one's nails стричь ногти - to * one's hair подстригать волосы, стричься сокращать, снижать;
    уменьшать - to * prices снижать цены - he * his sleep down to five hours он стал спать не более пяти часов сокращать путь, брать наперерез - we * across the field мы пошли напрямик через поле сокращать, урезывать;
    делать купюру - to * a manuscript сократить рукопись - the soliloquies in "Hamlet" are long, so they are often * in the theatre в "Гамлете" монологи очень длинные, поэтому в театре их часто сокращают вырезать - to * one's initials on a tree вырезать свои инициалы на дереве кроить - to * a pattern сделать выкройку - to * a coat выкроить пальто - his coat is well * у него пальто хорошего покроя ударить;
    причинить острую боль - he * the man across the face он ударил человеку по лицу - to * a horse with a whip стегать лошадь кнутом - how this rope *s! как режет эта веревка! огорчать, обижать;
    ранить - what you say *s me terribly ваши слова меня ужасно огорчают - to * to the heart ранить в самое сердце;
    задеть за живое пересекать, перекрещивать - the path *s the meadow diagonally тропинка пересекает луг по диагонали - the lines * one another линии пересекаются - this *s across all my principles это противоречит всем моим принципам;
    это идет вразрез со всеми моими убеждениями перегрызать, прогрызать( разговорное) удирать, убегать - I must * я должен бежать - * away now, I am busy теперь беги, я занят - *! They are after you! беги! Они гоняться за тобой! резко изменить направление, побежать в другую сторону - * back вернуться - he * back home он побежал обратно домой( разговорное) переставать, прекращать - * the noise! перестаньте шуметь! - *! стоп!, довольно!, выключить камеру! (команда кинорежиссера при киносъемке) (американизм) лишать политической поддержки;
    голосовать против, вычеркнуть кандидатуру (разговорное) не замечать, не узнавать, игнорировать - I took off my hat to her but she * me dead я поклонился ей, но она сделала вид, что не замечает меня (карточное) снимать - to * for deal снимать колоду для того, чтобы определить, кто должен сдавать - to * for partners снимать колоду, чтобы определить партнеров делать антраша выделяться, выступать слишком резко - colours that * цвета, которые режут глаз( новозеландское) (разговорное) кончать, заканчивать, докончить( техническое) обрабатывать режущим инструментом, снимать стружку (полиграфия) обрезать книжный блок( техническое) сверлить, бурить (строительство) тесать, стесывать (электротехника) отключать, отсоединять (радиотехника) отстраиваться (радиотехника) переключать с одной программы на другую (горное) подрубать, делать вруб( ветеринарное) засекаться косить (траву) ;
    жать (хлеба) ;
    убирать (урожай) - to * the hay косить сено - to * the corners обкашивать углы поля давать количество - one acre of good grass will * three tons of hay с одного акра хорошего луга можно накосить три тонны сена давать настриг - this breed *s heavy fleece эта порода дает хороший настриг валить, рубить - to * clear вырубать дочиста, сводить лес прорубать, прокладывать - to * a tunnel through a mountain прорубить туннель в горе - to * one's way продвигаться, пробираться;
    прокладывать дорогу - the ships * their way slowly корабли медленно шли вперед - to * one's way through a crowd протискиваться через толпу рассекать, разрезать - ship *ting the waves корабль, рассекающий волны шлифовать, гранить (камни) высекать (из камня) - to * a figure in the stone высечь фигуру из камня - to * steps in a rock высечь ступени в скале - his features were finely * у него было точеное лицо резать;
    вырезать резаться, прорезываться - the baby is *ting its teeth у ребенка прорезываются зубы (разговорное) разбавлять( спортивное) срезать (специальное) кастрировать (сленг) победить записать или записываться на пластинку или пленку - to * a record зпаисывать на пластинку;
    записываться на пластинку > to * loose освобождать;
    разойтись, чувствовать себя свободно;
    > to * a boat loose отвязать лодку;
    > to * oneself loose from one's family порвать с семьей;
    > you just ought see him when he *s loose посмотрели бы вы на него, когда он разойдется;
    > to * smb. short оборвать кого-л.;
    > to * a speech short внезапно прервать выступление;
    > to * a long story short короче говоря;
    > to * a loss вовремя прекратить невыгодное дело;
    > to * the record побить рекорд;
    > to * faces гримасничать, делать гримасы;
    > to * a dash иметь заметную внешность, выделяться;
    бахвалиться, рисоваться;
    > to * a swath( американизм) рисоваться, важничать;
    > to * high shines( американизм) (сленг) совершить что-л. необыкновенное;
    > to * the string( американизм) свободно действовать, не стесняться в поступках;
    > to * the hair спорить о мелочах;
    вдаваться в ненужные подробности;
    > to * the mustard( американизм) подходить во всех отношениях;
    > to * a sign (американизм) увидеть что-л., наткнуться на что-л.;
    > to * both ways быть обоюдоострым;
    > that *s both ways это обоюдоострый инструмент;
    это палка о двух концах;
    > to * one's teeth on smth. на чем-л. собаку съесть;
    > to * one's wisdom-teeth стать благоразумным, приобрести жизненный опыт;
    > to * one's eye (американизм) посмотреть косо, бросить косой взгляд;
    > to * the bag open (американизм) проговориться, выдать сведения;
    > to * and thrust пикироваться;
    > to * and contrive жить по средствам, сводить концы с концами;
    > to * and come again есть много, с аппетитом;
    > to * it fine попасть в последнюю минуту;
    рассчитать, сделать абсолютно точно;
    оставить (себе) в обрез;
    > he never misses his train in the morning, but he always *s it fine он никогда не опаздывает по утрам на поезд, но всегда поспевает в последнюю минуту;
    > to * it too fat хватить через край;
    перегнуть палку( редкое) жребий - to draw *s тянуть жребий across-the-board ~ фиксированный момент движения цен на фондовой бирже, затрагивающего все акции to be ~ out (for smth.) быть словно созданным (для чего-л.) ~ up подрывать( силы, здоровье) ;
    причинять страдания;
    be cut up мучиться, страдать corner ~ угловой срез cut абрис ~ бурить;
    рыть ~ кино быстрая смена кадров ~ выпад ~ вырезать ~ вырезка (тж. из книги, статьи) ;
    a cut from the joint вырезка, филей ~ высекать (из камня) ;
    резать (по дереву) ;
    тесать, стесывать;
    шлифовать, гранить (драгоценные камни) ~ вычеркивать кандидатуру ~ голосовать против ~ гравюра на дереве (доска или оттиск) ~ канал;
    выемка ~ кастрированный ~ кастрировать (животное) ~ контур ~ косить, жать;
    убирать урожай ~ кратчайший путь (тж. a short cut) ~ кроить ~ лишать политической поддержки ~ кино монтаж;
    rough cut предварительный монтаж ~ насмешка ~ оскорбление ~ отключать ~ отключение нагрузки ~ отрезанный, подрезанный, срезанный ~ отрезать ~ отрезок ~ вчт. отсечение ~ отсоединять ~ очертание ~ пересекать(ся) (о линиях, дорогах) ~ разг. переставать, прекращать ~ покрой ~ порезанный ~ прекращение (знакомства) ;
    to give (smb.) the cut direct прекратить знакомство (с кем-л.) ~ прерывать знакомство (с кем-л.) ;
    не кланяться, делать вид, что не замечаешь ( кого-л.) ;
    to cut (smb.) dead совершенно игнорировать (кого-л.) ~ пропускать, не присутствовать;
    to cut a lecture пропустить лекцию ~ профиль, сечение;
    пролет (моста) ;
    the cut of one's rig (или jib) разг. внешний вид человека ~ профиль ~ разбавленный ~ разведенный ~ разрез, порез;
    зарубка, засечка ~ разрезанный ~ разрезать ~ резать;
    срезать, отрезать, разрезать;
    to cut oneself порезаться;
    cut loose отделять, освобождать;
    to cut oneself loose from one's family порвать с семьей ~ резать ~ резаться, прорезываться (о зубах) ~ рубить, валить (лес) ~ скроенный ~ снижать (цены, налоги) ~ снижать ~ снижение (цен, количества) ~ снижение ~ сниженный, уменьшенный ~ сниженный ~ карт. снимать колоду;
    to cut for partners выниманием карт определить партнеров;
    cut at наносить удар( мечом, кнутом;
    тж. перен.) ~ карт. снятие (колоды) ~ сокращать ~ сокращение ~ срезать ~ удар ~ разг. удирать ~ уменьшать ~ уменьшение ~ уменьшенный ~ урезывать;
    сокращать (статью, книгу, продукцию, расходы) ~ урезывать ~ уцененный to ~ a feather уст. вдаваться в излишние тонкости to ~ a feather уст. разг. щеголять, красоваться, выставлять напоказ to ~ a joke отпустить, отколоть шутку ~ пропускать, не присутствовать;
    to cut a lecture пропустить лекцию to ~ and come again есть с аппетитом;
    to cut and run убегать, удирать ~ and dried (или dry) заранее подготовленный;
    в законченном виде ~ and dried (или dry) трафаретный, тривиальный, банальный to ~ and come again есть с аппетитом;
    to cut and run убегать, удирать ~ карт. снимать колоду;
    to cut for partners выниманием карт определить партнеров;
    cut at наносить удар (мечом, кнутом;
    тж. перен.) ~ away срезать ~ away разг. убегать ~ back кино повторить данный ранее кадр (обычно в воспоминаниях и т. п.) to ~ both ways быть обоюдоострым ~ прерывать знакомство (с кем-л.) ;
    не кланяться, делать вид, что не замечаешь (кого-л.) ;
    to cut (smb.) dead совершенно игнорировать (кого-л.) ~ down выторговывать ~ down рубить (деревья) ~ down снижать ~ down сокращать (расходы, статью и т. п.) ~ down сокращать ~ down сокращать потребление ~ down (обыкн. pass.) сражать( о болезни, смерти) ~ карт. снимать колоду;
    to cut for partners выниманием карт определить партнеров;
    cut at наносить удар (мечом, кнутом;
    тж. перен.) ~ вырезка (тж. из книги, статьи) ;
    a cut from the joint вырезка, филей ~ here место разреза ~ in вклиниваться между машинами ~ in эл. включать ~ in включать ~ in вмешиваться ~ in вмешиваться ~ in предоставлять слово ~ in прерывать ~ in присоединять ~ in public investment сокращение государственных ассигнований ~ it out! разг. перестаньте!, бросьте! ~ резать;
    срезать, отрезать, разрезать;
    to cut oneself порезаться;
    cut loose отделять, освобождать;
    to cut oneself loose from one's family порвать с семьей ~ профиль, сечение;
    пролет (моста) ;
    the cut of one's rig (или jib) разг. внешний вид человека ~ off выключать (электричество, воду, газ и т. п.) ~ off выключать ~ off кончать ~ off лишать наследства ~ off обрезать, отсекать;
    operator, I have been cut off послушайте, станция, нас разъединили ~ off отрезать (отступление) ~ off отрезать ~ off отсекать ~ off перерезать ~ off прерывать ~ off приводить к концу ~ off приводить к ранней смерти ~ off разъединять ~ резать;
    срезать, отрезать, разрезать;
    to cut oneself порезаться;
    cut loose отделять, освобождать;
    to cut oneself loose from one's family порвать с семьей ~ резать;
    срезать, отрезать, разрезать;
    to cut oneself порезаться;
    cut loose отделять, освобождать;
    to cut oneself loose from one's family порвать с семьей ~ out эл. выключать ~ out выключаться ~ out вырабатывать ~ out вырезать;
    кроить ~ out вырезать ~ out вытеснять ~ out вытеснять ~ out карт. выходить из игры ~ out готовить ~ out отключать ~ out отключаться ~ out мор. отрезать судно от берега ~ out оттеснять ~ out переставать делать ~ out планировать ~ out прекращать ~ over вырубать лес to ~ short прерывать, обрывать ~ the coat according to the cloth = по одежке протягивай ножки to ~ to pieces разбить наголову;
    раскритиковать to ~ to the heart (или to the quick) задеть за живое, глубоко уязвить, глубоко задеть (чьи-л. чувства) ~ under продавать дешевле( конкурирующих фирм) ~ up подрывать (силы, здоровье) ;
    причинять страдания;
    be cut up мучиться, страдать ~ up разрубать, разрезать на куски ~ up раскритиковать to ~ up well оставить после своей смерти большое состояние;
    to cut up rough негодовать, возмущаться to ~ up well оставить после своей смерти большое состояние;
    to cut up rough негодовать, возмущаться economy ~ экономия expenditure ~ сокращение расходов ~ прекращение (знакомства) ;
    to give (smb.) the cut direct прекратить знакомство (с кем-л.) ~ off обрезать, отсекать;
    operator, I have been cut off послушайте, станция, нас разъединили ~ off обрезать, отсекать;
    operator, I have been cut off послушайте, станция, нас разъединили operator: operator биржевой маклер ~ биржевой маклер или делец;
    smooth( или slick) operator ловкий делец ~ владелец предприятия ~ амер. владелец предприятия или его управляющий;
    big operators амер. крупные чиновники;
    высокие должностные лица ~ механик ~ хир. оператор ~ вчт. оператор ~ оператор ~ оператор;
    operator's position рабочее место ~ производитель работ ~ промышленник ~ спекулянт ~ станочник ~ телефонист;
    связист ~ то, что оказывает действие ~ фабрикант overall ~ всеобщее сокращение price ~ снижение цены ~ кино монтаж;
    rough cut предварительный монтаж salary ~ уменьшение зарплаты short ~ сокращенный short: ~ cut кратчайшее расстояние;
    to take (или to make) a short cut избрать кратчайший путь ~ cut наименьшая затрата времени shortcut: shortcut = short cut wage ~ снижение заработной платы wage ~ снижение зарплаты

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cut

  • 20 совокупление

    1) General subject: coition, coupling, sexual intercourse
    2) Biology: copulation
    3) Law: congress
    4) Physiology: coitus
    6) Invective: jazz, lay, ride a pony
    7) Taboo: ( the) other, Bologna bop (см. sausage), Donald (см. Donald Duck), Dutch kiss, Irish dip, Irish whist (where the Jack takes the ace) (см. jack, ace), Moll Peatley's jig, Ugandan affairs (sing) (обычно совершаемое в "экзотическом" месте, напр. в общественном туалете), Zinzanbrook (произносится zin-zan-bruck), a little conversation, accommodation, act, act of acts, any (usu get any), ass (usu have/get some ass), axe-grinding, banana, bang (usu have a bang), bash, bawdy banquet, bean-spilling, bedtime story, bedventure, belly ride, belly-bamping, belt, biggie, bike ride to Brighton, bit (обычно "на стороне"), bit of brush (usu have a bit of brush), bit of fish (usu have a bit of fish), bit of flat (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of fun (usu have a bit of fun) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hair (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hard for a bit of soft, bit of how's yer father, bit of jam (usu have a bit of jam), bit of meat (usu have a bit of meat) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of nifty (usu have a bit of nifty) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of share (usu have a bit of share), bit of skirt (usu do/ have/look for a bit of skirt), bit of snibley (usu have a bit of snibley; особ. с точки зрения мужчины), bit of that there (usu have a bit of that there), blanket drill (usu have a blanket drill), blanket hornpipe (usu have a blanket hornpipe), bonk (usu have a bonk), boody, boom-boom, booting, boozle, buckwild (usu get buckwild), bunk-up, bunk-up (usu have a bunk-up), bush patrol, business, butt, buttock-jig, button working (см. button), candy (часто употребляется в блюзах), carnal knowledge, cauliflower (usu a bit of cauliflower), cha-cha, charver, chauvering, chingazo, chuff, chunk, congress (usu be in congress), cooze, cosy, counter, crack (usu have/get a crack), crumpet (usu get/have a piece of crumpet), cunt, cut a side, cut off the joint (с точки зрения мужчины), cuzzy, daily mail, dash in the bloomers (обычно быстрое и внебрачное), dash up the channel (usu have/take a dash up the channel), depth charge, doctors and nurses (usu play doctors and nurses), dunking, ejectment in love lane, essence of bend-over, extras, feather-bed jig, ficky-fick, fig-fig, first game ever played, fish supper, flagrant delight (игра слов на лат. in flagrante delicto в момент совершения преступления), flame, flatback (в традиционной позиции "мужчина сверху"), flesh session, flip, flop, frame, freak, frig, frock, fuck, fuckeding, fucking, fucky, fun and games, futz, futzing, go, greens, grind (usu do a grind), ground rations (pl), grummet, hanky-panky (особ. при измене любовнице или жене), he-ing and she-ing, home run (см. first base, third base; игра слов на бейсбольном термине), horizontal exercise, horizontal jogging, horizontal refreshment, hose, hot beef injection, hot meat injection, hot roll with cream, hot session, houghmagandy, how's your father, hump, humpery, humpty, hunk, hunk of ass, in and out, interflora (намек на flower power, движение хиппи, девизом которого была фраза make love not war), interior decorating (обычно днем), invitation to the waltz (см. waltz), jackass (usu have/get some ass), jelly, jerk, jig, jiggery pokery, jing-jang (от кит. инь-ян), jive (usu have a jive), jobbing, joy ride, knockie, kwela, lame duck, lay (usu have a lay), leap (usu do a leap), leap in the dark, legover (usu get one's leg over q.v.), lewd infusion, limit, lipwork, little bit, little bit of keg, meat injection, mount (usu do a mount), mugging up, nail (usu have a nail), nasty, national indoor game, naughty, navel engagement (игра слов на naval engagement морское сражение), necessary (usu do the necessary), nibble (usu have a nibble), nifty, night games, nobbing, noogie, nookey, nudge, nudge, nurtle, nut, nutt (особ. приятное), oats, oil change, old one-two, one, one with t'other, pank (см. hanky-panky; особ. вне брака), parallel parking, party, patha-patha, peter, piece, piece of ass, piece of skirt, piece of tail, pile, pile-driving, play the back nine, pleasure, pom-pom, poon (особ. с темнокожей женщиной), pork prescription, porking, portion, prod, pudding, pump, punani, punch (usu have a punch), push (usu have a push), pussy, put-and-take, quim-sticking, quim-wedging, quimming, rabbit-habit, ram, ram job, religious oservances, ride (см. bare-back riding; usu have/take a ride), rip-off, rocking chair, rogering, roll (usu have a roll; обыч. с точки зрения мужчины), roll-in-the-hay, root, route, rub-belly, rudeness, rudies (sing), rule of three, rump-work, rumpo, sausage and donut situation (гетеросексуальное), scene, score, screw, screwing, seeing-to (usu give someone a good seeing-to), service, sex, sex-job, sexperience, shafting (usu give somebody a good shafting), shag, shake, short time, short-arm practice, shot, shot downstairs, shove, shudder, skirt, slam, slap and tickle, slithery, smack, snack-up, snag, snake in the grass, snibbet, some, splosh (usu a bit of splosh), squeeze-'em-close, squelching, strap, strap-on, stroke (usu have/take a stroke), stuff, stuffing (usu give somebody a good stuffing; с точки зрения мужчины), stunt, swing, tail, tail-wagging, ten, that thing, tick-tack, tiffin, tip, tough stuff, trade, trick, trim, trip up the Rhine, trouser action, tumble-in, tummy-tickling, turbot for tea, turn, ugly, under, under cover, valentino, wax, wham (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wham-bam (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wild thing, work (usu get (some) work), works (pl), yig-yag, you-know-what, zig-zag

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > совокупление

См. также в других словарях:

  • Change you can Xerox — was a phrase spoken by American Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton to Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic debate.It mocked Obama s campaign slogan, Change we can believe in , [… …   Wikipedia

  • Change of Command — For the M*A*S*H episode, see Change of Command (M*A*S*H episode). Change of Command   …   Wikipedia

  • Change ringing — Triples redirects here. For other uses, see Triple (disambiguation). Bell ringing practice in Stoke Gabriel parish church, Devon, England Change ringing is the art of ringing a set of tuned bells in a series of mathematical patterns called… …   Wikipedia

  • Over Soul — In either anime or manga media variation of Shaman King , nihongo|Over Soul|オーバーソウル is the general term referring to a type of shamanic magic a shaman uses to materialize a ghost onto the physical plane. Any type of O.S. often rely on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Rainbow — This article is about the song from The Wizard of Oz. For other uses, see Over the Rainbow (disambiguation). Over The Rainbow Judy Garland Music by Harold Arlen Lyrics by E.Y. Harburg Pu …   Wikipedia

  • climate change — Introduction  periodic modification of Earth s climate brought about as a result of changes in the atmosphere as well as interactions between the atmosphere and various other geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the Earth …   Universalium

  • Climate Change Science Program — The Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) was the program responsible for coordinating and integrating research on global warming by U.S. government agencies from February 2002 to June 2009.[1] Toward the end of that period, CCSP issued 21… …   Wikipedia

  • Climate change in Texas — Over the next century, climate in Texas could experience additional changes[1]. For example, based on projections made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and results from the United Kingdom Hadley Centre’s climate model (HadCM2), a… …   Wikipedia

  • Climate change — For current and future climatological effects of human influences, see global warming. For the study of past climate change, see paleoclimatology. For temperatures on the longest time scales, see geologic temperature record …   Wikipedia

  • Climate change mitigation — Fossil fuel related CO2 emissions compared to five of IPCC s emissions scenarios. The dips are related to global recessions. Data from IPCC SRES scenarios; …   Wikipedia

  • Climate change policy of the United States — The politics of global warming is played out at a state and federal level in the United States. Part of the Politics series Politics …   Wikipedia

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